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The development of e-commerce, the stability of networks, the drive for greater bandwidth and the voice/data convergence are areas affecting a wide range of computer professionals. The field is clouded by manufacturers hyping their own products and industry factions spin-doctoring new technologies. This research, involving 764 networking professionals from a spectrum of UK businesses provides a snapshot of the current situation.  相似文献   
Sommaire: Depuis le début des années 1990, le système de santé québécois, comme celui des autres provinces, subit de profonds changements. lis se concrétisent sous la forme d'une reconfiguration majeure du système lui-meme, des services qu'il dispense et des structures qui le composent. L'article s'interesse a ce dernier aspect, plus particulierement sous l' angle des regroupements interétablissements. II appert que la Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux (1991, chap. 42) a bouleversé la configuration structurelle du réseau en forcant l'unification horizontale de plusieurs types d'établissements, tels les centres d'hébergement de soins de longue durée et les centres de réadaptation. Plus récemment, la décentralisation fonctionnelle accrue au profit des régies régionales de la santé et des services sociaux (rrsss), jumelée à l'annonce de compressions budgétaires sans précédent, a donné un second souffle à cette reconfiguration de structures. Une enquete a été menée a l'hiver 1995. Elle révèle qu'à ce moment, en plus des regroupements deja prévus dans la loi, un peu plus de 110 établissements socio-sanitaires, dont 60 centres hospitaliers, étaient également impliqués dans divers projets de regroupements allant de l'entente de services a la fusion. Depuis le printemps 1995, certaines rrsss étudient l' option des intégrations ou des fusions verticales, qui impliquent des établissements de mission différente. Or, une revue de la littérature démontre que l' efficacité et l' efficience de ces options ne sont pas clairement démontrées dans le secteur des soins de santé et qu'il vaudrait mieux envisager des formes moins contraignantes (partenariats, ententes de services, etc.) permettant de s'apprivoiser avant de songer au mariage. Abstract: Since the early 1990s, the Quebec health-care system, as those in other provinces, has undergone major changes. These changes involved a major reconfiguration of the system itself - its services and its structures. This article describes this reconfiguration and focuses on one particular aspect: the integration of services. The Health and Social Services Act, 1991 (c. 42) created havoc in the configuration of the system by imposing horizontal integration of several types of services, such as those of long-term care facilities and rehabilitation centres. More recently, this growing delegation in favour of the Regional Health and Social Services Boards (rhssbs) together with the announcement of unprecedented budget cuts, has led to further restructuring. A survey carried out during the winter of 1995 showed that 120 health-care establishments, including 60 hospitals, were involved in inter-establishment relationship projects, ranging from service agreements to mergers. Since the spring of 1995, some rhssbs have been studying the option of integration or of vertical mergers, i.e., how to integrate facilities with different services. However, a review of the literature shows that the effectiveness and efficiency of these options has not yet been clearly proven in the health-care sector, and that it would be wiser to consider, as a first stage, less constraining relationships (e.g., partnerships, service agreements, etc.) as a way of testing compatibility before getting involved in permanent partnerships.  相似文献   
Abstract: Senior officials in the federal public service are giving new attention to the need to strengthen policy capacity and this article draws heavily on the work of a task force of federal officials. Four themes run through the article: there is a strong, but neglected, managerial dimension to policy work; the greatest weakness in the current system is dealing with longer-term and strategic issues, especially of a horizontal nature; policy managers need to pay more attention to how to work with and support the external policy community; leadership at the most senior levels of the public service is critical for strengthening policy capacity. Policy management within departments is examined in terms of seven broad policy functions and organizational arrangements. Policy management across government is examined in terms of the role of central agencies and the special problems of horizontal coordination, including the conditions promoting coordination and the machinery of interdepartmental relations. The importance of the personnel dimension of policy work is underlined, with consideration of policy generalists, policy managers and policy specialists. Finally, relations with the policy research community and the provinces are examined. Sommaire: Les dirigeants de la Fonction publique fédérale s'intéressent davantage maintenant à la nécessité de renforcer la capacité d'élaboration des politiques, et le présent article s'appuie largement sur les travaux d'un groupe de travail composé de fonctionnaires. L'article illustre quatre thèmes: le travail d'élaboration de politiques comporte un aspect de gestion très marqué, mais négligé; la plus grande faiblesse du système actuel réside dans sa façon d'aborder les questions stratégiques et à long terme, surtout celles de nature horizontale; il faut que les administrateurs de politiques cherchent davantage à collaborer avec les organes délibérants extérieurs et à leur fournir leur appui; il incombe aux plus hauts dirigeants de la Fonction publique d'avoir le leadership si Ton veut renforcer la capacité d'élaboration de politiques. On examine la gestion des politiques dans les ministères par rapport à sept grandes fonctions des politiques et aux arrangements organisationnels. On étudie la gestion des politiques dans tout le gouvernement en fonction du rôle des organismes centraux et des problèmes particuliers de la coordination horizontale, notamment les conditions favorables à la coordination et le mécanisme des relations interministérielles. On souligne l'importance de l'aspect personnel dans le travail d'élaboration et on mentionne les généralistes, les administrateurs et les spécialistes des politiques. On aborde pour finir les relations avec le milieu de la recherche sur les politiques et avec les provinces.  相似文献   
