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In recent decades, China undertook a series of agricultural land tenure reforms to increase the security of land use rights for rural households. While these reforms boosted agricultural production, they also increased landlessness among women due to patrilocal and patrilineal customs. Utilising data from China’s Women Social Status Survey conducted in 2010, this paper examines the impact of women’s land rights on the incidence of domestic violence in rural China. The results show that women who have lost claims to contract land or have no residential land face significantly higher risks of being physically or psychologically abused by their husbands.  相似文献   
The contradiction between trans-boundary issues largely driven by globalisation and conventional authority based on sovereign state leads to the problem of global governance. Regionalisation emerges as a process in which nation states within geographic proximity take collective measures to cope with problems of global governance. With the increasing tendencies of regional cooperation, a new issue thus arises as to the interaction among regions. In fact, the more regionalized the world, the more necessary, enabled and willing for regions to construct connections with each other. Inter-regionalism and trans-regionalism therefore become a further step which regional blocks take to build one layer in the hierarchy of global governance. The paper takes the Asia–Europe Meeting as the case to analyze the above thesis. In the first section, it presents the observation that the global system is characterized with regionalisation, then analyzes the coordination problems facing regions interdependent upon one another and then formulates a modified framework for analysis of the Asia–Europe Meeting. In the second section of rational design, it analyzes the process in which Europe and Asia rationally establish the cooperation structure of ASEM as a means to tackle the coordination issues between the two regions. In the third section of governing globalisation, it discusses the effects and implications of ASEM’s contribution towards global governance mainly in ways of rationalizing international relations and strengthening regional identity in the era of globalisation.
Weiqing SongEmail:
道路交通事故损害赔偿中,机动车之间,机动车与非机动车驾驶人、行人之间发生道路交通事故这两类事故,在司法实践中面临损害赔偿难的困惑。主要原因是责任人赔偿能力有限、双方难达成共识、道路交通肇事逃逸增多。增强保险意识,实现道路事故车辆风险转移,提高赔付能力,完善道路交通事故损害赔偿立法工作和执行制度,启动诉前财产保全制度和社会救助基金制度,加大司法救助力度是解决这一难题的有效途径。  相似文献   
<幽谷睡客>是兰波十六岁的诗作.当时,以阿尔登作为主战场的普法战争刚刚结束.诗人一次离家出走,无意间在阿尔登森林发现了一具士兵的尸体.诗人由此获得灵感,创作了这首十四行诗.法语原文及笔者译文如下:  相似文献   
隐私权视角下的涉罪未成年人刑事司法保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在涉罪未成年人隐私权的保护方面,我国以少年保护优先为经,保障少年健全成长为纬的新少年法的精神并未如预期落实,特别是在司法实务中,与其更是有相当大的差距。因此,为符合“少年最佳利益”的精义,必须不断借鉴和总结国内外实践经验,在正当法律程序以及现代宪政理论基础上,祛除我国相关涉及涉罪未成年人隐私权保障法律中存在的种种弊症,从而奠立我国青少年隐私权保护的现实道路。  相似文献   
美国军事情报机构的“旋转门”现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪80年代以来,美国大力推行军事和情报机构私有化改革,在持续缩减军队规模的同时,把大量原来隶属于军队的职能转化为商业合同,外包给私人军事和情报公司。“9·11”事件发生后,这种私有化改革更是发展到史无前例的地步,而且不再局限于军事部门,就连被视为私人禁区的情报部门也实行了大规模的私有化。  相似文献   
社会主义新农村建设的最终目标不仅要求实现农村经济的快速、健康发展,更是要求实现乡村主体——农民的现代转型。在乡村主体的现代转型过程中,文化的作用至关重要。当下乡村文化存在制度、功能、内容危机等问题,而文化认同危机是其根本问题。乡村文化危机表明了乡村文化现代重建的必要性与紧迫性,也为乡村文化的现代重建指明了努力的方向。苏南乡村文化建设也可以将此分析作为制定建设规划的理论参考。  相似文献   
过去10年间,东亚经历灾难性的亚洲金融危机和之后的蓬勃发展的区域经济一体化加深两个完全不同的阶段,对东亚地区的经济发展以及世界经济格局都产生了迥异而深远的影响。亚洲金融危机导致东南亚国家和除中国外的东亚国家货币大幅贬值,股票价格和资产价格下跌,许多国家多年的经济繁荣毁于一旦,不仅破坏了东亚乃至全球的金融体系,而且对世界经济增长以及贸易流量产生了严重的消极影响。  相似文献   
本文在借鉴波特价值链分析方法的基础上,从两个纬度归纳了创新型企业的专利价值活动,分析了企业专利价值链的主要活动和辅助活动的种类,并提出了以实现企业核心竞争力为目的的企业专利价值链模型。  相似文献   
气候变化问题之批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化问题的严峻性和迫切性与认知的多样性矛盾需要正视和解决.人类既要通过温室气体减排以避免气候变化的加剧,也要重视自然力碳循环和水循环对气候变化的影响,并通过增汇和水利来培育自然力对温室效应的修复."泛温室气体成因"的趋势对气候变化问题认知和对策路径提出了挑战.气候变化利益格局取决于直接经济损益、国际经济格局和治理多向性受益格局.解决现有矛盾的方法是以<联合国气候变化框架公约>为主导,在现有的减排增汇机制中加入水循环改善因素,进一步明确各国在气候变化全球治理中的分工.减排的主要对象依然是发达国家,对于中国等碳汇潜力巨大、水循环影响力巨大的国家,则要通过生态保护建设增加碳汇,并加强水利建设发挥水循环修复气候变化的功能.碳汇交易是连接减排与增汇的桥梁,只能加强,不能削弱.  相似文献   
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