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毛泽东的文化观与其政治信仰是密不可分的。大众化是毛泽东文化观的一个显著特征。毛泽东认为,无产阶级革命开辟了文化大众化的新时代,文化应该为人民大众服务,为社会主义服务。发展民族的、科学的、大众的文化,坚持二为方向和双百方针,通过自下而上的群众性的文化革命运动,克服党内的非无产阶级思想,提高人民群众的政治觉悟,从而坚持社会主义方向,巩固马克思主义的政治信仰。这是晚年毛泽东建设社会主义文化的一个主导思想。探讨毛泽东文化观与政治信仰之间的关系,对于我们今天发展中国特色的社会主义文化、坚持党的群众路线、推进马克思主义大众化工作都具有重大启发意义。  相似文献   
The Iranian revolution of 1978–83 was a disaster for Iranian leftists, who, having worked for the overthrow of the Shah, soon found themselves being persecuted by the hard-line followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini. This paper looks at the response of Western leftists to the unfolding of the revolution, considering, first, to what extent Marxist and class-based analyses helped explain the revolution and, second, why so many Western leftist groups and individuals defended the Khomeini faction even as it moved against secular leftists and liberals. It concludes that an uncritical identification with Khomeini's declared ‘anti-imperialism’ distorted the views of those who would ordinarily have opposed his regime on class grounds, and that such a misreading was aided by an inadequate distinction between bourgeois democracy and dictatorship.  相似文献   
中国社会由君主专制向建立近代民主国家急速变化的大转折时期,作为近代政治家的梁启超与古代改良派划清了界限,即他将政治变革的希望明确地建立在“国民运动”的身上,这与革命派并无二致。然而与后者不同的是:其思想表现为重“政体理化”而抑“国体革命”,即希望通过“国民运动”,建立起以近代政党制度为主导,和向国会负责的责任内阁;而这种内阁又必须执行“保育政策”,便从经济、政治,乃至文化各领域扶助民力、民智以及参政能力的增长,使整个国家在较为稳定的社会环境中,实现向世界强国的发展。梁启超的思想包含着深刻的革命内容,正因为如此,当袁世凯要实行国体复辟的时候,他便旗帜鲜明地发动了倒袁护国战争。  相似文献   
本文从政治文化的视角 ,重新审视了 2 0世纪 2 0年代新文学发生期的文学革命 ,认为她由历史深层的思想启蒙、语言体式的变更、人的文学的确立 ,构成了一条内在整合的政治文化理路。五四文学革命充分揭示了个体文学家的创作心理与群体社会政治文化行为的一致性 ,同时 ,又反映出文学作为文化的载体 ,二者构成一种复杂的互动过程。  相似文献   
辛亥革命时期,并未曾出现真正意义上的统一战线说辞,但孙中山在争取海外华侨革命力量时,所做的种种努力却处处透着现代统战工作的身影。目前,纵观辛亥革命与海外华侨的研究,大多数学者都侧重于研究华侨在辛亥革命中所起的作用,而对于统战工作在华侨中发挥的重要作用,则长期忽视。基于此,本文拟就对孙中山的统战策略进行了研究,以求为现代统战工作提供宝贵经验。  相似文献   
杨显平 《桂海论丛》2011,27(4):56-60
关于文革起因的研究是总结、反思文革经验教训的一个重要方面。作为中国历史上复杂且重大的一个历史事件,其得以发生的原因是错综复杂的。对此,应采取辩证的态度,既要注重分析主要原因,也要顾及次要因素,力求能够对文革产生的原因进行多方面、深层次、全方位的认识和反思。  相似文献   
薛宁 《知识产权》2012,(1):53-57
内忧外患情况下颁布的《大清著作权律》被辛亥革命后成立的民国政府长期"暂时适用",后依其制定了《北洋政府著作权法》。这说明民族存亡催生了中国的著作权立法,受西方思想影响,国家已从倾力于文化控制转而开始注意"民生",保护"民权"。著作权法的发展为新民主主义思想的传播创造了条件,但也暴露了辛亥革命的不彻底性。  相似文献   
余华的<兄弟>在2005、2006年的分期出版是当代文学的一次重要事件,它的生产与传播过程典型地显示了消费市场和商品文化主导与影响下的文学生产机制对文学的宰制作用.从文学叙事的角度看,消费文化及其文学生产机制影响了<兄弟>的审美品格和叙事特征,"文革"历史与改革时代的现实在小说中呈现出夸饰化、漫画化、荒诞化的倾向.这种文学症候标识出余华由先锋作家到畅销写手的某种隐形蜕变,同时,对于当代文学的发展来说,文学与市场、消费文化保持适度联姻时,要规避其对文学自主性和文学审美品质的潜在伤害,要对消费文化保持适当的警觉.  相似文献   
This article explores the way cross-dressing has been used as a tool of dissent by queer subjects in the film Mariposas en el andamio . This documentary not only advocates the integration of homosexuals in the realm of Cuban society, but also evidences the establishment of a culture of transvestism on the island. The ultimate intention of Mariposas is to posit the male-to-female transvestite as a figure that contests hegemonic heteronormativity as well as the machista values predicated by the Cuban revolution. The film not only opposes sexist heteronormativity (machismo in Latin American societies), but also establishes a link between homosexuality and cross-dressing practices in Latin America, as transvestism becomes an externalisation of these individuals' homosexual identity. Furthermore, the film seems to suggest that the transvestites feel trapped in the wrong biological sex. The second focus of this article is on the geographical spaces where such transvestic practices are permissible on the island. Although the film makes a case for a more open and inclusive Cuban society, it fails to show that same-sex desire and cross-dressing can be played out outside the neighbourhood's canteen in which the show takes place. Finally, I intend to show how camp becomes the best strategy for the transvestites to challenge the idea of homosexuals as anti-revolutionary figures as well as Latin American heteronormativity. To this end, I engage in a study of a strategy of gender subversion that I call 'camp fuck'. This type of campness de-constructs the idea of a bourgeois camp to transform it into a more political device, which permits the contesting of heteronormativity through elements that have traditionally been regarded as frivolous and apolitical.  相似文献   
王兆铮 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):8-11
十月革命以来社会主义实践的丰富经验教训需要深刻反思,尤其要认识对社会主义建设规律及其展开形式的认识还处于进一步的探索进程中,更要认识对规律实现形式时机的选择不会十全十美,要在实践检验进程中不断提高认识和把握规律及其展开的能力,特别是要善于主动地审时度势地把握。  相似文献   
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