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The theory of juristic acts is the core content of the General Principles of Civil Code, and the perfection of the legal norms is one of the main tasks of the General Principles of Civil Code of PRC. Based on the theory of juristic acts, this paper gave a detailed review of all the legal norms about juristic acts in the new General Principles of Civil Code of PRC. The author believes that the General Principles of Civil law of PRC have made great progress in the definition of juristic act, the basic values behind it, the implementation and effectiveness of the declaration of intention, and the validity system of juristic acts. At the same time, the article also pointed out that this General Principles of Civil Code still needs second consideration or perfection in this field, including the selection of terminology, the effect of persons with limited capacity of juristic acts, the rules about the error in the declaration of intention, the adoption of rules aboutunilateral false declaration of intention, the optimization of the validity system of invalid juristic acts etc. This paper put forward a series of concrete and practical perfection plans, looking forward to be useful for further improvement of the General Principles and the codification of other parts of the civil law.  相似文献   
我国《物权法》确立了不动产瑕疵登记救济的原则,但在适用中缺乏具体的操作性。应借鉴国外制度,允许登记机关收取一定比例的赔偿基金,并从基金的筹集、管理、营运及监管等方面予以设计,从而对侵权损害进行有效救济。  相似文献   
西部历史文化名城以其资源优势已成为旅游者向往的重要旅游目的地,对区域经济发展和产业结构调整起到重要作用.但许多西部名城的旅游开发长期处于低层次的发展状态中,难以有效的跨越式大发展.本文在旅游体验理论的指导下,通过ASEB-SWOT矩阵分析方法,针对性的对西部名城旅游目的地TDCS系统进行深入分析判断,找出面临的优势、机遇和劣势、威胁,逐步改善和加强TDCS自身的活动、环境、体验和利益,促进西部地区历史文化名城旅游业的快速发展.  相似文献   
公共管理的方法论基础:从成本收益分析到合作收益分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代经济学基于“经济人”假设,将每个人(组织)看作是一个独立的利益主体,并基于此建立了经典的“成本—收益”分析方法。公共管理理论则将人看成是一个处于社会关系网络中的社会个体和利益相关者,存在着个体间的公共利益,公共管理的最终目的就是为了维护并提升公共利益。基于合作博弈分析,公共管理应建立合作—收益的分析框架,以通过人类的合作机制,实现社会的公共利益。  相似文献   
刘少奇的经济思想主要有巩固新民主主义经济制度、稳健地向社会主义过渡、集中精力发展生产力、尊重经济规律、用经济办法管理经济、全面调整生产关系以适应生产力的发展水平、积极探索经济体制改革和利用资本主义建设社会主义等内容。其主要特点是:着眼于发展生产力,坚持以经济建设为中心;始终从实际出发,坚持实事求是的思想路线:尊重群众的意愿.维护群众的根本刊益。刘少奇的经济思想是马克思主义经济思想的重要组成部分.是邓小平经济思想与列宁经济思想之间的中间环节.是马列主义经济思想与新中国经济建设实践相结合的典范。  相似文献   
国外城市规划管理中“公众参与”的经验与启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨过程中,城市规划行政管理职能也要作相应的转变,以适应市场经济条件下日趋复杂的城市管理的需要和挑战.分析国外城市规划管理中"公众参与"的成功经验,探讨我国公众参与的实现途径,以促进城市规划行政管理的现代化.  相似文献   
EVERY time we had dinner, I felt awkward when my Chinese morn repeatedly asked me to eat more. My mom in America would never push me like that. Finally I couldn't tolerate it anymore, so I asked why she did that. She told me it was because she loved me and really looked upon me as her own child, and she worried about whether I felt hungry. From that point I understood that Chinese people had led a poor life in the past. What worries parents most is whether their children have enough food. Although their lives have dramatically improved, they are used to voicing the old concerns. I still don't feel easy with constant requests to eat, but when my Chinese mom tries to persuade me to eat more, I always thank her with a smile instead of feeling angry."  相似文献   
<广州日报>报道,广东去年有26名大学生自杀身亡,另有5人自杀未遂. <东方早报>报道,上海去年共发生大学生自杀事件23起,造成19人死亡.<重庆晨报>报道,重庆有13%的大学生有过自杀意念……近年来大学生自杀噩耗不断刺激着国人的神经.大学生自杀原因何在?细究起来自然很多,最终都归结为一条,那就是他们在挫折面前打了败仗.  相似文献   
SHANZHAI, a phrase that entered Chinese Internet-speak in 2008, has split over into everyday commerce, manifest in shanzhai mobile phones, cosmetics, handbags and watches - even shanzhai movie stars and blockbusters. Although disgruntled at the shanzhai onslaught, most people maintain an attitude of genial bemusement.  相似文献   
《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释、部门规章对刑事强制医疗制度进行了系统的程序规制,但在强制医疗对象范围上依然需要与其他部门法做好衔接,在一些具体程序规定上还有待进一步修正.刑事强制医疗属于实现社会防卫的保安处分措施.要实现这一法律功能,并兼顾人权保障的立法任务,需要合理界定强制医疗的对象范围,依据正当性标准完善其程序规定.  相似文献   
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