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Brain drain has become a growing problem in China’s overseas education, especially since the Tiananmen incident of June 1989. Many students have found it more difficult to adjust to the home environment. Some are afraid they would be punished for political reasons if they went home. Some use the issue as an opportunity to seek permanent overseas residence. Beijing is facing various difficulties in coping with the brain drain problem. Restrictions always anger students abroad. Family members often discourage students from returning. Incentives to attract students to return are inadequate. Most important, after Tiananmen Western governments refused to cooperate with Beijing and allowed Chinese students to stay. Concerned with the brain drain, Beijing is reconsidering its policy on foreign study. Of the policy alternatives, a continuation of the open policy appears to remain optimal, though some adjustments are necessary. In addition, several technical solutions to the brain drain problem are worth considering. Dr. Chang is professor of political science and director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Deng is a research associate of the Center. His most recent publication isChina’s Brain Drain Problem: Causes, Consequences and Policy Options, and he is the author of several articles included in edited books and scholarly journals.  相似文献   
The possibility of regional cooperation in the Yellow Sea Rim (YSR) area has been discussed since the early 1980s. In recent years, Korean outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) has increased rapidly and it will be growing much further. In the new phase of the global economy and the post-cold war political environment, Korean firms consider the socialist countries, especially China, to be attractive new partners for trade and investment projects. Foreign investment contributed to economic growth in developing countries. In the early stage of industrialization in the 1970s, the share of foreign firms amounted to about one-tenth of the total manufacturing employment in Korea. Similarly, outbound Korean FDI could also play an important role in the industrialization of the LDCs in Southeast Asia and China. A case study of a Korean multinational corporation reveals that the direct employment effect of Korea’s FDI is extensive in terms of money invested. In spite of the complementarity in economic structure and the phase of development between Korea and China, the prospect of Korea’s outbound FDI is not all clear. However, one can safely assume that the unit scale of FDI projects will increase. Unlike in the past, the large Korean corporations are now preparing more than a few fair-sized projects in China. The positive impact of those FDI will be significant. The YSR cooperation, if successful, could create efficient economic cooperation based on complementarity between Korea and China. The Korean outbound FDI would pave a road to such regional cooperation. This article is the revised version of a paper prepared for the International Conference on Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rimlands, held February 18–21, 1991. The conference was cosponsored by the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, the State Science and Technology Commission of China, and the East-West Center of Honolulu, Hawaii.  相似文献   
正After nearly 20 years in the shadows,Taliban forces once again took control of Kabul,capital of Afghanistan,on August 16.The rapid Taliban takeover and the withdrawal of U.S.troops from the country denoted the end of the Afghan War first launched by the George W.Bush administration in 2001.Furthermore,it indicated the failure of U.S.policy in the Greater Middle East region,leaving the local geopolitical structure facing a new round of profound adjustments.  相似文献   
进入新世纪以来,我国突发事件时有发生,给人民生命和财产造成重大损失。究其原因,领导干部应对和处置突发事件的能力不强是一个重要方面。加强领导干部应对突发事件能力的建设是当前我国经济和社会发展形势的客观要求,也是构建和谐社会,巩固党的执政地位的需要。领导干部应对突发事件能力建设是一项系统工程,因此应从领导干部自身、政府组织以及国家三个层面入手来加强领导干部应对突发事件能力的建设,不断提高领导干部敏锐的观察能力、正确的判断能力、驾驭全局的能力、快速应变的能力、组织协调的能力、科学决策的能力。  相似文献   
I was deeply shocked to learn of the passing of Mr.Ikuo Hirayama on December 2,2009.The sad news,like a bright star falling from the sky, brought deep grief,but also revived a succession of memories of my contacts with Mr.and Mrs.Hirayama over halfa century. The year 2007 saw the 35th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan.On June 3,I was honored to  相似文献   
人是作为社会责任的主体而存在的.公民的社会责任价值即为能够直接满足人的生存和发展或满足实现目的需要的价值,内含着主体性价值、道德价值、教育价值和法律价值等价值形态.公民社会责任诸价值之间是相互联系、相辅相成的关系.为了实现公民的这种社会责任,维护社会的公平和正义,人们应充分认识社会责任价值体现,做到自身价值和社会价值的统一,目的价值与手段价值的统一.  相似文献   
马克斯·韦伯在其著作《新教伦理与资本主义精神》中谈到了宗教信仰对社会经济的巨大影响,试图从民族性格、文化取向上论证精神品格对经济层面的作用。他以独特的观察视角揭示了一种新颖的宗教观,展现了作者的人文关怀。乍看起来这与马克思"经济基础决定上层建筑"的分析思路截然不同,二者宗教观照亦大相径庭。但细究其质,韦伯的方法论与马克思的思想不无关联,在很多论证中秉承了马克思主义哲学的精髓。  相似文献   
为迎合自己的使用群体,搜索引擎服务商会对搜索内容做一些编辑和调整,这些编辑和调整会对某些内容产生系统化的偏好,于是产生了"搜索引擎偏见"(Search Engine Bias)现象。"搜索引擎偏见"有其存在的现实合理性,但是不当的"偏见"能够干扰互联网环境下的表达自由并侵犯公众知情权,给社会带来负面影响,因此有必要采取适宜的法律治理措施规范搜索引擎市场。  相似文献   
大学生学习权具有自由权属性与社会权属性。从应然的角度讲,具备独立法律人格的大学生具有选择学习内容、学习方法以及要求司法救济的权利。大学生的学习权利属于大学自治权属范围,就是依据学术共同体的自律作为营造大学法制秩序,保护大学生学习权的拥有、行使与受益。但是,由于大学内部利益预设的多元化并存,单纯的大学自治无法有效保护大学生学习权益。所以,有必要拓展大学生学习权司法救济的空间,让司法的阳光照进大学校园。  相似文献   
杨畅  周婷 《桂海论丛》2012,(6):77-80
社会质量包含社会经济保障、社会包客、社会凝聚和社会赋权四个维度,社会质量理论主要是从这四个方面来测量社会发展水平。社会质量水平是衡量政府公信力建设的一个重要标准,同时也是推动力。社会质量理论作为一种重要的政府管理理论工具和分析框架.从一个新的视角对当代中国政府公信力建设发挥导引的功能,二者在理论层面和价值层面上的契合是这一功能发挥的关键所在。  相似文献   
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