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Traditional analysis considers that the granting of protection to refugees is an international public good, and thus explains both the heterogeneousness in refugee protection in Europe and the spiral that has hardened the EU Member States’ asylum legislation from the mid-1980s onwards as the result of free riding in the provision of the good. In contrast, the paper considers that the heterogeneousness in refugee distribution is best explained by the joint product model and that the spiral of restriction is best explained by the common pool resource model and regulatory competition theory. The paper explains, and gives empirical evidence of the emergence and development of a competitive game among the EU Member States, and shows the result and the consequence of this upon cooperative attempts among States.  相似文献   
与我们通常的认识不同,因医疗事故致残的,患者获赔的残疾生活补助费与一般人身损害赔偿的残疾赔偿金在金额上互有高低。就残疾生活补助费项目而言,现行的医疗事故损害赔偿规定既与现行人身损害赔偿制度不相吻合,又背离了立法目的,亦无法实现对患者的妥善保护,必须加以修订。  相似文献   
仲舒甲  李健 《外交评论》2005,37(6):95-100
从制度主义的研究视角出发,通过分析欧盟共同外贸政策形成过程中所涉及的三个变量——权限分配、权力结构和决策程序,来透视影响共同外贸政策制定的制度性因素。成员国与欧共体委员会之间就共同外贸政策的权限之争在历次条约改革中得到明显体现,欧盟共同外贸政策始终存在共同体权限缺失的不足,即使是在欧盟宪法条约中也没有授予共同体在外贸政策上完全独享权限。欧盟委员会仅仅是共同外贸政策的执行者和代理人,它对部长理事会及其下属机构特别是“133委员会”存在严重依赖,并受到欧洲议会和欧洲法院的牵制。部长理事会内大量使用全体一致通过的表决原则,影响着共同外贸政策的制定与执行;即便是特定多数表决方式下,由于“卢森堡妥协案”的深远历史影响,成员国往往也寻求一致通过决议。这些因素均对欧盟共同外贸政策的连贯性和有效性产生掣肘。  相似文献   
自然正义是英国法治的核心概念,亦是英国自古即已存在之古老概念,它起源于自然法的理念,经过长期的历史发展而成为英国普通法上的一项基本原则。自然正义是关于公正行使权力的"最低限度"的程序要求。它包涵两个主要原则,即任何人就自己的诉讼不得自任裁判官;任何人的辩护必须被公平的听取。其核心思想是公平听证规则和避免偏私原则。英国所谓的自然正义相当于美国的正当程序原则。他们比较类似,适用情形也相仿,但是,它们之间也存在着差别。自然正义作为行政法上之一般性原则,是确保程序正义在行政权力运行中得以实现的重要保障,即行政权力的运行必须符合最低限度的程序公正的标准。根据自然正义,我们可以导出自然正义包括行政公开、行政听证、行政回避以及说明理由等制度。自然正义原则不仅是形式正义的实现,更是积极追求个案的实质正义性。  相似文献   
The European Commission’s proposal to establish a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base reduces both compliance and administrative costs for European groups. The proposal would replace separate entity accounting with a profit allocation based on formula apportionment. Since formula apportionment rests on the source principle, the group faces an incentive to invest in low tax member states. Residence-based group taxation based on separate entity accounting could be an alternative. The subsidiaries’ profits and losses are attributed to the parent of the group (current inclusion), and the European group’s profit is taxed at the corporate income tax rate of the parent. The parent’s state of residence grants a foreign tax credit. Current inclusion prevents tax distortions regarding the location of investments, if no limitations on the foreign tax credit exist. A serious drawback of residence-based taxation is the incentive to move the group’s headquarter to a low tax member state. At present, this incentive is mitigated by exit taxation. Applicable exit taxation rules, however, most likely infringe upon European law. Rules that conform to European law probably abolish unfavourable liquidity effects upon exit. In net present value terms, however, exit taxes still render it burdensome for the group to move the headquarter to another member state.
Gregor Führich (Corresponding author)Email:
当代行政决策过程涉及多元利益权衡,影响到公众利益甚至公共利益,本质上是一种政治过程。传统行政法分析框架对行政决策行为合法性的分析技术,主要限于形式合法性分析,这已远远不能解释和评价行政决策过程和结果的正当性。对行政决策的合法性分析,需要引入一种"实质合法性"分析框架,其核心是将形式合法化、理性合法化、民主合法化机制结合起来,以分析行政决策的正当性。合法性、民主性、理性构成行政决策正当化的核心要素。  相似文献   
随着欧盟政治一体化的不断推进,欧洲法律一体化的步伐也日益加快,其中欧洲私法的法典化趋势尤其引人瞩目.欧盟自身的发展动力,以及法学界围绕<欧洲民法典>工程进行的学术准备,推动欧盟采取正式行动,着手解决欧洲私法面临的困境;其立法规划最终落实为一项所谓的<共同参照框架>.这份即将出台的法律文件是实质的法典编纂,将引发一场深远的欧洲私法的法典化变革.然而受制于欧盟权限,欧洲私法的法典化呈现出不同于传统的独特性.  相似文献   
袁方成  靳永广 《公共行政评论》2020,(1):116-139,198,199
对于公共池塘资源治理的讨论,学界聚焦于集体行动的自主机制,较为忽略资源的属性类型及其治理机制的差异。借助情景化拓展的IAD框架,论文考察了江西省Y县农村宅基地改革,发掘和讨论中国情景中普遍存在的封闭性公共池塘资源的治理逻辑。财政和组织资源的局限,决定了县级政府不能直接而全面地主导村庄层面的操作,转而以较具弹性的制度嵌入、涉农项目的导入、组织赋权激励以及村庄发展话语等策略,激活和引导村庄自组织的自主行动。村庄共同体强关联特性和内生凝聚力,配以县级政府的行政赋权,成为社会自组织主导的改革动能和绩效要因。研究发现,中国农村的宅基地改革,本质上是具有较强封闭性特征的公共池塘资源的多层级治理,治理有效的关键在于完善多层级的治理结构,并强化基层自组织的自主行动能力及其可持续性。论文从公共池塘资源的类型属性差异性切入,辨识中国场景中该类资源存在的较强封闭性特质,把研究焦点从自组织的集体行动扩展到其他相关主体及其行动逻辑,并立足基层实践对IAD框架情景化拓展,从而增强中国情境下治理经验的理论解释效力。  相似文献   
This article considers the justification for using panels of judges to make decisions in common law systems. The usual argument is that panels are more likely than lone judges to make correct judgments. This article suggests an additional justification: panels increase the law's predictability, so potential litigants can anticipate correctly which legal rules will apply in their cases. Three models, each with a different conception of the legal process, are employed to demonstrate the predictability-enhancing effect of panels. Comparison of the models suggests the effect is strongest when precedent has a substantial impact on how judges make decisions.  相似文献   
普通法系"法官造法"借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
频繁出现的触及"法律漏洞"的个案,有特别事物之出现所固有的偶然性,更有立法相对滞后、制定法本身不可能包含一切之局限性等因素.问题的解决可通过借鉴普通法系"法官造法"获得实现.  相似文献   
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