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探究东亚合作首先要区分东亚、东亚合作以及东亚与东亚合作所确指的行为体三个基本概念。东亚合作本质上是一种单一的经济合作进程,在安全合作领域存在严重的不足。其前景大致包括两种,一是既有框架下的东亚合作,二是继续泛化为亚洲合作。在东亚合作的视域下,中韩经济合作与安全合作不仅有利于发展中韩战略合作伙伴关系,也有助于东亚经济合作尤其是安全合作进程的推进。  相似文献   
中俄区域经济合作路径探析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中俄区域经济合作始终是两国政府、学术界和实业界关注的热点问题之一。虽然近几年中俄区域经济合作得到较快发展,但总体上滞后于经济全球化和区域经济一体化的发展趋势,特别是与两国经济实力和发展潜力不相称。因此,如何继续推进和深化中俄区域经济合作,现已成为两国政府面临的共同任务。随着中国西部大开发、东北老工业基地的振兴和俄罗斯西伯利亚与远东开发战略的实施,中俄区域经济合作迎来了一个新的战略发展时期。  相似文献   
田赐 《战略决策研究》2020,(2):49-64,102,103
2017年以后,美日两国都开始表达对现有国际秩序的担忧,两国对国际秩序问题的认知基本一致,都认为提高两国防务合作,加强同盟威慑力,是维护美国主导的国际秩序的必要举措。在这种战略共识的支配下,2017年以来,美国和日本的防务合作有了更多的发展,主要表现在提升协作能力、提高进攻能力、强化联合反导能力等三个方面。  相似文献   
Liao  Janet Xuanli 《East Asia》2008,25(1):57-78
The Sino-Japanese dispute over the East China Sea maritime resources was triggered by the unsettled maritime boundary and the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. The dispute has been ascribed by many to intensified competition between China and Japan over energy supply. However this article attributes the fundamental cause of the conflict to power politics and political distrust, which are deemed to have the key role in preventing the two governments from finding a solution. The article analyses the origin and the causes responsible for the Sino-Japanese dispute over the East China Sea gas exploration, and then proceeds to investigate the diplomatic dialogues to reveal the key obstacles in the process.
Janet Xuanli LiaoEmail:

Dr Janet Xuanli Liao   is Lecturer on International Relations and Energy security Studies, at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) of the University of Dundee. Her research interests include China’s foreign policy decision-making, energy security and China’s international energy policy analysis, and Sino-Japanese political/energy relations. She also teaches a module for postgraduates on International Relations and Energy and Natural Resources. Dr Liao by training is specialized on international relations and China’s foreign policy decision-making. She co-hosts the CEPMLP’s PhD programme and also teaches a module on International Relations and Energy and Natural Resources.  相似文献   
Shoichi Itoh 《East Asia》2008,25(1):79-98
This article revisits a conventional interpretation of Sino-Japanese energy relations from geopolitical and zero-sum viewpoints. Contemporary Sino-Japanese disputes over the East China Sea and their scramble over a crude-oil pipeline from Russia have drawn global attention to the intensification of the rivalry between the two giant energy consumers. Beijing and Tokyo, however, have gradually found common interests resulting from business opportunities, environmental countermeasures, etc. Russia’s failure in driving a wedge between China and Japan, and the United States’ proactive engagement in Asia-Pacific energy issues, appear to provide new opportunities in which the East Asian powers’ energy rivalry can be reduced.
Shoichi ItohEmail:

Shoichi Itoh   is an Associate Senior Researcher at the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) in Japan, and specializes in energy security, international relations in the Asia-Pacific and Russian foreign policy. Before assuming his current position, he served as a Political and Economic Attaché at the Consulate-General of Japan in Khabarovsk (2000–2003). He serves as an expert and organizer for various domestic and international projects on global energy security.  相似文献   
Recent events highlight the importance of electric energy policy and how to meet growing electricity demand. Price spikes, global climate change and other environmental concerns, national security threats, an aging infrastructure, and a restructured industry with mixed results are challenges that policy makers and the industry must address. Given the capital-intensive nature of the industry, investment decisions will determine in large part how successfully these challenges are met. One paper that favors energy efficiency, renewable energy, and small-scale distributed generation is examined in detail to test the proposition that fossil fuel and nuclear power should be part of the mix of new investments. To determine the future electricity resource mix requires having a complete and informed picture of the relative costs and benefits of various technologies. The levels of energy efficiency, renewable resources, and distributed generation can and should be increased, but coal and nuclear generation investments are also likely to be needed.
Ruthanne HautEmail:
东亚区域能源安全与东亚共同体构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东亚共同体是未来东亚合作和东亚国家可持续发展的最佳选择。但目前它尚处于理想和现实之间,短期内无法建成。近年来,东亚大多数国家都面临着能源安全困境,它涉及到东亚国家现实的共同利益问题。区域能源安全问题已经成为当今东亚国家普遍关注和需要解决的问题。如果能够以区域能源安全合作为切入点,建立东亚能源合作机制或区域能源安全共同体,那么不仅有助于推动东亚共同体构建的进程,还可以为东亚共同体的构建和运行积累宝贵的经验。  相似文献   
新阶段中朝经贸合作的新特点及新思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冷战结束后,中朝关系经历一段磨合出现的新变化使中朝经贸合作呈现出新特点。本文通过对中朝经贸合作特点及朝鲜本国经济特点的分析,提出了深化中朝经贸务实合作的思路:依托中朝两国和国际社会持久的努力,以非市场机制手段有意识地对生产要素的流动进行调节,通过两国生产要素的优化组合,使生产要素充分发挥作用,优势互补,推动朝鲜的生产力和经济发展,从而促进中朝经贸务实合作。  相似文献   
中国共产党领导的多党合作与政治协商制度,是中国政治发展过程中的历史选择,是有中国特色的政党制度。它是中国人民在经历了民国初年的多党制和国民党的一党制后所做出的理性选择。它是在中国政治发展过程中产生,又在中国政治发展过程中发展和完善的,是20世纪中国政治发展过程中的必然选择。  相似文献   
论蒙俄贸易合作的演进过程及其发展特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙古国与俄罗斯的贸易合作经历了建立和缓慢发展—快速发展—滑坡与复苏—平稳发展的演进过程。在不同历史时期,双边贸易合作呈现出不同的发展特点。蒙古国对待俄罗斯贸易合作的态度由被迫转变为主动,其运行模式也由排他式转变为开放式,这与当时蒙俄两国的政局及所处的国际环境密切相关。从现实情况看,尽管中国已取代俄罗斯成为蒙古国第一大贸易伙伴,但蒙古国在贸易上对俄罗斯的依存度一直很高,而且仍具巨大发展潜力。  相似文献   
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