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Abstract: The notion of civil society associations as schools of democracy has resulted in models of political participation that place an emphasis on membership in civic associations as a means of developing personal skills that are conducive to political participation. These suppositions seem well established. It is still contested, however, to what extent the particular characteristics of the associations that offer such membership have an impact on civic engagement. Expanding recent research that mainly builds on group characteristics aggregated from the characteristics of the associations’ members, we apply the Swiss part of a unique multi‐level data set, the CID‐data, which provides information about approx. 1000 activists from about 400 associations. This data allows us to measure group characteristics, such as the function of an association and its connection to the local elite, directly and thus provides us with a special opportunity for a multi‐level analysis of activists nested in organisations.  相似文献   
当前我国社会主义新农村建设中存在的问题是有关法律法规实施不到位,农民的整体素质较低,农民的收入较少,农村基础设施比较落后,农业投入的不足等制约着农村的发展。新农村建设需要科学合理的规划,对此,我国应尽快完善基层法律援助体系,提高法律援助水平,提高执法者的素质,提升执法能力,积极创新投资机制、改变农业的投资方式,不断加强基层组织建设、积极推进民主政治建设,全面推进农村社会保障体制建设,优化农村社会环境、保障农民居住质量。  相似文献   
【问题】社区治理日益成为国家治理和社会治理的关键场域,然而真正实现社区有效治理的情形并不多见。纵观上海梅村30年治理变迁,其从效果不彰转向治理成功,论文将这种转变视作有组织的合作行动所致,进而探究社区治理中有组织的合作行动何以可能、如何可能。【方法】通过5年非连续时间对梅村治理实践及变迁进行的长时段观察,以及对各类人员进行深度访谈,借助个案研究法对梅村治理变迁的内在机制进行了多维度分析。【发现】上海梅村治理的转型体现出政党激活社会、社会助推治理效能的双向运作机理,促进了社区从治理失败到治理成功的转变。一方面,社区党组织通过规则制定和组织观念塑造,以再组织化机制将原先隐蔽的社会力量激活;另一方面,社区居民借助党组织搭建的项目化平台,以自组织化机制参与到社区公共事务治理之中,提升了党建引领社区治理的效能。【贡献】论文批判性地反思了集体行动的经典理论命题,结合特定社区治理情境提出了“政党激活社会”的本土解释框架;从再组织化和自组织化两个方面阐释了党建引领社区治理的有效运作机制,对目前意义宽泛的党建引领机制进行了学理建构,为党建引领社区治理的制度优势转化为实践效能提供了创新视角。  相似文献   
风险社会与侵权损害救济途径多元化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代风险社会给人们带来更多的不确定性和不安全感,传统侵权法律制度在面对不断涌现的新型侵权行为以及灾难性、大规模的人身损害事故时存在局限性。对此,我国《侵权责任法》在功能定位、保障范围、加害事由、归责原则等方面的制度设计,对风险社会的现实状况和生活形态作出了回应,尤其强化了侵权法的救济功能。侵权法的这种制度变化改变了我国责任风险的原有形态;同时,在侵权法律体系内也不可能完全解决对受害人的赔偿和救济问题,由此给责任保险和社会保障制度提供了更大的发展空间。在以侵权法、责任保险和社会保障为主体的多元救济体系中,各项制度之间应注意协调,避免赔偿不足或赔偿过度。  相似文献   
2007年全国政法工作会议提出:推进和谐社会建设,必须坚定不移地推进严打整治斗争,努力保持社会的平安、稳定、有序。因此,提出深化严打整治斗争的六项措施,才能确保构建社会主义和谐社会。  相似文献   
Partnership has become a key word in the jargon of international development. This article presents the results of research into the perspectives of Cambodian and Filipino NGO workers on their funding relationships. Largely confirming the negative literature about partnership, practitioners generally expressed a view that their relationships with funders are not consistent with the rhetoric of power sharing and collaboration that often accompanies discussions of the subject. In spite of this, practitioners articulated a desire for collaborative relationships with Northern organisations, ideally with a greater focus on the local context and personal relationships. Practitioners believe that an important part of their role is mediating development in order to make it more relevant and responsive.  相似文献   
印度"底层研究"(subaltem studies)的著名学者帕萨·查特杰(Partha Chattelilee)对目前盛行的公民社会理论提出了质疑.查特杰认为规范性的公民社会理论无法解释印度的现实情况,故提出"政治社会"的概念和理论,以弥补公民社会理论的短处,维护印度底层社会成员的权益.查特杰对印度社会底层的民主参与做出了具有新意的论证,但其政治社会理论尚有不足之处.  相似文献   
我国正处于社会矛盾的凸显期,防范和化解社会矛盾,已成为维护社会稳定的首要任务。针对现阶段我国社会矛盾的范围、形态、程度呈现出的新格局与主体多元化、成因复杂化、处理关联化、形态对抗化等新型特点,从改革和完善决策机制层面加强对政府公共机制、整合机制、利益诉求表达机制、调处机制与权益保障机制等社会矛盾化解机制的研究,既是构建社会主义和谐社会需要解决的重大理论问题,也是从根本上预防与化解日益复杂的社会矛盾的重大实践。  相似文献   
转型期群体性事件研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
群体性事件是我国转型时期社会冲突的重要表现形式,国内外专家们就其性质、起因、社会功能、防治措施等方面提出了许多切合实际的界定和推理。系统地梳理分析可以发现,国内的研究观点大多是从社会稳定的考虑出发,强调保持社会稳定的重要性,相对忽略了群体性冲突事件带来的积极作用。因此,可借鉴国外社会冲突的研究角度,解剖参与群体性事件中的各利益群体的内在状况和发展趋势,以期掌握社会冲突的内部成因和转化规律。  相似文献   
Governments in developing countries need effective programmes to advance public policies and improve social welfare. NGOs often have well-tested programmes and research outcomes that are relevant to such needs, yet the scaling up of pilot programmes to national level is difficult to achieve and frequently unsuccessful. This article presents a case of successful scaling up for an adolescent sexual-health and psychosocial-competencies programme in Mexico, through an NGO–government partnership involving IMIFAP, a Mexican NGO. The case illustrates how an NGO can create a successful partnership with government to scale up effective programmes, in ways that meet key needs of the target population while protecting the NGO's core values.  相似文献   
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