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死刑核准权已经收归了最高人民法院,这种经历了辩证否定的权力回归是法治的胜利。但是随着相关司法解释的出台与施行,最高人民法院复核死刑的程序还存在一些纰漏和不足,如审理方式问题、对被告人进行讯问的问题、人民检察院及被害人是否应当参与的问题、辩护权问题、证明标准问题等仍然需要进一步地探讨和完善。  相似文献   
经保工作是公安工作的重要组成部分,承担着经济文化领域的安全保卫工作。在新形势下,如何构建经保工作体系,是亟待研究和解决的全新课题。要做好新时期的内保工作,必须转变观念,树立经保工作的新理念;统一职能,理顺机构;不断提升服务企事业单位的能力和水平;理顺体制,责权明晰,分层管理;全面建立单位内部治安保卫工作新机制;适应新形势,探索新模式;打防结合,标本兼治,充分发挥内保部门职能作用。  相似文献   
对于社会弱势群体的以“权利”为立足点的关怀和保护是人类特有的道德法则 ,也是实践中制度理性之重要表现。本文通过对于什么是“社会弱势群体”、社会弱势群体保护的权利视角和社会弱势群体权利保护理论的基础等三个问题的分析 ,认为对于社会弱势群体应该通过权利的方式进行保护 ,其基础就是实质平等理论。这种理论昭示着人权范围的扩大及国家义务的扩大 ,从而给予了社会弱势群体有效的保护。  相似文献   
俄罗斯现有的免费医疗体系,主要根源于苏联时期的医疗保障体系。苏联解体后,面对复杂的社会形势和严峻的经济形势,一方面,国家财政负担日益加重,已无法维持苏联时期的免费医疗体系,各种弊端逐渐显露;另一方面,原来的医疗制度已不能适应市场化的经济体制,苏联时期的免费医疗模式逐渐浮现出越来越多的负面影响,民众满意度逐渐下降。在这种大背景下,俄罗斯在沿袭苏联免费医疗体系的基础上对其进行了一系列改革,从原先无限免费医疗服务转变为当前有限基本医疗免费的新型基本医疗免费制度,形成了免费的法定强制医疗保险和自费的私人医疗保险相结合的医疗保障制度。这些改革措施使俄罗斯人免费享受到基本医疗服务,大大增强了民众对国家医疗服务体系的信心,总体来看取得了积极成效,但依然面临着医疗机制之困、医疗资金之困、医疗服务能力之困、医疗公平之困等诸多挑战,未来俄罗斯还需朝完善法律制度、加强顶层设计、加大医疗投入、扩大医疗筹资来源、完善硬软件设施、引入竞争机制、提高卫生服务供给能力等方向继续努力,兼顾免费医疗服务供给的公平性和效率性,实现全民均可享有的高质量的免费医疗服务。  相似文献   
Relations between China and Australia have remained on a very low level in recent years due to a series of events, which have thrown their bilateral relationship into its most difficult period since diplomatic ties were established. Since late 2017, the Australian media and individual politicians began to play up the issue of political "penetration" by China in Australia, which severely undermined the atmosphere for sound bilateral relations. In August 2018, the Australian government barred Huawei, China's leading company in information and communications technology, from its 5G network on national security grounds, which set a notorious precedent of rejecting Huawei's 5G technology among Western countries and cast a shadow upon the prospects of improving relations.  相似文献   
India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are important geopolitical actors in the Indo-Pacific, and their relations bear on the Indo-Pacific concept's richness in connotations. After the end of the Cold War, India introduced the "Look East" policy and made significant progress in its relations with ASEAN. As the idea of Indo-Pacific emerges, India has also claimed to safeguard the regional centrality of ASEAN.  相似文献   
随着我国依法治国以及依法行政的不断发展,行政问责制度已经渐渐为公众所知,行政问责制度的提出根本是为了规范公职人员的行政方式,完善国家的治国体系。行政问责制度的不断推进,显示着国家的民主政治体制更加健全。当前,要围绕我国行政问责制度的发展现状,分析我国行政问责制度的发展历程、存在的问题,以期为行政问责程序规范化提升提出建议。  相似文献   
Existing studies on public attitudes and actions towards sites elections of projects with existing environmental risk usually make simple binary partition and mostly focus on public confrontational actions. Whereas, no attention has been paid to the complexity and dynamic convertibility of public's risk coping actions. This paper constructs an integrated framework for environmental risk coping actions referring to risk social amplification theory and risk protective theory. Through the comparative analysis with three typical projects of nuclear facilities in China, it has been found that there are four different types of risk coping action based on dual dimensions of risk perception and risk communication, namely, acquiescence–support and acquiescence–adaption, belonging to low‐grade risk coping actions, and two high‐grade risk coping actions, prevention–mobilization and prevention–protest. Under specific conditions, the dynamic conversions from low grade to high grade among the four action choice models also existed. Findings of this paper try to provide a theoretical interpretation for getting a better understanding of the public action choices in relation to environment risk. In the meanwhile, policy enlightenment to risk governance for government has also been discussed.  相似文献   
宗教极端主义对“一带一路”影响巨大,不仅威胁海外中国公民和财产安全,破坏地区安全稳定形势,影响项目建设成本和进度,还刺激贩毒等其他犯罪行为。中亚地区的极端主义主要表现为宗教极端主义,形成原因主要有社会环境、个人心理需求、错误的宗教教义和大国博弈等因素。有些人未能系统学习宗教知识却希望在宗教中寻求精神寄托,被极端势力鼓吹的错误宗教教义迷惑,进而加入极端组织并从事带有政治目的极端行为。一些大国出于地缘博弈的目的,资助和培训极端分子,也成为极端势力屡禁不绝的背后推手之一。反对极端主义是中国与中亚国家的重要合作内容,现已具备一定的法律基础,已形成比较有效的区域安全合作理念与模式,并已取得很多具体成果,有效地维护了地区稳定。当前和未来一段时间,双方宜在已有成果和经验教训基础上,综合考虑宗教、地缘与国际法基本原则等因素,继续完善上海合作组织等多边区域国际机制,加强国家宗教事务管理领域合作,利用宗教体系内部的自我管理和净化体系拨乱反正,同时防范个别大国炒作和利用宗教极端势力干扰地区稳定。  相似文献   
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