Had Rousseau not been centrally concerned with freedom, some of the structural features of his political thought would be unaccountable. Above all, the notion of general will would not have become the core of his political philosophy. Rousseau's reasons for using 'general will' as his central political concept were essentially philosophical. The two terms of general will - 'will' and 'generality' - represent two main strands in his thought. 'Generality' stands for the rule of law, for civic education that draws us out of ourselves and towards the general (or common) good. 'Will' stands for Rousseau's conviction that civil association is 'the most voluntary act in the world', that 'to deprive your will of all freedom is to deprive your actions of all morality'. And if one could 'generalize' the will, so that it 'elects' only law, citizenship, and the common good, and avoids 'willful' self-love, then one would have a general will in Rousseau's particular sense. The distinctiveness of Rousseau's general will is further brought out through a comparison with Kant's 'good will' about which Rousseau would have felt severe doubts.  相似文献   
We show that temporal, spatial, and dyadic dependencies amongobservations complicate the estimation of covariance structuresin panel databases. Ignoring these dependencies results in covarianceestimates that are often too small and inferences that may bemore confident about empirical patterns than is justified bythe data. In this article, we detail the development of a nonparametricapproach, window subseries empirical variance estimators (WSEV),that can more fully capture the impact of these dependencieson the covariance structure. We illustrate this approach ina simulation as well as with a statistical model of internationalconflict similar to many applications in the international relationsliterature.  相似文献   
Validation of a 16-locus fluorescent multiplex system   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
STR multiplexes have been indispensable for the efficient genotyping of forensic samples. The PowerPlex 16 System contains the coreCODIS loci, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, CSF1PO, FGA, THOI, TPOX, vWA, the sex determinant locus, amelogenin, and two pentanucleotide STR loci, Penta D and Penta E. This multiplex satisfies the locus requirements for most national databases and is the most efficient currently available system due to its single PCR amplification. To provide the groundwork for judicial acceptance, including the publication of primer sequences, and to evaluate laboratory-to-laboratory variation, a developmental validation for casework on this commercially available system was performed in 24 laboratories and produced the following conclusions. Amplification was reliable on a variety of thermal cyclers and product could be analyzed on either an ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer or an ABI PRISM 377 DNA Sequencer. Genotyping using single source samples was consistent between 0.25 and 2 ng of input DNA template with a few laboratories obtaining complete genotypes at 0.0625 ng. However, heterozygote allele imbalance (<60% peak height balance) caused by stochastic effects was observed at a rate of 13% with 0.125 ng DNA and 22% at 0.0625 ng DNA. Mixture analyses were done using a total of 1 ng of DNA template. Most alleles were detected in mixtures of 4 to 1 and some minor alleles were detected in mixtures of 19 to 1. Optimum amplification cycle number was dependent on the sensitivity of the detection instrument used and could also be adjusted to accommodate larger amounts of DNA on solid supports such as FTA paper. Reaction conditions including volume, annealing temperature, and concentrations of primer, AmpliTaq Gold, and magnesium were shown to be optimal yet robust enough to withstand moderate variations without affecting genotype analysis. Environmental, matrix and standard source analyses revealed an ability to obtain complete genotypes in all sample types except those exposed to 80 degrees C for 12-48 days. Finally, comparison of genotype results from the PowerPlex 16 System with other commercially available systems on non-probative reference and forensic samples showed consistent results.  相似文献   
This article examines how the recently introduced law on assisted reproduction in Italy, which gives symbolic legal recognition to the embryo, came about, and how a referendum, which would have repealed large sections of it, failed. The occupation of the legal space by the embryo is the outcome of a crusade by a well-organised alliance of theo-conservatives. These groups see in reproductive medicine an uncontrolled interference with their notion of the natural order of things. Such a worldview requires a total ban on stem cell research, limitation of access to reproductive technologies and repressive laws to govern the area. This conservative dream scenario has come closer to being realised by the introduction of a law doing all of these things in the name of the protection of “Life”. In the case of this law, the “life” to be protected is the embryo. In the name of “Life”, scientific advances and individual liberty have been curbed. The politics of embryo citizenship is a politics which values the yet to come over the here and now, purgation over pleasure, and the transcendent over the material.  相似文献   
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