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Singapore’s governing elite is less bureaucratic and less separated from private interests than commonly thought. The bureaucracy has little independent strength and the political leadership is entwined with leading members of the business community, particularly the financial sector, to the point that the line between public and private is frequently indistinct. Given that democratic or interest-group constraints are minimal, transparency low and the rule of law in doubt, why Singapore’s activist economic policies have not decayed into a search for private rewards is rather puzzling. This article argues that Singapore’s record of sound government rests on informal governing institutions as well as attributes of the formal government sector. The informal institutions encompass nominally public and private actors in a systematized way, structuring the incorporation of private actors to embed the values of performance-based merit and working with, not against, government. The system of government is, however, fragile and may be showing signs of decay.  相似文献   
中国各县域在发展现代农业的过程中,涌现出了一大批特色鲜明、成绩显著、具有借鉴意义的典型经验。这些典型经验可以总结归纳成8大主要模式,即城郊精品特色型、山区林果畜牧复合型、平原粮棉优质高产型、科研示范基地型、原料加工出口型、特产名产基地型、生态观光旅游型和寿光"培育市场"的经验模式。实践证明不论是哪种模式,都须努力加快推进农民知识化、农业企业化、土地集约化、布局优质化、服务社会化、产品名优化、市场国际化、环境生态化、管理智能化和政府高效化建设。  相似文献   
着力抓好“转方式、调结构”的重点领域和关键环节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转方式、调结构已刻不容缓,是全省工作的当务之急。着眼山东经济社会长远发展,当前“转方式、调结构”应着力抓好的重点领域和关键环节是:加快推进需求结构调整,进一步扩大内需;加快推进产业结构调整,建立现代产业体系;加快推进自主创新,形成有利于“转方式、调结构”的科技和人才支撑体系;加快推进区域经济结构调整,拓展发展空间;加快推进生态文明建设,深入实施可持续发展战略;加快推进经济社会协调发展,改善民生。  相似文献   
低碳经济立法及其伦理基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低碳经济作为"后危机时代"经济可持续发展的新引擎,对转变经济发展方式,推进可持续发展具有重要意义。国际国内关于引导和发展低碳经济的实践表明:低碳经济呼唤立法。发展低碳经济,立法是保障也是关键。人与自然和谐发展是人类社会发展的必然要求,体现在人与自然的关系处理上,就成为低碳经济立法的伦理基础。  相似文献   
新经济时代是以经济全球化和信息技术革命为显著特征的社会发展阶段。信息活动构成了这一时期社会运行的核心动力,并由此引起了全球社会各方面的深刻变化。反映在国际竞争法治领域,则呈现出经济竞争全球化与各国(或地区)竞争法适用跨国化并行的动向,以及各种形式的法律冲突。自2005年以来,中国企业不断在美遭受反托拉斯诉讼便是这一动向的反映,也引发了我国对国际竞争领域法律信息对称理论内涵的探讨。应在此基础上从战略和战术两层面,政府、企业、非政府机构三个方面思考应对我国企业在美被诉违反《谢尔曼法》的具体对策。  相似文献   
转移支付对县域经济的增长可能存在某种影响,但我国目前的分税制还处在过渡时期,对县级的转移支付制度还没有完全建立起来,理论和实际还存在相当大的差距。在目前情况下,其影响程度有多大,只有通过经验检验才能得出较为可靠的结论。本文选择安徽省截面数据作为研究样本,对安徽省的61个县及县级市的数据进行实证检验。检验结果发现,财政转移支付对县域经济的影响并不显著。转移支付制度不完善、转移支付力度不足和转移支付的去向等方面是其主要原因。  相似文献   
建立中韩自由贸易区推动东亚经济一体化发展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
东亚地区经济一体化合作中呈现了多种机制和路径并存的局面,主要原因是该地区缺乏可以主导地区经济合作的力量和机制。这就为该地区次等力量、次等双边合作关系充分发挥推动地区经济一体化的作用创造了条件、提供了广阔空间,也凸显了它们推动地区经济合作的作用。建立中韩自由贸易区必将激起区域内各种双边关系的调整,推动中、日、韩三边合作、东盟与东北亚 3国的进一步联合,从而促进地区经济一体化发展。当前,中韩政治关系良好,经贸相互依赖关系加强,在地区经济一体化合作上有共同利益,建立中韩双边自由贸易区的条件基本成熟。  相似文献   
This note considers the radical significance of Supreme Court's judgment in R (on the Application of UNISON) v Lord Chancellor (UNISON) on the unlawfulness of tribunal fees. It argues that the decision marks the coming of age of the ‘common law constitution at work’. The radical potential of UNISON lies in its generation of horizontal legal effects in disputes between private parties. Recent litigation on employment status in the ‘gig economy’ is analysed through the lens of UNISON and common law fundamental rights. The note identifies the various ways in which the common law tests of employment status might be ‘constitutionalised’ in the light of UNISON.  相似文献   
The police subculture serves as a means for police officers to cope with the perceived stresses associated with police work, including the belief that their lives are constantly threatened by dangerous ‘others’. As a result, the police subculture is peppered with racialized survivability discourse that reminds police of the possibility of their own mortality, mobilizes them through fear, and facilitates an entitlement to violence in the name of guardianship. Drawing from the author’s past experiences as a police officer, this paper offers insight into how, through this racialized police survivability discourse, police officers come to believe that their lives are more valuable than others, particularly when compared to Black lives. This has not only been demonstrated by the disproportionate killing of unarmed Black men but also by the emergence of the Blue Lives Matter ‘movement’ that arose in direct oppositional response to the subculture’s perceived threat of the Black Lives Matter movement.  相似文献   
20世纪七八十年代,有不下20万的印度尼西亚华侨自中国内地迁居香港;而近30多年来,印尼家务工人亦接踵而至,其在香港的人数现已超过13万人。这两群看似毫不相干的移民,在21世纪全球化以及区域移民的大语境下相遇,共同构建了香港经济活动中奇特的族裔景观,具体包括印尼食品店、服装店、手机店、家具店等等。基于文化背景、语言条件以及香港公民身份等因素,第一代印尼归侨以及千禧年前后开始定居香港的印尼华人或自己充当雇主,或在族裔经济中担任雇员,自然而然成为在港印尼族裔经济的先驱者与主要获利者。本文根据2013年到2016年初的田野调查和深度访谈,梳理在港印尼华侨华人的移民背景以及类别,探讨印尼华侨华人如何在印尼家务工人移民潮的推动之下,启动他们的族裔资源,使之成为具有商业用途的资本,从而促进了过去十多年来香港印尼族裔经济的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   
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