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法院超审限行为严重影响了我国司法的公平与效率。由于法院的超审限而导致诉讼当事人的损失加重时,法院应承担的责任法律没有明确规定。《国家赔偿法》颁布后,民事、刑事和行政赔偿都被囊括其中,但三种赔偿机制都不能直接移植用于法院超审限的行为,必须引入司法赔偿的概念,重构一个赔偿机制来解决法院超审限导致的损失加重责任。  相似文献   
劳务派遣的滥用严重侵蚀劳动者合法权益,学界普遍将此问题归咎于《劳动合同法》对劳务派遣适用范围采取的任意性规范立场。在2013年《劳动合同法(修正案)》和2014年《劳务派遣暂行规定》中,立法者回应质疑,将争议条款变更为强制性规范,严格限定了劳务派遣的适用范围。然而,超范围派遣、超期派遣仍然普遍存在。劳务派遣适用范围的相关规制为何失灵?这需要通过回溯立法的博弈过程,检视现行制度的设计偏差,以剖析违法滥用的内在动因为切入点,在借鉴域外经验的基础上,衡平劳动保护并弥补制度漏洞,让市场对劳务派遣做出理性的选择。  相似文献   
作为一种刑事司法理念,庭审中心主义来自于司法改革实践的提炼,需要在学理上加以系统阐释.庭审中心主义直面的现实问题主要体现在四个方面,即杜绝庭审虚化、防范冤假错案、树立审判权威和推进司法改革.庭审规则体系的完善、直接言词原则的贯彻、控辩平等对抗的落实、庭前程序与庭审程序的有效衔接、非法证据排除程序的妥善设置、裁判文书说理应围绕庭审活动展开等是实现庭审中心主义的有效路径.  相似文献   
家庭服务工作在当今经济和整个社会中具有非常重要的地位,但家务工作也是最不稳定、低报酬和没有保护的就业形式之一,家务服务员劳动权益保护被排除在劳动法律之外。改变当前家务服务员权益保护的脆弱状态,改善家务服务员的工作和生活条件,应当重新定位劳动法所调整的劳动关系的范围,构建多元的调整方式,制定专门的家务服务员劳动权益法。  相似文献   
美国次贷危机引发的国际金融危机自2008年爆发以来,几乎席卷全球,以美国为代表的西方国家经济受到重创。美国一方面需要中国的帮助,向中国大举借债,在外交领域向中国示好,另一方面转过身来就发动中美之间的贸易战,抑制来自中国企业的竞争,阻碍中国新技术企业向美国的出口,以此作为恢复美国经济、保持美国竞争优势的战略措施。后危机时代中美贸易摩擦更加剧烈,新技术产业已成为双方争夺的焦点,企业须有相应对策。  相似文献   
以李商隐复杂的人生经历为切入点,分析诗歌中隐隐透露出理想不得实现的悲苦现实、生命体验与诗歌融为一体的独特艺术诉求.由此分析诗人在意象的选择上注重人生体验,但更重视审美追求,并在崇高的审美的追寻中现实理想与现实的平衡.  相似文献   
女性公务员是一个特殊的群体,其心理健康问题不容忽视。本文以北京市H区的200名女性公务员为调查对象,通过问卷调查、座谈、访谈,从良好的道德、健康的情绪、正常的工作能力、协调的人际关系和平衡的心理等五个方面来分析接受调查的女性公务员的心理健康状况,并提出要建立政府、妇联与女性公务员自身共同努力的心理健康体系。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the food security and nutritional status of formerly displaced households (HHs). Using the 2006 Core Welfare Indicator Survey for Burundi we compare their food intake and their level of expenses with that of their non-displaced neighbours. We test whether it is the duration of displacement that matters for current food security and nutritional status or the time lapsed since returning home. We use log-linear as well as propensity score matching and an instrumental variable-approach to control for self-selection bias. We find that the individuals and HHs who returned home just before the time of the survey are worse off compared to those who returned several years earlier. On average, the formerly displaced have 5 per cent lower food expenses and 6 per cent lower calorie intake. Moreover, we find evidence in favour of duration of displacement as the main mechanisms through which displacement affects HH welfare. Results are robust after controlling for self-selection bias. Despite international, government and NGO assistance, the welfare of recent returnees is lagging seriously behind in comparison with the local non-displaced populations.  相似文献   
A set of discussion groups including leftist ex‐guerrillas and rightist ex‐paramilitaries in Colombia shows the limits for democratic deliberation in postconflict societies, but also points to ways that outcomes closer to the deliberative ideal might be obtained. A total of 342 ex‐combatants agreed to sit down and talk politics under a number of experimental conditions, using three different protocols of engagement. Results show that consensus rule fosters simultaneously a more reasoned and common‐good–oriented, and less self‐interested type of discussion when compared to majority rule and unstructured “free talk.” Nevertheless, while it might be desirable to promote a better quality of deliberation in divided societies, it does not necessarily prevent antagonists’ tendency to polarize.  相似文献   
After the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, more and more scholars have showed increasing interest in corporate charitable donations. In China, enterprises, particularly private enterprises, are important forces in charitable donations. With the S share listed companies in China from 2003 to 2014 as the samples, empirical tests are made in this paper to confirm the effect of the ownership of property right on corporate donations; then based on the monetary policy, whether financing constraint influences the corporate donations is checked. Results show that compared with state-owned enterprises, the private enterprises are more strategically motivated with larger donation scale. Further study shows that monetary policy is an important element to affect the donation of private enterprises. These findings not only enrich the existing literature, but also expand research on macroeconomic policies and microcosmic firm behaviors.  相似文献   
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