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There are three positions about the impact of outward foreign direct investment (FDI) from China on the policies of Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries: the “Wealth is Power” camp, which associates political power with Chinese economic lures; the “Conditionalist” camp, which contends the international and domestic economic and political context determines the specific political effect of Chinese outward FDI (OFDI); and the “Politics is Power” camp, which believes no dramatic political changes have resulted from the economic stimuli of Chinese OFDI (COFDI) and associated economic lures. Case studies herein on Brazil and China, Argentina and China, Ecuador and China, and the Caribbean and China support the Conditionalist camp, albeit to differing degrees and for different reasons. Case studies herein on COFDI in Argentina and in Colombia also deepen our knowledge about the drivers of COFDI. They challenge those asserting that COFDI in LAC is driven purely by political motives. This piece also reviews and critiques the state of the literature on COFDI in LAC and suggests a pathway for moving to the next level. It specifically recommends researchers work to cumulate knowledge by asking similar kinds of questions across cases, exploit theory, and work on variable conceptualization and operationalization.

Failure to Trust     
The nuclear fuel swap agreement signed by Iran,Turkey and Brazil faces an uncertain future 0n May 17, the leaders of Iran, Turkeyand Brazil signed a joint declaration,in which Iran agreed to ship 1,200 kg  相似文献   
美国妇女的宗教虔诚性远远高于美国男性,其参与教会活动的频率和程度也高于男性。伴随着女性教徒人数的增多和女性参与教会事务的深入,美国妇女不仅在教会事务上增加了发言权,而且在政治事务上的影响力也不断增强。本文旨在探讨美国女性与宗教信仰和政治态度之间的关系,以揭示女性性别和宗教信仰对政治的影响和作用。  相似文献   
共同犯罪上诉审程序设计就其基础而言可参考单人犯罪案件上诉审程序规则,但也有其特殊的实体性规则和程序操作规则。首先应依有利被告人理念确立平衡刑事责任的基本规则,主要包括部分被告人上诉则全案判决不生效、上诉利益同案被告人共享、对部分被告人抗诉引起的量刑变化不应打破主从犯认定体系以及案件事实认定争议的上诉区别对待等。其次应关注其具体程序操作规则,主要包括不上诉被告人应以证人身份出庭作证、合理安排上诉人发言顺序、共同上诉人撤诉和上诉期间防止共同犯罪被告人超期羁押等。此外,共同犯罪上诉审程序未来应当随着上诉审程序正当化而调整。  相似文献   
拜登政府上台后发布了《新冠应对和大流行防范的国家战略》《国家生物技术和生物制造倡议》和《国家生物防御战略和实施计划》等聚焦生物安全的系列文件和倡议,标志着生物安全战略已经上升为美国政府的重要政策议程。新冠肺炎疫情对美国造成了史无前例的生物安全危机,拜登政府通过调整国内生物安全治理机制、加大生物安全领域的投资和开展卫生外交三种路径来推行其生物安全战略。该战略呈现出“全社会”“伪多边主义”和“地缘政治化”等特点,其目标在于:以促进美国生物安全强化美国整体国家安全、以生物安全为议题重塑美国国际领导力、以发展生物产业巩固美国生物技术霸权。在美国已确立对中国实施全面“竞赢”战略的背景下,生物安全治理领域不可避免地成为中美竞争的场域。这种竞争主要体现在全球生物安全治理制度和生物技术经济两个方面。拜登政府基于地缘政治考量和以“竞赢”为基调的生物安全战略使得中美生物安全合作前景黯淡。  相似文献   
关于加强中国热点外交的若干对策思考   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目前中国热点外交所面临的挑战和存在的问题,主要反映在思想、理论与实践等领域。为解决这些问题,在思想上,中国要从战略高度对热点外交进行定位,具体表现在要从统筹国际和国内两个大局的高度看待热点外交的战略重要性,要从中国的价值理念与外交政策定位热点外交的指导思想与目标。在理论研究方面,中国要从国家利益、地缘政治、介入和参与的身份与环境要求等角度,对热点问题分类,并建立长效研究机制。在实践方面,中国应通过灵活运用外交基本原则、完善特使制度、增强外交统筹和平衡、加强中美战略对话、加大对伊朗核问题参与力度、创新外援体制、创新公共外交机制,解决当前热点外交面临的紧迫问题。  相似文献   
中国近年倡导的和谐理念,是向国际社会提供的一项公共产品。中国在确立推动建设和谐世界、和谐地区的目标的同时,也在反复强调"韬光养晦、有所作为"的外交方针。中国未能公开、充分地围绕"韬光养晦、有所作为"这一外交方略进行相关研究和宣传工作,引起国际社会特别是西方大国的曲解和误解,加深了周边国家和西方大国对我战略意图的疑虑,造成了构建战略互信的障碍。因此,深入解读"韬光养晦、有所作为"的内涵,已成为一项不容回避的严肃任务。  相似文献   
美国对1958年印尼内战的干涉是美国与第三世界关系史上一个有代表性的事件。艾森豪威尔政府从美苏两极对抗的角度认知和处理美国与新兴的民族主义国家的关系,将美国对亚非民族主义国家的政策附属于美国对苏冷战战略。正是基于这样一种政策思维,美国对印尼内战采取了干涉政策。干涉行动的失败,迫使美国决策当局重新检视对印尼政策的基本构架,并着手制定一项更为可行、更能反映印尼政治经济和社会现实的政策。  相似文献   
With the deepening of globalization, many provisions in the Nationality Law of China promulgated in 1980 are already out of time and some provisions are easy to trigger dual nationalities. Consequently, while sticking to the basic principle of the Nationality Law, certain provisions of the Nationality Law of China should be gradually improved according to the present situation of international and domestic development, and the implementing guidelines for the Nationality Law should be introduced to construct a relatively complete legal system to adjust and regulate various relationships of nationality. Song Xixiang, majoring in international law, Hong Kong and Macao law, is a professor of law and the dean of Law School of Shanghai International Studies University. Now, he is also a doctoral candidate of Wuhan University. Meanwhile, Prof. Song is an executive director of the China Society of Private International Law and of the China Society of International Law and of the China Society of International Economical Law, etc. Moreover, he is a vice chairman of Hong Kong and Macao and Taiwan Law Association.  相似文献   
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