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调查研究是我党长期坚持的改进工作、转变作风的科学方法,把调查研究贯穿于党风建设措施的制定、措施向执行和效果评估的全过程是对我党这一优良传统的继承与发扬。在新的历史条件下,在党风建设中开展调查研究必须以解决问题为目的,坚持群众观点和群众路线,同时要讲究方法艺术的选择与运用。  相似文献   
文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园。马克思的经典著作中渗透着丰富而深刻的文化思想。马克思的文化思想的主旨是化,主要表现为以现实的人为主体和客观前提,以劳动实践为中介和实现手段,以经济发展为支撑和现实基础,以民族性向世界性的拓展为动力和必然趋势,以人的自由全面发展为目标和价值归宿,对我国和谐社会建设特别是对文化的大发展大繁荣具有重要意义。  相似文献   
党群沟通机制是指党为了密切联系群众以实现其奋斗目标,与群众沟通过程中的党、群众、信息、渠道、沟通方式等要素之间构成的有机联动的整体。党群沟通机制运行的结构要素包括沟通主体、沟通信息、沟通渠道、沟通方式等要素,它是党群沟通机制运行的基本因素。在中国语境下,党群沟通机制的结构要素的活动路向在主体层次主要涉及信息输入者和信息输出者;渠道层次主要侧重于对渠道要素的活动机理进行分析;信息层次主要是针对信息在机制运行中的流动情况进行分析;评价要素主要涉及前三个层次运行的效果反馈。  相似文献   
自十八大提出并确立社会主义协商民主这一概念以来,学术界就紧紧围绕社会主义协商民主的科学内涵、理论来源、发展历程和推进路径等方面进行了全方位、多层次的探讨,取得了不少突破和新成果,综述其要有利于为深化社会主义协商民主研究提供参考。  相似文献   
The virtual summit has come and gone and what has it changed? Virtually nothing. We had good reason to believe that more would be accomplished. Admittedly, the original meeting read-outs were relatively sparse, and new details emerged in the days that followed, indicating that more was said and done than either side initially conveyed. But the key questions facing us now are: Why did we expect more; why didn't we get it; and what does all of this mean for China-U.S. relations going forward?  相似文献   
Over the many years of accelerated economic growth in China,there has been a general tendency in m any corners to fetishize GDP growth rates as paramount indicators of economic developm ent The simple logic of bigger is better has always been an easy sell to citizens and investors alike,and particularly in the wake of China’s joining the WTO,it has been the story above all others,arguably,that has captivated international attention,along with the persistent concern that at some point,those rates would decline and then,perhaps,all bets would be off.  相似文献   
While the current novel coronavirus outbreak continues to affect many in China,loom ing questions remain regarding global im pacts related to health,econom ics and geopolitics.Given current scie n tific understandings of the disease,including its transm ission rates and associated morbidity and mortality(and despite multiple studies indicating a relatively low fatality rate),the costs for China and in particular,Wuhan,the outbreaks epicenter,continue to be substantial.  相似文献   
“讲党性、重品行、作表率”是我们党根据新形势新任务的需要,对党员干部作风建设提出的新要求。广大党员干部在工作、学习和生活实践中必须加强党性锤炼,注重品行修养,率先引领示范,用自己的先进本色和模范言行,展现共产党人的时代精神风貌。  相似文献   
政治协商制度是中国特色社会主义民主政治制度的品牌。作为一种民主政治制度品牌,它体现在以下四个方面:政治协商是中国特色的民主政治制度设计;人民代表大会制度与政治协商制度相辅相成,构成中国民主政治发展的基本模式;政治协商制度是中国民主政治智慧的结晶;政治协商制度蕴涵着丰富的民主资源,展示着中国特色社会主义政治发展道路的巨大空间。  相似文献   
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