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近年,我国媒体披露了一系列震惊全国的刑事冤案,这些冤案在罪刑分布、被告人的社会构成、律师辩护、侦破方式、空间分布以及得以纠正的原因方面都呈现出惊人的规律性。导致冤案出现的原因非常复杂,刑讯逼供、违法取证、忽视科技手段的运用、对无罪证据视而不见、轻视律师辩护、有罪推定是导致冤案出现的最主要原因。冤案所反映的片面追求破案率、检察机关和法院办案时难以保持独立、对案件的处理过分迁就社会舆论和被害人压力、公检法三机关过分重视相互配合而轻视相互制约、司法经费不足、对错案责任的规定过于严格等问题值得深刻反思和检讨。  相似文献   
未来世界石油价格波动趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界石油价格波动存在着长周期和短周期。世界石油价格主要由石油供需状况决定,但也受政治和投机等因素影响。短周期受突发事件影响过大,难以预测;长周期大体可分为平稳期-上升期-高台期-下降期-新的平稳期几个阶段。现阶段世界石油价格已基本完成上升期,将进入高台期,如果没有新的影响供给的事件发生,高台期不可能持续太长时间。  相似文献   
当前大学生价值观的特征分析与教育建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为真实把握当前大学生价值观的现状,提高思想政治教育工作的实效性,2005年上半年,我们通过问卷方式对江苏5所高校的大学生进行了抽样调查。本次调查共发放调查问卷800份,回收有效问卷714份,调查对象主要是在校本科四个年级的学生。一、当前大学生价值观的基本现状通过对回收问卷的分析,大学生价值观的基本现状可概括为如下几个方面:1.价值目标由理想主义趋向现实主义从调查看,当代大学生对价值观重要性的认识是基本一致的。有84.7%的大学生认为理想信念是一个人成才的精神支柱和动力,大学生要成才必须树立崇高的理想和科学的信念。在如何处…  相似文献   
Between September and December 2005 over 3,000 Sudanese refugees held a sit-in demonstration at the Mustapha Mahmoud Square in Cairo, Egypt, which is located directly across from the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). We analyze the events of the refugee sit-in as an act of global political society, one that saw people outside the realm of the political making demands for recognition and a say in the solutions being developed to relieve their plight. We argue that the sit-in at Cairo was fundamentally a disagreement between the refugees and the UNHCR over the politics of protection, care, and mobility. The article analyzes the strategies through which the refugees named their "population of care" in ways that countered the UNHCR's governmental strategies to classify the Sudanese refugee population in Cairo. We propose the concept of "global political society" as a way of thinking about global political life from the perspective of those who are usually denied the status of political beings. Global political society is a highly ambiguous site where power relations are enacted, taken and retaken by various actors, but in ways that do not foreclose opportunities for refugees to actively reformulate the governmentalities of care and protection.  相似文献   
Peter Gubser 《中东政策》1993,2(2):110-120
Attributions of blame for the first and latest episodes of violence were assessed in a sample of 139 couples who were referred to a mandatory domestic violence treatment program in the military. Use of a methodology which allows for reports of nonmutually exclusive categories of attribution from both members of the dyad revealed more complex patterns of attributions than reflected in the existing literature. In addition, there were low rates of agreement within couples as to who was to blame for the violence. Although both men and women exhibited a high frequency of blaming their partner for both episodes of violence, men were significantly more likely to blame themselves for the latest than for the first episode. Attributions of blame were related to contextual variables in both men and women. Sex specific relationships emerged. These results were discussed with specific reference to predictions derived from attribution theory and their clinical implications.  相似文献   
在中外大学校长论坛开幕式上的致词   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在风景秀丽的北京 ,酝酿已久的中外大学校长论坛隆重开幕了。我们有幸邀请到来自国内外著名大学校长 ,共同探讨高等教育的重大课题 ,交流有益的经验 ,具有非常重要的意义。在此 ,我谨代表中华人民共和国教育部 ,向远道而来的各位来宾 ,向在座的中外教育同行 ,表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢 !教育是人类文明进步与繁荣的重要标志 ,是经济社会发展的重要动力源泉。在人类不懈奋斗、竭力前行的历史进程中 ,教育承担了不可替代的使命和职能 ,发挥了重要的作用。早在两千多年前 ,中国先秦时期一部经典著作《大学》这样说 :“大学之道 ,在明明德 ,在…  相似文献   
党校为了迎对新世纪的挑战与机遇,必须用创新精神推动党校工作的发展。  相似文献   
法律并非全能由人的理性设计与安排。理性是分裂的、忧郁的、恐惧的 ,也是自由的。我们的行为乃是在一种无知的情境中展开的 ,秩序与法律在无知中生成。自生自发秩序 (民间法 )与人造秩序 (国家法 )两者的生发方式、被遵从方式以及目的指涉与对象指向均不同 ,两者的冲突是绝对的。法律无力引导道德 ,法律只是自由的保护神 ,而非自由之敌。  相似文献   
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