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Abstract. Dr G.M. Dawson was considered the leading Canadian scientist of the latter part of the nineteenth century, and was widely recognized abroad. Besides his scientific contributions, and the technological and economic benefits derived from them, he contributed much to administration as Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, as an advisor to government officials and leaders, in the training of younger men, and as Commissioner on the Bering Sea arbitration. The purpose of this paper is to perpetuate awareness of his contributions, which are not now so well known as at the turn of the century, to show the complex and often long-term benefits that can accrue from geological investigations, and to try to indicate the extent to which it is possible to analyse such benefits and their costs. Although mainly a geologist, Dawson was versatile and made many contributions to geography, botany and anthropology. His education, which was particularly thorough in geology as applied to ores, was completed just in time for him to take a leading part in western developments. In 1873-5 he was geologist and botanist to the Commission surveying the 49th parallel from Lake of the Woods to the Rockies. He was then appointed to the Geological Survey, and made brilliant reconnaissances in many western regions; he was assistant director in 1883-95 and director from then to 1901. Althoilgh his advice was greatly beneficial to prospectors and technical developers, much of his influence was also in encouraging sound investments. The author tried several complex ways of estimating the value of benefits but discarded them because so many other factors were involved, some being long-term. It seems practical, therefore, merely to explain verbally that, for very small expenditures, Dawson was probably more responsible than anyone else for production worth about 240 million, in 1885 to 1905 alone, and that other benefits were derived then and up to the present. Sommaire. Le Dr G.M. Dawson était considéré comme « le » savant canadien à la fin du 19e siècle et il était bien connu à l'étranger. En plus de son apport dans le domaine des sciences et des avantages technologiques et économiques qui en ont été la conséquence, il joua un rôle important d'administrateur en tant que directeur du relevé géologique du Canada, conseilleur des membres du gouvernementet chefs politiques, éducateur de jeunes et commissaire chargé d'arbitrer la question du détroit de Béring. Le but de cette étude est de consigner ses réalisations, moins connues aujourd'hui qu'elles ne l'étaient au début du siècle, de montrer les résultats complexes et souvent à long terme de ses étudesg géologiques et d'essayer d'indiquer dans quelle mesure il est possible d'analyserces avantages et ce qu'ils ont coûté. Bien que Dawson ait été surtout un gélogue, il ne s'est pas cantonné exclusivement dans ce domaine et son influence s'est fait sentir en géographie, botaniqueet anthropologie. Ses études particulièrement poussées en gélogie dans le domaine des minerais prirent fin juste à temps pour lui permettre de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans le développement de l'Ouest. De 1873 à 1875, en tant que gélogue et botaniste, il fit partie de la Commission chargée de relever le 49e parallèle du « Lake of the Woods » aux Rocheuses. Il fut ensuite nomméà la Commission du relevé gélogique et s'acquitta brillamment de cette tâche dans diverses parties de l'Ouest; il occupa le poste de directeur-adjoint de 1883 à 1895 et de directeur de 1895 à 1901. Ses conseils furent précieu pour les prospecteurs et les techniciens mais il usa aussi de son influence pour encourager des placement judicieux. L'auteur a essayé de différentes fawns complexes d'estimer la valeur de l'apport de Dawson mais a dû les abandonner parce qu'elles, ne tenaient pas compte d'autres facteurs nombreux, dont certains à long terme. Il semble doncpratique d'expliquer verbalement qu'en ne dépensant que des sommes très minimes, Dawson plus que tout autre, a été responsable d'une production évaluééà 240 millions, de 1885 à 1905 en dehors d'autres bénéfices recueillis à l'époque et jusqu'à nos jours.  相似文献   
最近几年的几个典型案件体现了我国犯罪被害人及其亲属因罪犯无力赔偿致使合法权益无法得到恢复的现实问题,限于中国国情,结合相对合理主义的观点,中国应建立和刑事附带民事诉讼相接轨的犯罪被害人国家补偿制度。  相似文献   
This study tested the hypothesis that investments in early childhood schools have short-term crime reducing effects in neighborhoods. Time series data from the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, were analyzed to evaluate the effects of an early childhood school built in the neighborhood of Kendall-Whittier as part of a larger neighborhood revitalization plan, on violent and property crime. Results revealed that after controlling for city-wide crime trends and monthly fluctuations, violent crime declined significantly in Kendall-Whittier. Further analysis indicated that the possible crime-reducing effects of school investments on violent crime spread beyond Kendall-Whittier, and no displacement was found. The results for property crime were mixed. The study demonstrates the use of clustering analysis, a useful tool in neighborhood-level research to identify comparison neighborhoods. The findings shed light on the possibility that investments in early childhood schools can yield results in a shorter term than anticipated, making them a desirable component of urban revitalization.  相似文献   
东北解放战争时期,陈云同志作为中共中央东北局的重要领导成员,一直战斗在白山黑水之间,他在政治和军事上卓越的领导和指挥才能在东北战场上得到了充分的体现。抗日战争胜利后,鉴于东北在战略上的重要性,中共中央决定组建以彭真为书记,陈云、伍修权、程子华、林枫为委员的中共中央东北局,并先后调集了10万军队和2万干部进入东北。陈云于9月18日到达沈阳后,即开始了领导接收和建立东北根据地的伟大斗争。到达沈阳之初,陈云同志就以一个政治家和军事家的战略眼光,对东北的形势做出了正确的分析和判断,指出:满洲的斗争是长期的武装斗争与非武装…  相似文献   
由于中国的快速发展,留华学生日益增多,马来西亚留华同学会应运而生。其成立后开展的活动涉及层面相当广泛,但它成立后与留台联总之间发生了争论。马来西亚留华同学会给马来西亚华人社团带来了生机,也为广大的留华学生提供了许多帮助,对于促进中马之间的文化、学术等交流做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   
多年以来跨界的环境污染得不到有效的解决,已经成为中国环境治理上一个反复发作的顽症.究其原因主要在于现行行政体制的"分割性".因此,地方政府间建立跨区域合作机制不仅必要,而且是可能的.各级政府之间的"环境共治"是中国未来环境保护体系的一个发展主轴.而观念创新与区域认同意识的强化、中央政府的主动性与支持、政府间的协调与合作组织的建立、法制的保障与境外管辖权的试行,是本文对如何就环境治理进行跨区域合作的一些建议.这种环境治理的跨区域合作是一种"新区域合作主义"。  相似文献   

