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合法性是企业权力的题中之义,企业权力关系往往通过组织结构的安排来体现,权力与组织结构相互建构,从科层结构向平台结构的转变,昭示着企业权力的重置,这一变化的实质是数字化时代企业权力合法性的重建.科层结构因奉行工具理性的本质契合了工业化社会追求企业效率至上的要求而获得成功,因此而为其赢得了合法性.随着后工业化社会的到来,社会的价值取向日益转向对价值理性的关注和追求,于是引发了人们对工业化社会片面追求工具理性的反思:科层结构所表现的由工具理性压制价值理性的状况与后工业化社会的价值转向是格格不入的,由此成为触发合法性危机的重要诱因.近些年兴起的平台结构以其扁平化、去中心和无边界的耗散结构回应了数字化时代对个体价值、自主管理和合作共赢的诉求,消解了科层结构的合法性危机,为重建合法性奠定了价值基础、制度基础和有效性基础.  相似文献   
新时代中国国家治理现代化的学术研究经由党的十八届三中全会开题、十九大定调、十九届四中全会谋篇布局,三个历史节点高潮迭起,党的十九届五中全会的胜利召开则标志着中国国家治理研究进入了深化发展阶段。在时空压缩与双化叠加的大背景下,深入理解“中国之治”内生性演化的历史底色、创造性转化的时代新色、现代性生成的本体特色、原创性深化的价值本色、自主性优化的实践成色和发展性更化的战略亮色,有利于廓清和加深对中国国家治理现代化的基本理论认知,进一步深化治理研究和提升国家治理认知力,既是持续推进国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的内在规定,也是加速推动国家治理效能得到新提升的现实要求。  相似文献   
Increasingly, algorithms challenge legal regulations, and also challenge the right to explanation, personal privacy and freedom, and individual equal protection. As decision-making mechanisms for human-machine interaction, algorithms are not value-neutral and should be legally regulated. Algorithm disclosure, personal data empowerment, and anti-algorithmic discrimination are traditional regulatory methods relating to algorithms, but mechanically using these methods presents difficulties in feasibility and desirability. Algorithm disclosure faces difficulties such as technical infeasibility, meaningless disclosure, user gaming and intellectual property right infringement. And personal data empowerment faces difficulties such as personal difficulty in exercising data rights and excessive personal data empowerment, making it difficult for big data and algorithms to operate effectively. Anti-algorithmic discrimination faces difficulties such as non-machine algorithmic discrimination, impossible status neutrality, and difficult realization of social equality. Taking scenarios of algorithms lightly is the root cause of the traditional algorithm regulation path dilemma. Algorithms may differ in attributes due to specific algorithmic subjects, objects and domains involved. Therefore, algorithm regulation should be developed and employed based on a case-by-case approach to the development of accountable algorithms. Following these development principles, specific rules can be enacted to regulate algorithm disclosure, data empowerment, and anti-algorithmic discrimination.  相似文献   
Order comes first in legal values, while laws should maintain the consistency and stability of order. The proposed China's environmental code (Code) shall restate the prevailing environmental legal norms and optimize the prevailing environmental legal order. From the perspective of stabilizing the legal order, common regulations of General Part of the Code should connect with the constitution and the prevailing environmental laws, determine the legal values of the Code-governing environment, and provide the foundation and basic framework for each subsequent part of the Code. Therefore, common regulations of the Code should recognize and support the constitution order and bolster the emerging eco-environment legal order relating to the