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《Race & Society》2002,5(1):85-101
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva has painted with broad strokes a portrait of the future of racial relations in the United States in his paper entitled, “We are all Americans: Toward a New System of Racial Stratification in the U.S.A.” [Race and Society (forthcoming)]. In essence, he sees the United States moving from a two-tier, black-white racial system toward a three-tier racial system where persons will be categorized as “white”, “honorary white”, or “collective black”. Additionally, Bonilla-Silva believes that we are moving from a system in which race is commonly taken into account, toward a system of “color-blind” racism. In this article, we closely examine Bonilla-Silva’s ideas, and although we appreciate the broad scale of his work and its challenge to traditional race relations, we make adjustments to his work, particularly concerning the location of Latinos in the U.S. racial hierarchy, which lead both to a better understanding of the current and future racial situation in the United States, and toward policy recommendations which could ameliorate the bleak situation in which we find ourselves concerning life chances of people of color.  相似文献   
“十三五”末期,内外部环境复杂多变、经济下行压力不断增加,不可避免地冲击着农村地区就业创业市场的稳定发展。为应对就业压力,“十四五”规划应将“稳就业、促创业”作为促进农村就业创业发展的基本方向,以保障农业生产安全、实现乡村振兴和全面建成小康社会为重点目标,按照“充分发挥第一产业就业‘稳定器’作用,提升农村二、三产业就业吸纳能力,增强农村创业环境吸引力,稳定农民工就业"的总体思路,全面推进农村地区实现高质量的就业创业新局面。为支撑“十四五”农村就业创业高质量发展,应将提高农村公共就业服务能力、完善农村创业政策体系、促进农村产业多样化以及吸引优秀人才、社会资本下乡等作为政策着力点,让农村地区成为全国新增就业的“蓄水池”。  相似文献   
复合行政以其"多中心"、"交叠"、"自主治理"的主张契合了中部地区发展的需要,是中部区域管理的可行模式。在现行宪政框架下,获得党和政府的支持合作、培育社会的自主治理能力、纳入行政区划调整以及创新管理理念和方法是在中部构造复合行政的四个渐进策略。  相似文献   
The Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China has provided to prohibit monopoly agreements and abuse of dominant market position, control concentration of business operators and fight against administrative monopoly. The transformation of China’s economic system is incomplete, and the Anti-Monopoly Law has many flaws. At the initial stage of enforcing the Anti-Monopoly Law, severe challenges will occur in legislative purposes, enforcement authorities, fighting against administrative monopoly and handling of the relationship between anti-monopoly enforcement and industry supervision. Thus, the promulgation of the Anti-Monopoly Law is only the first step in the legislation on anti-monopoly. Wang Xiaoye held a bachelor’s degree of philosophy from Inner Mongolian Normal University (1981), LL.M. from Renmin University of China (1984) and Doctor Juris magna cum laude from the University Hamburg (1993). Since 1984, she works at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). From 1988 to 1993, she studied in Germany based on Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Private Law. As visiting scholar she spent a year at Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Intellectual Property and Competition Law, and a year at Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Social Law in Munich. In 2004, she was invited to the US by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. In 2005, she was invited to the European Union Visitors Program, and awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to spend a year at the Chicago-Kent College of Law. Prof. Wang works in the areas of economic law, international economic law, and focuses on competition law. Her publications include: Monopoly and Competition in the Chinese Economy — A conception for merger control in China in view of the American and German practices (J C B Mohr, 1993); Monopoly Problem in the Merger of Enterprises (Law Press, 1996); On Competition Law (China’s Legal Publishing House, 1999); Competition Law of European Community (China’s Legal Publishing House, 2001); Economic Law (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2005); Competition Law (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2007). She also has over 200 papers published in Chinese, German and English languages. Prof. Wang has served as vice president of National Association for Economic Law of China, the head of the Consultant Committee for WTO Trade and Competition Policy of the Ministry of Commerce, and member of the Expert Advisory Board for Anti-Monopoly Legislation of the State Council and the National People’s Congress. In her honor, she once lectured on competition law for the Standing Committee of the Ninth and Tenth People’s Congress. In international academic activities, she is a founding member of Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) and of the Asian Competition Forum, and member of International Advisory Board of the CUTS C-CIER. She lectured on Chinese law at ABA, IBA, IPBA, ACF, Harvard University, Columbia University, Washington University (St. Louis), New York University, KFTC, Chatham House, LIDC, IDRC and other institutions.  相似文献   
论中国化马克思主义经济学的建设性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马克思主义经济学的科学性蕴涵在其内容的丰富性之中.马克思主义经济学有着多方面的理论观点,这些观点有着相对独立的价值.但这些观点并不仅仅是一棵棵孤立的"大树",而是由多种"树木"构成的"森林",其严密逻辑把这一个个观点缀连成不可分割的整体.正是在马克思主义经济学的基础上,中国化马克思主义经济学才除了革命性质以外,还具有了重要的建设性质,成为集革命与建设于一体的建设的经济学.指导中国改革开放的主流经济学,是主张发展社会主义的中国化马克思主义建设经济学,而不是主张葬送社会主义的西方非马克思主义激进经济学.  相似文献   
王林  李凡 《政法学刊》2008,25(1):71-77
行业协会可以在推动科学发展、促进社会和谐、全面建设小康社会的进程中发挥重要的调谐功能,从而实现政府、市场、社会间的良性互动,但这需要行业协会民间化、规范化本位回归的实现。应以"政会分开"为视角,考察我国行业协会由"初现→消匿→滞存→新生"的历史发展轨迹,以及由"政府全能"到"政府依附"到"政会分开"的发展模式演进,并应以行业协会的主体地位、组织构成、自治权能、社会责任作为主要视点,对我国行业协会发展之法律保障和规制中的争点问题进行必要的研究及阐释。  相似文献   
协议转让是以意思自治为本质之资本市场重要证券交易制度,其具有制度生成功能、完善公司治理功能、社会资源整合和配置优化功能、全球化和市场化背景下的经济品质提升和制度发展促进功能.由于我国证券法制的局限和国家政策因素影响,协议转让规则体系存在很大局限性,制度供给不足,违反了平等性要求,法律规定不足和市场机制缺陷交织.这都制约着协议转让功能的发挥.未来要以金融市场化为基础,贯彻利益平衡原则和效率原则,建立符合中国国情和国际法治要求的协议转让制度.  相似文献   
非缴费型社会养老金,也称社会养老金,和缴费型养老金几乎同时诞生,但前者的发展一直相对滞后。在20世纪90年代之前,社会养老金在发展中国家的普及程度远远落后于发达国家。本研究采用文献法,基于HelpAge International的全球社会养老金数据,分析了自20世纪90年代以来非缴费型社会养老金在发展中国家的发展趋势、兴起原因和减贫效果,并结合发展中国家实施社会养老金的经验,为我国城乡居民养老保险制度未来改革和完善提出了建议。首先,根据本国情况选择适宜的制度模式;其次,应关注制度的长期可持续性,本着持续渐进的原则,逐步提高保障力度;最后,通过合理的制度设计来减少社会养老金负激励效应。  相似文献   
As a political leader,US President Trump's personality traits affect his policy orientations and current US foreign policy.The authors analyze Trump's personality in several categories-uninhibited and capricious,dynamic and capable,profit-orientated and self-centered,competitive and persistent,positive and extraverted.The traits of breaking traditions,skill at strategic deception and negotiation,action-motivated implementation,intuitive decision-making,pursuit of respect and interest exchange,and vengefulness will shape his policy and behavioral orientations.Initial study shows Trump to be a political leader with positive personality traits and double-sided dimensions.The analysis offers insight toward understanding the new US executive and his policy direction.  相似文献   
《Electoral Studies》1988,7(1):15-26
Richard Rose has argued that the difference between electoral systems should be seen more as a matter of degree than of principle. This article contends that the apparent similarity in outcome of varying systems flows from the index of proportionality which Richard Rose employs. Particularly in polities with intense regional divisions the form of electoral system has a vast influence on the result.  相似文献   
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