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The international donor community has, in the last few years, discouraged the use of specialised anticorruption bodies as the spearhead of the attack on corruption, for reasons that have never been sufficiently explained or critically examined.

The academic objections to replicating the Hong Kong solution in other countries are first, that the context in which corruption occurs in Hong Kong is unique and for that reason the solution cannot be exported; second, that the remedy is too strong, too dangerous to be applied elsewhere. The risk of an anticorruption body like the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) becoming an instrument of political oppression is simply too great to warrant its use; third, establishing and maintaining an anticorruption body at the strength required to deal with corruption is said to be inordinately costly. The fourth objection is a frontal assault on the very concept of an anticorruption body as a means of tackling corruption. The answer, according to this view, lies in governance and policy reform.

These objections have been adopted by the international donor institutions, apparently for reasons that have little to do with any in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of successful anticorruption bodies.

Over the past decade numerous alternative methods of tackling corruption have been proposed and attempted. The results have been disappointing.

By contrast, Hong Kong remains firmly on top of its corruption problem, the ICAC continues to enjoy a public support of 98–99% and this special administrative region of China continues to improve its standing in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), one of the few places in the world to do so. In Botswana where the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC) was modelled on the ICAC with modifications, the country is rated the least corrupt in Africa by a considerable margin and is in the top 25% of countries worldwide. Madagascar which modelled its Bureau Indépendant Anti-Corruption (BIANCO) even more closely on the HK ICAC has made good progress in the short time it has been operational.

Is it not time to reconsider the rejection by the donor community of the “Hong Kong model?” Should we not be examining more profoundly than previously how Hong Kong managed to get and stay on top of corruption? Should the donor community not be helping those countries that have decided they want a separate anticorruption body get the design and the operational policies and practices right?  相似文献   

