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Nowadays immunoassays are used for the rapid screening of drugs world-wide. Despite the fact that they are a highly valuable tool for the test of legal and illicit drugs, there is a non-negligible risk of false positive and false negative findings, and many pitfalls must be taken into account when using these tests in an uncritical manner and without valid confirmation procedures. In accordance with the committee for "problems of threshold values for medical and addictive drugs" set up by German scientific societies (in particular GTFCh, DGRM and DGVM), immunoassays are recommended as a useful tool for screening. But confirmation analysis with conclusive methods (GC/MS or LC/MS) is indispensable for valid substance identification, discrimination between active and inactive metabolites, detection of escort substances and accurate determination of concentrations in body fluids.  相似文献   
The definition of the term "corpse" is relevant for medicine in general and most particularly so for forensic medicine, as it has direct consequences on practical work: legally, postmortems and autopsies may only be performed on corpses. With this in mind, the legal term "corpse" was examined on the basis of German State Law regulations and provisions. Approximately half the burial acts include a definition of "corpse", but even here there are certain variations. The definitions for "corpse" can be divided into four categories: 1) according to the lack of vital signs or sure signs of death 2) according to the degree of decomposition and/or cohesion of body parts 3) on the basis of severed body parts, and 4) terminological differentiation of stillbirths and neonatal fatalities from miscarriages. Laws vary greatly in their definition of the term "corpse". Therefore, the decision whether or not human remains or parts thereof qualify as a "corpse" should be left to medical discretion.  相似文献   
To obtain a reliable estimation on the yield of illicit indoor cannabis cultivation in The Netherlands, cannabis plants confiscated by the police were used to determine the yield of dried female flower buds. The developmental stage of flower buds of the seized plants was described on a scale from 1 to 10 where the value of 10 indicates a fully developed flower bud ready for harvesting. Using eight additional characteristics describing the grow room and cultivation parameters, regression analysis with subset selection was carried out to develop two models for the yield of indoor cannabis cultivation. The median Dutch illicit grow room consists of 259 cannabis plants, has a plant density of 15 plants/m(2), and 510 W of growth lamps per m(2). For the median Dutch grow room, the predicted yield of female flower buds at the harvestable developmental stage (stage 10) was 33.7 g/plant or 505 g/m(2).  相似文献   
The Council Regulation (EC) no. 1493/1999 of 17 May 1999 on the common organisation of the market in wine (Abl. L 179 dated 14/7/1999) and the GMO Wine 2000 (Annex VII A) stipulates that the labels of wine bottles have to indicate, among others, information on the sales designation of the product, the nominal volume and the alcoholic strength. The latter must not differ by more than 0.5% vol. from the alcoholic strength as established by analysis. Only when quality wines are stored in bottles for more than three years, the accepted tolerance limits are +/- 0.8% vol. The presented investigation results show that deviations have to be taken into account which may be highly relevant for forensic practice.  相似文献   
A main goal of forensic medicine is to document and to translate medical findings to a language and/or visualization that is readable and understandable for judicial persons and for medical laymen. Therefore, in addition to classical methods, scientific cutting-edge technologies can and should be used. Through the use of the Forensic, 3-D/CAD-supported Photogrammetric method the documentation of so-called "morphologic fingerprints" has been realized. Forensic, 3-D/CAD-supported Photogrammetry creates morphologic data models of the injury and of the suspected injury-causing instrument allowing the evaluation of a match between the injury and the instrument. In addition to the photogrammetric body surface registration, the radiological documentation provided by a volume scan (i.e., spiral, multi-detector CT, or MRI) registers the sub-surface injury, which is not visible to Photogrammetry. The new, combined method of merging Photogrammetry and Radiology data sets creates the potential to perform many kinds of reconstructions and postprocessing of (patterned) injuries in the realm of forensic medical case work. Using this merging method of colored photogrammetric surface and gray-scale radiological internal documentation, a great step towards a new kind of reality-based, high-tech wound documentation and visualization in forensic medicine is made. The combination of the methods of 3D/CAD Photogrammetry and Radiology has the advantage of being observer-independent, non-subjective, non-invasive, digitally storable over years or decades and even transferable over the web for second opinion.  相似文献   