eco-civilization construction. They should be coherent, value-orientated, and independent, inheriting the general framework of the prevailing Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and other specific environmental laws, and developing the applicable norms. Specifically, consistently with the legislative purposes, the Code common regulations should recognize the objectives of construction of eco-civilization and pursuit of social, economic and ecological sustainable development, and this pursuit should be carried out based on the basic principles; the application scope of ecological environment should be redefined in order to maintain the ecological value and overall ecological order; the clause on basic environmental obligations and the clause on citizens' environmental rights should be defined with the national environmental protection obligations as the main thread and the multi-player legal relationship as the framework; and the national environmental protection obligations should be preliminarily delivered with three clauses: national environmental protection financial support, environmental publicity and education, and global environmental governance.  相似文献   
There are three levels in the Interaction between Zen and ecology. First, Zen and ecology focus on illness caused by ecological problems,Disease pain is the basic point between Zen and ecology. Secondly, although Zen can improve health conditions, but this is just one of the results. The most important of Zen is “prajna”. The real world which “prajna” regard is same with ecology. The two emphasis on“ Ecological cycle”concept.Finally,because the philosophy of Zen focus on liberation, so the heath quality of Zen is better than general health.  相似文献   
俄罗斯侨民作家别列列申是一位在中国土地上成长起来的俄国诗人,他同时还是一名翻译家,翻译了许多中国古代和现代的文学作品,《节妇吟》就是其中的一首,收录在其翻译的诗歌集《团扇诗》中。译作《节妇吟》最大限度地保留了原诗的形式特征,尽可能体现了原诗的意境,达到了形神兼备的境界,让俄国读者充分领略到了中国唐诗的风韵和内涵。  相似文献   
南方谈话是邓小平理论走向成熟、形成体系的重要标志;是改革开放新时期又一个解放思想、实事求是的宣言书;是“三个代表”思想的重要来源;是实现中华民族伟大复兴的政治宣言和行动纲领。它在国际共产主义运动史上占有极其重要的地位,是对当代国际共产主义运动历史经验的科学总结。  相似文献   
目的探讨四川省藏族青少年膝关节骨发育趋势,更新利用膝关节骨龄推断我国藏族青少年活体年龄的数据资料。方法在我国四川省阿坝地区调查483例14~19周岁藏族男、女性青少年膝关节X线片,选取股骨远端、胫骨近端及腓骨近端骨骺作为骨骼发育指标,观察骨骺发育情况,并运用SPSS 16.0统计学软件计算出青少年膝关节骨骺闭合年龄的描述性数据。结果膝关节中,闭合最早的骨骺是股骨远端骨骺,闭合最晚的是腓骨近端骨骺,其中女性青少年膝关节骨骺发育较男性提前约1岁左右。结论应用于法医学活体骨龄鉴定的藏族青少年相关数据资料应定期更新。本研究结果可为法医学、人类学及临床医学等相关学科在进行骨龄评价时提供参考。  相似文献   
目的调查中国朝鲜族群体中H19基因上游差异甲基化区(differentially methylated region,DMR)SNP及单倍型分布,为法医学应用及群体遗传学研究提供基础数据。方法收集中国朝鲜族101份无关个体血样和14份来自5个亲缘关系已知的两代家系血样,用PCR-循环测序、McrBC消化DNA后PCR方法检测H19基因上游DMR的SNP,并用亲源印记等位基因(parentally imprinted allele,PIA)分型法进行单倍型检测,再计算相关遗传学参数。结果在H19基因上游DMR 1174bp的目的基因扩增产物中,共检出13个SNP(rs10840167、rs2525883、rs12417375、rs4930101、rs2525882、rs2735970、rs2735971、rs11042170、rs2735972、rs10732516、rs2071094、rs2107425、rs4930098)和5种单倍型,有9个SNP属于高鉴别能力的遗传标记,其单倍型具有较高的个人识别率,单倍型平均基因多样性(GD)为0.714。应用McrBC酶消化基因组DNA的PIA分型法确定了家系子代样本的母源单倍型。结论 H19基因上游DMR在中国朝鲜族群体中具有很高的遗传多态性,母源单倍型的确定进一步提高了印记基因的法医学鉴定效能。  相似文献   
在民事诉讼中,当事人提起诉讼的目的是为了获得对自己有利的判决,而判决的结果往往取决于当事人提出证据的强弱。因此,如何在当事人之间公平、合理、合法地分配证据提出的责任就显得非常必要和重要。  相似文献   
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