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托克维尔一方面是一位著名的自由主义思想家,另一方面他非常热心地支持当时法国在海外——特别是北非阿尔及利亚地区——的殖民和扩张政策,这一"矛盾"即所谓托克维尔的"阿尔及利亚问题"。如何解决这一问题是近年来托克维尔研究领域关注的热点之一,主流的以詹妮弗·皮茨(Jennifer Pitts)为代表的"自由帝国主义"论者认为,托克维尔的帝国立场在最终的意义上与其严肃的政治理论不相契合。这一解释角度具有很大的缺陷。事实上,有充分的证据表明,在托克维尔自身的思想中,自由和帝国二者之间并没有那么大的矛盾,而这二者的结合更应该促使我们重新思考托克维尔的自由概念,而不是简单地认为这是一个错误。  相似文献   
<正>经过长达12年的马拉松式谈判,7月14日,安理会五大常任理事国加德国与伊朗终于就全面解决伊核问题达成协议,消息传出后伊朗国内一片欢腾。随着悬挂在伊朗头顶的达摩克利斯之剑被移除,这个中东大国也有望走出三十余年来的发展困境,迎来其历史进程中的新篇章。  相似文献   
<正>11月24日,土耳其击落一架正在叙利亚执行空袭极端组织"伊斯兰国"任务的俄罗斯战斗机,引起土俄关系空前紧张。俄罗斯总统普京谴责土行动犹如"从背后捅刀",充当"恐怖主义的帮凶",并将"严重影响土俄关系"。土俄关系的恶化是土耳其外交面临的一个新的重  相似文献   
从文化的角度看,中华帝国的衰落在宋明理学提出"存天理、灭人欲"的社会核心价值观之时,就已经注定了衰败的结局。至于什么时候衰落以及什么历史机遇促使其衰落,这仅仅是一个历史际遇问题。从这一角度来思考中华民族的伟大复兴,思考中国特色社会主义核心价值观的构建,也许能够找到更加深刻的答案。  相似文献   
去年8月28日,土耳其正义与发展党(以下简称正发党)提名的总统候选人阿卜杜拉·居尔在大国民议会举行的第三轮选举投票中获胜,并于当日宣誓就职,正式出任土耳其第11任总统。  相似文献   
土耳其总统埃尔多安(右)与到访的欧洲理事会主席查尔斯·米歇尔(中)和欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩举行会谈,讨论了在经济和移民领域加强合作等问题。原本是三巨头的会面,土耳其方面却只准备了两把椅子,让动作慢了一小步的冯德莱恩尴尬地看着另外两人坐下,自己只能坐在一旁。  相似文献   
Parallel to the advancements in information and communication technologies, certain risks and security problems also arise, one of which is the authentication problem. In order to control who can have access to information sources, it is of utmost importance to develop an advanced authentication mechanism. It is through this mechanism that one can protect personal information, and prevent unauthorized access to the information or services provided. Likewise, this mechanism can block unauthorized persons to change or release information that is not public. All the work being undertaken in this field can be named as access control. The concept of authentication is among those concepts that have been studied for a long time in Turkey in the context of rapidly growing e-transformation efforts. In the process of e-transformation, the transformation circle is completed by first defining the concept of modeling business processes, followed by the formation of automation process, and lastly, providing services in electronic medium.  相似文献   
Public administration can play an important role in achieving a sustainable global competition level for this country through innovative services (Ozhaseki, 2006, p. 29), to which there is a rising demand in the name of competition, globalization and new necessities of the society (Tosun, 2006, p. 19). However, "innovation does not just happen" (Streib & Willoughby, 2005, p. 83). This paper tries to search for conditions of developing innovation with public administration in Turkey. To start with, organizational leadership, collaboration and good communication are needed to enable joint development of innovation, for example, to increase computer and information literacy, access to the Internet, and demonstrate the value of using the Internet (OECD, 2006, pp. 6, 9) Financial incentives for developing innovation by public organizations to share their solutions could also be considered.  相似文献   
The Alliance of Civilizations was established in 2005, at the initiative of the Governments of Spain and Turkey; under the auspices of the United Nations for inter civilizations dialogue to bridge the gap between the West and Muslim world. This article analyzes advantage and disadvantage sides of the success of this initiative.  相似文献   
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