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Along the Dulong River,people are singing praise for the soldiers and officers at Dulongjiang Town’s border defense station which has been serving the community since 1952.In recognition of the dedication of its staff for six decades,the station was awarded the honorary title of Model Border Defense Police Station for the People.Police here have helped the town,which is located in Gongshan County in Nujiang Prefecture,with education,  相似文献   
The action of the line dominates Wang Guoneng's freehand figure brushwork. It gives the contours of a shape while adding emotional sensation with varied strokes that are thick and forceful, slender and flexible, curved or straight, dry or wet. Calligraphic lines are masterfully integrated into Wang Guoneng's freehand paintings to work with the structure of line, enlivening the composition and allowing the force of the outlines to merge with calligraphy skills.  相似文献   
农地的归属问题一直是我国农地制度变迁的核心问题,在短短几十年的时间内变动频繁.针对当前我国农地制度的创新困境,本文试图从国家(或政府)与农户两个利益主体对各自利益追求的角度,构建一个分析框架,描述建国以来中国农地制度变迁的轨迹.通过从历史角度的分析,得出当前农地制度是国家与农民之间利益分配的结果及权利的分配造成利益的分配的结论.  相似文献   
所谓区域经济开发,是在认真研究本区域经济发展所具有的优势特色基础上,因地制宜地扬本区域经济发展之长,避本区域经济能力之短,构成与本区域经济特色与实力相适应的区域经济发展新格局.义乌市是闻名全国的商品市场,十多年来兴商建市,“商品城”成了义乌的代名词.商业经济的发达为义乌市经济发展奠定了雄厚的经济实力,也成为义乌经济发展的一大优势特色.一九九二年,在邓小平南巡讲话精神鼓舞下,基于改变义乌薄弱的工业基础,为繁荣发达的商品市场提供丰厚的商品资源的战略思考,义乌市委.市政府经过慎密的考虑和研究,决定创建义乌经济开发区.  相似文献   
近年来,随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,一些不法犯罪之徒也纷纷打着支持西部大开发的旗号,将黑手伸向西部地区,利用票据的“准货币”特性,大肆进行各种“引资”等金融诈骗,使许多不明真相的企业和个人屡屡上当,损失惨重。防范和打击各类金融票据诈骗活动已成为企业、金融界和人们经济生活中关注的热点问题。  相似文献   
午汲镇位于武安市西南部,是一个土地肥沃、资源丰富、交通便利的大镇,近年来,以镇党委书记张增祥、镇长张治华为首的党政领导班子带领全镇艰苦奋斗、开发资源、发展经济,多轮驱动,以工农业带动经济发展,以经济促进工农业发展,取得了可喜成绩.  相似文献   
正Before an appreciative audience in China’s capital,their fiery,vigorous grassland-style performance welcomed Year 2018,and they were mentioned in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s New Year speech.The Ulan Muqir troupe from Sonid Right Banner,Inner Mongolia performed on-stage during Chinese Ethnic  相似文献   
Thousands of glowing water lanterns floating on the Miqie River make a spectacular scene. In Qingsuo Village, Shangguan Town, Dali City in Yunnan Province, the annual Haidenghui takes place on the 15th day of the seventh moon, a distinctive custom in Dali. A major headstream to Lake Erhai to the south, the Miqie River wends its way from Eryuan County. Qingsuo Village, on its northern bank, received its name from Qingsuo Bridge. According to the historical story, the bridge was first built with rattan ropes by order of famed military strategist Zhuge Liang's when the river blocked his way during his Southern Expedition.  相似文献   
People in Dulongjiang Town call him"Old County Head"because their village native Gao Derong over the years held so many important positions and made such an impact.Segregated from the world by forbiddingly steep Gaoligong Mountain and six months of unyieldingly deep snow,Dulongjiang’s Drung ethnic group was for some time the only one in China’s family of nationalities that had no highways.Gao’s leadership helped change  相似文献   
On a summer’s day while taking a walk with classmates from Fugong No.1 High School in Nujiang,Shuang Fuwei heard the cries for help.He rushed to the river and saw three girls struggling in the water.Six girls had been playing by the river on June 30,2012when a huge wave surged onto the beach and swept away three of them.Three of the six had managed to escape the wave,but the high-schooler saw the other three girls in the surging water.  相似文献   
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