This paper examines Jamaica's efforts to implement of the conservation and management provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), bearing in mind that prior to 1982 there was an existing legal framework that sought to address issues relating to fisheries management. More specifically, the paper looks at the issues related to the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks under UNCLOS and subsequent agreements negotiated under the auspices of UNCLOS. It also addresses the problems Jamaica faces with the conservation and management of Queen Conch (Strombus Gigas), in particular, the UNCLOS provisions regarding access to such resource, taking into account the limitations to such access as regulated by the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).  相似文献   

This article summarizes a special issue of Housing Policy Debate, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Housing Act of 1949. The act is best remembered for its declaration that every American deserves a “decent home and a suitable living environment.” The articles in this collection offer varying perspectives on how this act helped shape the postwar metropolis. The authors—urban planners, historians, and public officials—each consider a different part of the legacy.

The first three articles deal primarily with the act's creation and social and political ramifications, while the next three look at how Titles I, II, and III have influenced the past 50 years of housing and urban policy. The record of the Housing Act of 1949 is mixed, and so are its lessons. There remains an ongoing struggle to find the right mix of housing support to reach the goals first expressed in this landmark legislation.  相似文献   

In this article, we use a random sample of urban community development corporations (CDCs) to determine whether distinct types exist and, if so, to estimate their prevalence in the industry. The typical urban CDC has a diversified portfolio of economic and social development activities, including community organizing, and is likely to have a housing development program, although not necessarily a large one because relatively few are high producers.

Large‐scale housing producers, defined in the study as having produced at least 500 units during the previous 10 years, comprise 18 percent of CDCs. A large organizational capacity, an affiliation with national intermediaries, the training of staff and the adoption of computers, the length of executive directors’ tenure, and the share of funding devoted to housing programs are the most important factors increasing the odds that a CDC will belong to the group of high producers.  相似文献   
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