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To the best of our knowledge, the present register is the only nationwide forensic psychiatric patient register in the world. The aim of this article is to describe the content of the Swedish National Forensic Psychiatric Register (SNFPR) for Swedish forensic patients for the year 2010. The subjects are individuals who, in connection with prosecution due to criminal acts, have been sentenced to compulsory forensic psychiatric treatment in Sweden. The results show that in 2010, 1476 Swedish forensic patients were assessed in the SNFPR; 1251 (85%) were males and 225 (15%) were females. Almost 60% of the patients had a diagnosis of schizophrenia, with a significantly higher frequency among males than females. As many as 70% of the patients had a previous history of outpatient psychiatric treatment before becoming a forensic psychiatric patient, with a mean age at first contact with psychiatric care of about 20 years old for both sexes. More than 63% of the patients had a history of addiction, with a higher proportion of males than females. Furthermore, as many as 38% of all patients committed crimes while under the influence of alcohol and/or illicit drugs. This was more often the case for men than for women. Both male and female patients were primarily sentenced for crimes related to life and death (e.g., murder, assault). However, there were more females than males in treatment for general dangerous crimes (e.g., arson), whereas men were more often prosecuted for crimes related to sex. In 2010, as many as 70% of all forensic patients in Sweden had a prior sentence for a criminal act, and males were prosecuted significantly more often than females. The most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals for both genders were antipsychotics, although more women than men were prescribed other pharmaceuticals, such as antidepressants, antiepileptics, and anxiolytics. The result from the present study might give clinicians an opportunity to reflect upon and challenge their traditional treatment methods.  相似文献   
In the nineteenth century, British and American parties competed by hiring electoral agents to bribe and treat voters. British parties abruptly abandoned this practice in the 1880s. The conventional explanation is that legislation put an end to agent‐mediated distribution. But this explanation leaves many questions unanswered. Why did the parties use agents for decades, even though they imposed great expense on candidates and were viewed as untrustworthy? And why, after decades of half‐hearted reforms, did the House of Commons pass effective antibribery reforms only in 1883? In our formal model, parties hire agents to solve information problems, but agent‐mediated distribution can be collectively suboptimal. Legislation can serve as a credibility device for shifting to less costly strategies.  相似文献   
Abstract. The tremendous upsurge in public-sector collective bargaining in the last decade has prompted a search for new types of dispute settlement, particularly in so-called essential services. The right to strike for public employees has not been accepted in many jurisdictions, particularly in the United States. Compulsory arbitration is rejected widely by both union and management representatives hecausc it fails to take into account the dynamics of the negotiating process, stultifying rather than encouraging bargaining. Final offer Selection is presented as a possible alternative to strikes and arbitration. The process has been utilized effectively in the United States, particularly in Michigan and Wisconsin. It has not received popular acceptance thus far in Canada, although the committee established to propose new labour legislation in hlanitoba has recommended it. The University of Alberta has used it for determination of faculty disputes and the Ontario Hydro Engineers have also used it. The Finkelinan Report on suggested changes in the federal public service legislatioii refers to it as a possible dispute-settling device. There are many variations of final offer arbitration but, in general, it requires that after negotiations have reached an impasse, an arbitrator, upon hearing the final positions of the parties, would select the ‘most reasonable’ offer. The arbitrator would not be free to compromise hut would be required to accept one pusition or the other in toto. The attractiveness of the process stems from the impetus given to reach agreement on as many issues as possible so that the gamble of convincing the arbitrator is lessened and he has fewer items to consider when making his choice. Thus, the theory stresses the importance of the parties being ‘reasonable’ in their demands. Critics of the system believe that it turns the adjudication process into a poker game and have referred to it as ‘industrial relations roulette.’ With all its disadvantages, to an organization like Michigan Firefighters Union, which cannot countenance a strike, or to the public, which must endure the inconvenience and expenses of strikes in the public service, final position arbitration has much to be said in its favour. Sommaire. L'énorme multiplication des négociations collectives dans le secteur public au cours de la dernière déennie a suscité des recherches pour trouver de nouveaux moyens de resoudre les différends, surtout en ce qui concerned les services dits ‘essentiels.’ De nombreuses juridictions, en particulier aux Etats- Unis, ont refusé le droit de grève aux employés du secteur public. L'arbitrage obligatoire est trés souvent rejeté par les syndicats comme par les employeurs, parce qu'il ne tient pas compte de la dynamique du processus de négociation et tend à restreindre les échanges plutôt qu'à les encourager. Le choix entre des offres définitives est considéré comme une possibilité par rapport à la gré ou à l'arbitrage. Ce processus a été utilisé efficacement aux Etats-Unis et plus particuliérement dans le Michigan et le Wisconsin. II n'a pas eu jusqu'à présent beaucoup de succès au Canada, bien qu'il ait été recom-niandé au Manitoba par la Commission chargée de proposer une nouvelle législation du travail. L'Université de I'Alberta s'en est servie pour résoudre des dif-férends avec le corps enseignant, mmme dailleurs les ingénieurs de l'Ontario Hydro. Le rapport Finkelman qui a proposé des modifications àA lég législation fédérale répissant la fonction publique le mentionne également comme un inoven possible de résoudre des différends II v a toutes sortes de variantes de l'arbitrage des offres définitives mais en général, cette méthode exige que l'arbitre, lorsque les parties àB la négociation se trouvent dans une impasse, et que leurs offres sont définitives, choisisse la ‘plus raisonnable.’ L'arbitre n'est pas libre de faire un compromis entre les deux, il doit accepter I'une ou l'autre des offres in toto. L'intérét de ce processus est qu'il incite les parties à faire tous les efforts pour arriver à un accord sur le plus de questions possibles de façon à réduire la discrétion de l'arbitre. Les parties ont ainsi intérêt àêtre ‘raisonnables’ dans leurs demands. Les critiques du système ont peur que ce genre d'arbitrage transforme le processus d'adjudication en une partie de poker et certains ont appelé l'arbitrage des positions définitives ‘la roulette des relations industrielles.’ Malgé tous ces inconvénients, l'arbitrage des offres définitives demeure attrayant pour le svndicat des pompiers du Michigan qui ne peut pas envisager la grève et pour le public qui doit supporter les désagréments et !es coûts des gréves dans le service public.  相似文献   
Abstract. The energy crisis has produced a confrontation between the federal government and the Canadian oil industry which has significantly reduced the latter's autonomy. This article postulates three hypotheses, which are then explored in the context of the energy crisis: that pressure group influence declines during a crisis situation; that if the crisis necessitates federal-provincial negotiation this tendency is accentuated; and that when facing a serious threat from government action the group under attack will seek to exert its influence as widely as possible. The article goes on to examine the oil industry's various channels of influence — the Senate, the Alberta Conservative caucus, the Alberta Liberal party, informal contacts with Alberta politicians, the Technical Advisory Committee on Petroleum Supply and Demand, and others and concludes that these were inadequate for serving the industry's objectives during the crisis. The speed at which events unfolded during the crisis and the consumer concern that arose led the federal government to respond rapidly, with little advance consultation with the industry or the producing provinces. In the federal-provincial Confrontation that ensued, the industry was excluded from a significant decision-making role. It will now seek to exert more public pressure on the federal government, but it must do so within a new set of rules under which the various levels of government will be more intimately involved in its activities. Sommaire. La crise de l'éergie a produit, entre le gouvernement fédéral et l'industrie canadienne du pétrole, une confrontation qui a réduit considérablement l'autonomie de cette dernière. L'auteur de cet exposé propose trois hypothèses qu'il examine ensuite dans le contexte de la crise de l'énergie, à savoir:que l'influence des groupes de pression diminue dans une situation de crise; que cette tendance s'accentue si la wise oblige à des nègociations fédéralesprovinciales et que, face à une menace sérieuse d'intervention gouvernementale, le groupe attaqué. cherche à exercer une influence aussi large que possible. II examine ensuite les différentes voies d'influence de l'industrie du pétrole:le sénat, le caucus conservateur de I'Alberta, le parti libéral de l'Alberta, les contacts officieux avec des liommes politiques de l'Alberta, le comité technique qui s'occupe de l'offre et de la demande de pétrole et d'autres, pour conclure qu'elles étaient insuffisantes pour permettre à l'industrie d'atteindre ses objectifs durant la crise. La rapidité avec laquelle les événements se sont déroulés pendant la crise et la manifestation des craintes des consommateurs entraînérent une réaction rapide de la part du gouvernement fédéral, sans grande consultation préalable avec l'industrie ou les provinces productrices. Dans la confrontation fédéraleprovinciale qui a suivi, l'industrie a été exclue de toute prise de décision importante. Elle va chercher maintenant à exercer des ressions publiques accrues sur le gouvernement fédéral, mais elle doit se confonner aux nouvelles régles du jeu qui impliquent une plus grande ingérence des différents niveaux de gouvernement dans ses activités.  相似文献   
Entomological protocols for aging blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larvae to estimate the time of colonization (TOC) are commonly used to assist in death investigations. While the methodologies for analyzing fly larvae differ, most rely on light microscopy, genetic analysis, or, more rarely, electron microscopy. This pilot study sought to improve resolution of larval stage in the forensically important blowfly Chrysomya rufifacies using high‐content fluorescence microscopy and biochemical measures of developmental marker proteins. We established fixation and mounting protocols, defined a set of measurable morphometric criteria and captured developmental transitions of 2nd instar to 3rd instar using both fluorescence microscopy and anti‐ecdysone receptor Western blot analysis. The data show that these instars can be distinguished on the basis of robust, nonbleaching, autofluorescence of larval posterior spiracles. High‐content imaging techniques using confocal microscopy, combined with morphometric and biochemical techniques, may therefore aid forensic entomologists in estimating TOC.  相似文献   
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