Using the biographies of nearly 10,000 children born in New France during the seventeenth century, this study looks at the phenomenon of single parenthood from the children's point of view. Since separation and divorce were uncommon during this period, marital disruptions only occurred through the death of one of the partners. In New France, half of all children witnessed the disruption of their parents' marriage before having reached emancipation. The article examines the impact on family characteristics (family size and number of emancipated children), as well as the contribution of age-ranking within the family to the likelihood that the children would live in a reconstituted family.  相似文献   
The history of family names is directly linked to the history of populations. In the French-Canadian case, this history has two main features: a small number of founding members of a population, and a rapid increase due to a high reproduction rate, without any significant new influx of immigrants. Other factors intervened in the success of certain names: differential reproduction rates between regions, how early the name was established; and the use of surnames, which in some cases replaced the original name. With respect to names, France and New France were very different. Research in France on the names of a sample of pioneers going to the New World shows little expansion of several names, particularly in the immigrants' region of origin.  相似文献   
Over the three millennia of ancient Near Eastern pre-classical history, the second millennium BC represents a kind of 'golden age' as regards international relations. Particularly at the time of the so-called 'amorrite kingdoms' (eighteenth to seventeenth centuries), then during the El Amarna period (fifteenth to fourteenth centuries), a real, rational, methodical and complete diplomatic system developed throughout the Near East, with a whole series of shared institutions, procedures and rituals. This system was rigorously drawn up at the end of the third millennium, then ritualized and improved during more than 1,000 years. Recently, the rich documentation from the cuneiform tablets of Mari (Syria, seventeenth century) has deepened our knowledge on this question. Finally, during the first millennium, this international system disappeared with the advent of empires with a 'universal' claim and then with the hellenization of the East and the vanishing of the 'cuneiform culture'.  相似文献   
In common law legal systems, there is no legal duty to rescue persons in danger. By contrast in code-based legal systems, the principle of duty to rescue does apply. What is behind this difference? To answer this question, we develop a new model extending the reach and strength of the standard civic duty game by taking into account the cost of wrongful intervention. We use this model to analyze and compare three policy options: doing nothing, adopting a duty-to-rescue rule, and encouraging would-be rescuers. We show that a duty-to-rescue rule is more likely to be welfare enhancing when the cost of inappropriately intervening is low, and that, in certain cases, encouraging would-be rescuers is preferred by a representative citizen to both a duty-to-rescue rule and no-rule. Finally, we offer an explanation for the choices made in the USA and France as to whether to use rescue laws.  相似文献   
This article argues that the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process of multidimensional dialogue plays a prominent role in addressing issues of transnational security in both regions mainly in the field of soft and non-traditional security affairs. Furthermore, this significance and effectiveness of ASEM as a tool for mutually enhancing security could be further enhanced through such measures as greater co-operation between the UN and regional organizations, greater complementary efforts from Civil Society, pro-active engagement of ASEM in a changing security environment, greater convergence with other regional security groupings, opening of avenues for track 2 contributions, and heightened consistency in the commitment of the European Union to the process. Despite questions and challenges that ASEM may face, ASEM is now a clear reference in Europe and in Asia – and in Southeast Asia in particular-for security issues.This text reflects the personal views of the author.  相似文献   
Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or GHB, is a substance naturally present within mammal species. Properties of neurotransmitter or neuromodulator are generally given to this substance. GHB is therapeutically used as an anesthetic, but can be used for criminal offenses (date-rape drug). It appears that the window of detection of GHB is very short in both blood and urine, and therefore its presence is very difficult to prove after a rape case. In order to document single exposure, we investigated the use of hair. Hair was collected one month after the allegated event in order to sample the corresponding period after regular growing. After rapid (2 min) decontamination with dichloromethane, the hair shaft was cut into 3-mm segments. They were overnight incubated in 0.01 N NaOH in the presence of GHB-d6, followed by neutralization and extraction in ethyl acetate under acidic conditions. GHB (precursor ion m/z 233, product ions m/z 147 and 148) was tested by GC/MS/MS (Finnigan TSQ 700) after derivatization with BSTFA + 1% TMCS. Physiological concentrations (n = 24) were in the range 0.5 to 12.0 ng/mg, with no influence due to hair color. No variation of concentrations was observed along the hair shaft in controlled subjects, except for the proximal segment, due to an incorporation through sweat. This demonstrates that endogenous levels for each single subject are constant during hair growth. A controlled human administration of 25 mg/kg to a volunteer demonstrated that a single exposure to GHB is detectable in hair after segmentation. In a case of rape under influence, a clear increase of the corresponding segment (about 2.4 ng/mg) in time was observed, in comparison with the other segments (0.6 to 0.8 ng/mg). This study demonstrates that a single exposure to GHB in a case of sexual assault can be documented by hair analysis when collected about one month after the crime.  相似文献   

The article argues that “first movers” and the bandwagoning effect they trigger can undermine the dynamics that perpetuate civil war and enable a multiparty cease-fire agreement. It looks at the unprecedented “nationwide” cease-fire in Myanmar reached between the government and several ethnic armed organizations in 2015. It shows that democratization and unilateral concessions by the Myanmar government were instrumental in overcoming the commitment problem and provided the necessary incentives for “first movers” to set the stage for a broad cease-fire agreement.  相似文献   
In 2010 the author, in an article for this journal, questioned the methods put forward by the international donor community to overcome corruption in the transitional and developing countries of the world. Five years on, the progress against this scourge has been minimal. In this article the author explores some of the reasons why. Apart from the obvious reason, namely the failure of political will in the countries themselves, he outlines some of the policy and practical errors that continue to hinder the progress that could be made.

Most of these errors are laid at the door of the international donor community, which perpetuates the remedies it advocates in spite of the evidence of failure. They range from a national anticorruption strategy that addresses corruption only in the public sector, to a policy of pursuing “grand corruption” but not “petty corruption” to insisting on an asset declaration system aimed at catching the corrupt and deterring others instead of aiming the system at identifying conflict of interest.

These egregious errors, among others described in this article, are the direct cause of lack of progress against a problem internationally recognized as destructive of everything the affected countries are striving to build. In the author's view the errors can and should be corrected. The remedies are relatively simple.  相似文献   

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