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The fact that the European elections in 2014 resulted in an unprecedented success for Eurosceptic parties raises questions concerning the influence of political elites on citizens’ Euroscepticism. This paper examines whether Eurosceptic messages have a different impact when communicated by mainstream right-wing parties vs. their more radical counterparts. We do so using data from a survey experiment conducted in Germany in 2013. Our results show that Eurosceptic messages from mainstream parties significantly increase Euroscepticism among voters but that those effects are confined largely to “in”-partisans. Furthermore, when a message is effective among “out”-partisans, it is due to a combined effect of source and message credibility. This holds true for both mainstream and radical right parties suggesting that contrary to expectations, the former do not enjoy any advantage over the latter in terms of perceived credibility.  相似文献   
The anti-inflammatory and antimalarial drug chloroquine is said to be one of the most frequently used drugs to commit suicide in the Orient and Far East. After the ingestion of large amounts of this 4-amino-chinoline derivate, signs of cardiac conduction disturbances are evidence of cardiotoxic action. For clinical treatment, hemoperfusion by activated charcoal has rather than hemodialysis proved to be partly effective for the removal of the toxic substance. Following a suicidal overdose of chloroquine tablets in a 13-year-old boy, we could confirm the efficiency of hemoperfusion by continued toxicologic examinations. The total elimination was nevertheless slow. Due to high postmortem concentrations in the blood and tissues, we believe that chloroquine is deposited and especially concentrated in the reticulohistiocytary system of the liver. Death after 5 days of clinical treatment in this case may be referred to as the first cardiac arrest with irreversible hypoxic damage of the brain.  相似文献   
The mentally disordered offender falls into the "no man's land" between prison and mental health systems. A number of reasons are given to explain why mental health service to this special group is in crisis again, and to lay the base for understanding the advantages and disadvantages of five different models of service delivery. The authors conclude by favoring small psychiatric units attached to major prisons.  相似文献   
Im Ausgang von den jüngsten Gerichtsentscheidungen (des EGMR und des Landgerichts Frankfurt) im Fall "Daschner" bzw "G?fgen" setzt sich die Untersuchung zun?chst kritisch mit Ans?tzen einer Relativierung des Folterverbots in der deutschen staatsrechtlichen Debatte auseinander. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dem exemplarischen Vorsto? Bruggers zur Legalisierung der "Rettungsbefragung" im Ausnahmefall als Ausdruck staatlicher Schutzpflichten, die aus dem staatlichen Gewaltmonopol resultierten. Dabei werden insbesondere die utilitaristischen Grundlagen und Aporien des darin reklamierten rechtsethischen "Konsequenzialismus" sowie dessen Spannungsverh?ltnis zu freiheitssichernder Rechtsstaatlichkeit offengelegt. Im Mittelpunkt der Kontroversen um die "Rettungsfolter" steht die Frage nach dem Stellenwert der Menschenwürde - als grunds?tzlich abw?gbares "Rechtsgut" unter anderen, wie etwa auch in einer bekannten Neukommentierung von Art 1 GG im Ansatz reklamiert, oder aber als nicht relativierbares verfassungsrechtliches Fundamentalprinzip, das die Positivit?t konkreter rechtlicher Regeln notwendig überschreitet. Im Anschluss an das herrschende Verst?ndnis der Menschenwürde als unbedingtes Rechtsprinzip werden Begriff und "Ph?nomenologie" der Folter hinsichtlich ihrer charakteristischen Eingriffsintensit?t als "Totalinstrumentalisierung" des Menschen und v?llige Negation des wechselseitigen Anerkennungsverh?ltnisses n?her bestimmt. Diese Anerkennung allgemeiner menschlicher Verantwortungssubjektivit?t bildet seit den Ursprüngen modernen Staatsverst?ndnisses aber auch die eigentliche legitimierende Basis seiner zentralen Friedenssicherungspflichten und Schutzaufgaben. Eine rechtlich-politische Ma?nahme, die dieses fundamentale Rechtsverh?ltnis verletzt, kann daher auch kein Ausdruck von Souver?nit?t sein, sondern verletzt deren kontraktualistische Grundlagen. Sie bedeutet darüber hinaus einen exemplarischen Einbruch in freiheitliche Verfassungskultur, der einem weiteren Abbau demokratischer Rechtsstaatlichkeit Vorschub leisten k?nnte.  相似文献   
This study examined whether location and type of juvenile court impacted processing for juveniles in a Midwestern state. 1 For the analysis, the author used qualitative data. This article was built on the opinions and observations of those who work in the juvenile justice system on a daily basis. The author observed juvenile courts and interviewed judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. The information contained herein verifies the differences between rural and urban juvenile justice practice and procedure. The results of this study also revealed that processing varies across jurisdictions and type of court in the juvenile justice system.  相似文献   
Numerous articles in the mental health literature concern sexual contact between therapists and patients, which is explicitly prohibited by all four mental health professions' ethical codes. There is relatively little about nonsexual boundary violations, which are often covert and much more difficult to recognize (particularly in their early stages) than sexual violations; what little there is assumes that the clinician has the power in the relationship and uses that power for personal advantage. In this article the authors discuss the situation, rare in civil mental health facilities but common in correctional and forensic mental health facilities, in which personality-disordered patients manipulate and coerce clinicians to cross appropriate professional nonsexual boundaries for the patients' benefit; this reversal of the usual power dynamics between treaters and patients requires recognition of the role reversals present and requires different strategies for preventing such violations (hence "sauce for the gander").  相似文献   
During the period of survey, the number of narcotic drug seizures by the law, especially cannabis resin, has increased considerably. The details on this development are presented. The following main analytical results were obtained: the median concentration of THC in cannabis resin has increased up to 8.6%, in cannabis plants the THC content has fluctuated between 1% and 3%. In the heroin samples since 1982, diamorphin has predominated in the base form; the diamorphin content had dropped to 32%, which is connected with a rise simultaneous in the concentration of noscapine (up to 9%). The concentration of cocaine hydrochloride had diminished at the end of the period to 62%; on the other hand, the amphetamine sulfate content increased to 69%. LSD trips used from 10 to 120 micrograms per trip. Methadone occurred mostly in the form of tablets containing 5 mg methadone hydrochloride.  相似文献   

Although previous literature details the successes and failures of reforms of rape laws designed to better support and protect victims, there is a lack of research on rape victim advocates' knowledge of and views about rape laws. It is essential that we understand advocates' level of legal knowledge because they may be the first or only source of legal information for victims. Based on analysis of interviews with 58 rape victim advocates serving six rape crisis centers in four East coast states, this article explores advocates' knowledge about rape laws, possible reasons for limited knowledge, and perceptions about various laws that aim to protect rape victims. This research suggests that although advocates have a somewhat limited grasp of laws intended to aid rape victims, they have an overall negative view of the legal system.  相似文献   
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