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从古到今世界各国都有两种经济观和两种经济方略:一是主张国家干预经济,是为国家主义;二是主张国家不干预经济,是为自由主义。两种经济方略各有千秋,适用于不同条件。千百年来一直存在国家主义与自由主义的争论。18至19世纪的200年间,自由主义占上风。19世纪末,德国开国家主义之先河。20世纪20至60年代,国家主义盛行了50年;从70年代开始,自由主义东山再起,号称新自由主义。进入21世纪,新自由主义连遭挫折,国家主义有所抬头。两种经济观趋同,百年争论暂告一段落。  相似文献   
公共外交:信息时代的国家战略工具   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
信息社会的深入发展不但加强了各国经济的相互依赖,同时也引发了一场新的外交革命.为适应信息时代新的国际环境,世界各国政府正追求和发展一种新的外交形式--公共外交.公共外交是一国政府对其它国家民众施加影响的外交形式,即通过情报、国际信息、文化交流项目、媒体等手段影响其它国家的民众并制造舆论,为一国在海外创设良好的形象,进而增进国家利益的活动,是信息时代各国实现国家战略利益的重要工具.  相似文献   
邓小平的国际战略理念包括实事求是的思想路线、全新的国际关系价值标准、辩证的思维方式和极富时代意义的国际战略主题思想。这些带有指导思想价值和方法论意义的内容,以鲜明的时代性和科学性指导着改革开放的中国的对外工作。以胡锦涛为总书记的党和国家新一代领导人在新形势下提出的和平崛起的新思想,是对邓小平国际战略理念的继承和发展。  相似文献   
To date, the field of non‐market strategy has little to offer in the way of an integrated perspective on the simultaneous management of strategic issues and corporate stakeholders. This paper employs social network analysis to make a number of theoretically grounded conjectures about the delicate relationships between stakeholder behaviour and issue evolution. It is found that social network analysis has the potential to enrich and integrate theoretical perspectives in the field of non‐market strategy, offering solutions to a set of previously unresolved puzzles. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   
The internationalisation of economic and political affairs changes the way in which business interests are brought to bear on public policy. This is a global phenomenon but can, in particular, be observed in Europe. The construction of the European Union, the development of the Single Market and the build‐up of the policy institutions to go with it, together change business–government relations profoundly. This paper answers the question of how organised business interests relate to government agencies and political institutions. By using the example of trade associations in the Netherlands and Germany, the paper shows that, despite the internationalisation of public affairs in Europe, the national political level remains strategically important for the representation of business interests. The paper thus argues that changes in European business–government relations are institutionally embedded at both the European and the national level. The implication for future research is that much of the dynamics of economic and political internationalisation materialises within the domestic arrangements of interest politics. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   
European public affairs practitioners need to be increasingly professional in their reactions to an EU undergoing transformational change. The paper offers a comprehensive summary of the subtleties of institutional change in Commission, Parliament and Council in 2004. In particular, the author argues that expansion from 15 member states to 25 has fundamentally changed the nature of the Union's politics and the skills required to influence it. This new EU requires more of practitioners than experience and amateur instinct: to achieve results and avoid restrictive regulation, the public affairs community must adopt effective training strategies, challenging competence targets and regular self‐assessment of its performance and ethics. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   
在冷战结束以后,世界上的安全威胁发生了很大变化。不仅冲突和战争的类型发生变化,而且其动因也有了变化。中国面临的主要安全威胁已经不再是某一现实或潜在的国家,套用冷战思维就会错判。更重要的是,在看待和应对威胁上应当具有符合新的时代条件的思考。  相似文献   
警务战略分析是警务战略指导的首要环节,具有综合性、关联性、动态性和预测性特 点。警务战略分析包括环境分析和资源分析两个方面。警务战略环境分析需要在分析政治环境、经济环 境、科技环境、社会文化环境、社会治安环境等因素的基础上,考量不同因素对警务战略的影响。分析警 务战略资源需要围绕警务战略资源的强势、弱势和警务活动面临的机遇、挑战这条主线展开。  相似文献   
罗英杰 《外交评论》2005,(4):92-100
在当今的国际关系格局中,俄罗斯与欧盟的关系占据着重要的地位,其中双方的经济关系由于发展迅速更是备受世人关注。俄罗斯独立以来,特别是进入21世纪以后,出于各自的需要,俄欧双方积极展开了在贸易、投资和能源等经济领域的全面合作,并取得了相当大的成效。短期内,俄欧经济关系仍将维持以能源合作为主,其他合作为辅的基本格局,长期来看,俄欧经济关系能否取得突破主要还是取决于俄罗斯能否逐步完善市场经济体制的改革,改变畸形的经济结构并尽快恢复和扩大加工工业产品的出口。  相似文献   
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