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当前我国法学教育已进入大众化时代,如何提升法学教育质量成为教育界人人思考的问题。针对法学教育的诸多问题、改革教育理念,转变教育方式,推广实践教学、特色化办学等十分必要。  相似文献   
The publishing of Chinese contemporary literature varied from planned pattern, which mainly manifested national mainstream ideology, to the context in which the pattern was mingled with market. Under the ideology context the publishing of literature depended on political missions. After reform and opening up the publishing of literature revealed new features, which was an account of the adjustment of significant national projects, the transformation of the publishing system and the return of market. Under the gradually free circumstances, the publishing of literature is exploring its own development tendency under the guidance of commercial economy besides complying with national publishing policies. After 1990s the publishing of literature reveals its diversifications on concept with the establishment of socialist marketing economy, the spring of electronic media, the development of multi-media etc.  相似文献   
腾讯-360案被称作互联网行业反垄断第一案,对该案相关市场的界定是判断腾讯公司是否构成滥用市场支配地位的起点。以腾讯公司、360公司为代表的互联网行业自身特殊性决定了该行业相关市场界定的方法不同于传统方法。透过广东省高院对3Q之争做出的判决,可以发掘传统替代分析法在互联网行业相关市场界定中的不足,借助双边市场特性创新互联网行业相关市场界定的思路和方法是极其必要的。  相似文献   
胡桥 《北方法学》2017,11(5):139-149
食品小作坊安全监管,是透视大部制后我国食品安全监管时间权限规范实效状况的一个重要窗口。调查数据显示,我国食品安全监管仍然处于被动执法状态。作为被动执法的另一极,运动执法在目前也很盛行。被动执法和运动执法一左一右,使食品安全监管时间权限规范形同虚设,不能有效控制和约束日常的监管行为,从而破坏了法秩序的安定状态。单就法律而言,被动执法和运动执法屡禁不绝的根源是,食品安全监管时间权限规范本身缺乏计划的圆满性,这意味着监管时间权限规范存在法律漏洞。在形成法治思维的前提下,借鉴德国的风险等级与时间权限相对应的立法经验,抓紧填补食品安全监管时间权限规范的漏洞,同时,积极发挥地方立法的优势,及时出台有关时间权限规范方面的实施意见和办法,是我国食品安全监管走出被动执法和运动执法恶性循环的根本举措。  相似文献   
多元化纠纷解决机制逐渐受到重视,在线纠纷解决机制作为多元化纠纷解决机制的补充和创新也就应运而生.电商互联网平台的应用、在线司法的发展和网上法庭的尝试使得在线纠纷解决机制对我国传统的纠纷解决方式形成巨大冲击.它在大大缓解当下中国“案多人少”矛盾的同时,也成为推进我国电子商务持续健康发展的重要力量.但其作为新生机制,尚存在社会信任度不高、法律规则供给欠缺、平台数量与功能不足方面的困境.有鉴于此,实现纠纷解决服务的市场化、推动在线纠纷解决规则的特有化和促进核心资源的整合化不仅是当务之急,更应是长远选项.  相似文献   
云计算在会计领域的运用,使深入挖掘、提升会计信息的利用价值成为可能;但同时,“云”也加大了会计数据被非法截取、修改或删除的风险,从而使企业的会计信息遭到破坏.会计信息的安全问题成为云计算在会计领域推广的阻碍,如何保护云计算环境下的会计信息不受非法侵害成为亟待解决的问题.会计信息的经济价值要求法律按其属性给予恰当的保护.云计算环境下的会计信息是不同于物与智力成果的新型财产,从民法上财产权的视角,应当界定会计信息财产权,明确其权利内容;会计信息财产权保护的直接对象是会计数据,应当厘清会计信息财产权保护的范围,明确会计信息财产权的民事救济方式,以实现对会计信息安全的法律保护.  相似文献   
胡其图 《东北亚论坛》2013,(5):95-104,129
国务院批准的长吉图开发开放先导区,既是提升我国东北地区沿边开放水平、增强东北地区(尤其是吉林省)经济社会发展新的重大举措,同时也是促进区域合作开发、实现区域性联动发展的新探索。兴安盟南承长吉图先导区、西北接资源能源丰富的蒙古国东方省、东临我国重要的蒙东煤炭生产基地、东北靠风景秀美且矿产资源丰富的呼伦贝尔大草原。作为蒙东地区重要的交通枢纽,兴安盟近可作为长吉图先导区强而有力的腹地支撑,远可作为长吉图先导区向北纵深、联结蒙俄的前沿地带。  相似文献   
‘Region’is the origin of Folk Art’s protection, local entities’ direct involvement and voluntarily protect is needed in the practice of Folk Art’s research and administration. This is the key factor of Folk Art’s inheritance, protection and exploitation. This article takes ‘Temmoku Kiln’ in Linan, Zhejiang as an example, through exploring its firing and using trajectory, propagation and communication, culture and religious connotation to study the countermeasures of ‘Temmoku Kiln’s protection and exploitation, and find the reference path for Folk Art’s development and traditional industry’s exploitation in other regions of Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   
After entering into the new century, Chinese contemporary literature is subjected to the double pressure of the electronic media and the market economy. the independent “Elite literature” field which is dominated by the literature publishing is experiencing the variation under the influence of many factors such as politics, economy, science and technology, thought and mentality. the variation includes four secondary literature field, they are elite literature, youth literature, network literature and popular literature respectively. The field of Chinese literature is composed by the four secondary literature field since the new century, they coexist and compete mutually.This competitive situation is unavoidable for the time being, that is to say, the mutual relationship among elite literature, youth literature, network literature and popular literary is both competitive and cooperative, the image of the competition and connection with each other is the current situation of contemporary Chinese literature.  相似文献   
太平洋战争爆发后,西田几多郎提出了面向世界的历史课题,即"世界性的世界形成主义"。西田的世界观是以东亚为视角、以日本为中心的世界观,其目的是将"八纮为宇"的"皇道精神"发挥于世界。在日本政府已经确立"大东亚共荣圈"的亚洲战略之后,西田提出"东亚共荣圈"理念,试图从哲学的世界观、文化观角度解读并深化日本政府的"大东亚共荣圈"理论。西田的"东亚共荣圈"中包含浓厚的日本历史特殊性和日本民族优越论的倾向,与军部法西斯的"大东亚共荣圈"殊途同归。  相似文献   
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