Recent bone finds examined under forensic aspects as well as historic skeletons (mainly dating from the Middle Ages) with a known history as to the cause of death and the place where they were found were studied to develop basic criteria for the assessment of the cause and time of origin of bony defects. With regard to the time of origin it was found that the closer an injury occurs before or after death, the harder it is to distinguish from a perimortal injury. A schematic pattern was worked out for the kind of origin classifying the injuries as to "type of force", "mechanism", "weapon/object" and "effect to the bone", which helps in the forensic assessment of the causes of injuries found on bones.  相似文献   
Abstract Research into electoral participation has produced two traditions, one focusing mainly on individual level explanations while the second concentrates primarily on aggregate level explanations. By bringing these two research approaches together, we are not only able to explain individual electoral participation more thoroughly, but we also gain additional insight into the influence of aggregate level characteristics on individual behavior. We combine eight National Election Studies held in the Netherlands between 1971 and 1994 enabling us to study variation on the individual and the contextual (aggregate) level, including interactions between these two levels. Findings show that the addition of contextual characteristics form a significant improvement to an individual level model predicting electoral participation. Findings also confirm our expectation that the influence of individual characteristics such as education or political interest is dependent upon contextual characteristics describing for instance the salience of the election.  相似文献   
Thum  Marcel 《Public Choice》2004,119(3-4):425-443
A direct immigration policy is no longer feasiblefor a single region in a common labor market. Within apolitical economy approach, this paper focuses on the question ofwhether migration can be controlled through the composition ofgovernment expenditures. Taking into account both capital and laborincome, it turns out that the median voter's income is U-shaped in thenumber of immigrants. Therefore, the government can eitherprovide less of the goods preferred by foreigners in order to minimizeimmigration or carry out an active immigration policy byshifting its expenditures towards those publicly provided goods. Thepaper identifies the factors that determine the government'schoice between the two strategies.  相似文献   
The growing attempts by non-state interests to influence global policy processes has attracted much scholarly interest in recent years. One important question thereby is what characterizes and explains the interactions of non-state advocates with policymakers. In order to clarify this matter, we analyse the advocacy strategies of non-state actors, more precisely whether and why they address opponents instead of more like-minded policymakers. For this purpose, we analyse evidence collected through 228 interviews with advocates who attended the WTO Ministerial Conferences (Geneva 2012) and the United Nations Climate Conferences (Durban 2011; Doha 2012). Our results show that transnational advocates predominantly target like-minded policymakers and that their activities are much less focused on their opponents. Variation in advocacy towards opponents or like-minded policymakers is explained by the alignment of non-state actors with policymakers, the salience of topics on the political agenda, group characteristics, and whether or not advocates hail from democratic countries.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Bisher galten wasserrechtliche Erlaubnis und die Bewilligung nebeneinander. Evtl. kamen noch auf L?nderebene weitere M?glichkeiten, wie die gehobene Erlaubnis, hinzu. Das derzeit geltende komplizierte System beh?rdlicher Zulassungsinstrumente für wasserwirtschaftliche Vorhaben soll mit dem UGB vereinfacht werden. Neben der integrierten Vorhabengenehmigung (IVG) für künftig dem UGB-Buch I unterliegende Vorhaben wird im UGB-Buch Wasserwirtschaft als Grundtypus der beh?rdlichen Zulassung für Gew?sserbenutzungen nur noch die wasserrechtliche Erlaubnis bestehen bleiben. Welche Bedeutung diese Neuerung für bestehende und zukünftige Anlagenbetreiber haben k?nnte, soll im folgenden Beitrag er?rtert werden.  相似文献   
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