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祖国传统医学渊远流长,博大精深,中医药在治疗多种疑难病和康复保健中有独特的作用。随着社会的发展,科学的进步,人们的健康观念也发生了巨大变化,由治疗疾病向预防疾病转化,当今医疗保健的主题是预防疾病,特别是亚健康人群的保健尤为重要。而中医药从整体观念出发,辨证施治,可从多系统、多层次、多环节有效调节机体的功能紊乱,发挥防治疾病、提高患者的生活质量和生存质量的作用。因此,当代中医药事业应积极开展中医药防治亚健康状态的研究,开拓新型健康产业。  相似文献   
为进一步提高《中国发展》的质量,加强编辑标准化和规范化建设,适应期刊国际化和国际交流的需要,结合本刊的具体情况,本刊对来稿作如下要求,希望广大作者给予支持。研究论文均要求附与中文摘要具有相同内容的英文摘要,应包括研究的目的、方法、结果和结论四要素。本刊特别声明,不接受一稿多投、雷同稿,要求论文所反映的信息及学术成果须为作者原创并且未公开发表。稿件一经录用,将随着本刊在相关网络媒体传播,并在纸版期刊发表时一次性支付稿酬,不同意的作者请在来稿时向编辑部说明。  相似文献   
本刊记者  沈家兴 《当代世界》2010,(4):F0003-F0003
2010年3月18日,中国民间组织国际交流促进会在北京举行第二次会员代表大会。会议选举全国政协副主席孙家正担任新一届中促会会长,李进军、孟晓驷、李小林、程东红、黄承祥担任副会长。中联部部长王家瑞以及外交部、财政部和商务部等有关部门领导出席会议并致辞。  相似文献   
<正>Ladies and Gentlemen,The project of European Integration initiated after the Second World War is one of the greatest political, social and economic concepts, which arose in the history of civilization. Today, more  相似文献   
Distinguished Mr. Muetzenich, The German delegation members and Chinese attendants, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends, Good morning!
Let me begin by extending a warm welcome, on behalf of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) and in my own name, to all the attendants at today' s dialogue.  相似文献   
大家好,又见面了!3月5日下午,参加海南代表团审议的国务委员杨洁篪一走进会场就与在座代表们亲切握手问候。作为连续四年参加海南团审议的全国人大代表,杨洁篪对海南的省情和发展情况越来越熟悉,对海南的未来,尤其是在国家一带一路战略中的海南作为更寄予厚望。无论是在审议中,还是在接受海南媒体采访时,杨洁篪谈及海南的资源禀赋总是不吝赞美,对海南的发展成绩给予肯定和祝贺。他指  相似文献   
A group of special guests---more than 70 uni-versity students and 6 lecturers coming from Chi-na, Japan and South Korea arrived at the Inter-national Youth Center in Seoul, South Korea onAugust 26. This five- storied building which wasalso called "Center of Dream" immediately becamebustling with activities, because the SecondNortheast Asia Youth Forum cosponsored by theYouth Committee of the Korean Government andthe Moral Re- Armament of Korea / Initiatives ofChange (MRA/IC- Korea…  相似文献   
The Beijing Office of the Friendrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) was set up twenty years ago, which has not only created a platform for friendly dialogues and exchanges, but also served as a window for mutual understanding. Through this platform, the Chinese Ass…  相似文献   
On the occasion of 60^th anniversary of new China, China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE) and China Great Wall Society have cosponsored the "Great Wall Peace Forum". Friends, experts and scholars from China and abroad are gathering here in Shanhaiguan to exchange views on the topic of peace. We hope that everyone speaks his mind freely, offers advice and suggestions for the cause of world peace.  相似文献   
About Us     
Contemporary International Relations (ISSN1003-3408), a policy-oriented research journal, was inspired by the need for international communication in a period of rapid Chinese development; it has been published by China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations since 1990. Originally produced as a single-paper pamphlet, in 1992 it was established as a regular monthly publication and in 2006 converted to a bimonthly journal.  相似文献   
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