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In this paper we test competing hypotheses about the shape of the time-profile of foreign direct investment profitability on a panel of countries. Using partial linearization method we derive the time-profile of the cumulative profitability for the stock of direct investment from aggregate macroeconomic data. By testing the non-linearity hypothesis of the cumulative profitability life-cycle of direct investment we find a cubic curve.
Filip NovotnyEmail:
《外国公司问责法案》经美国总统特朗普于2020年12月18日签署而正式生效。该法案直指在美上市的中资企业,将两国证券监管合作的矛盾和分歧上升到金融脱钩,使得在美上市的中资企业面临下市和被迫退出美国资本市场的风险。《外国公司问责法案》是近年来中美两国贸易摩擦向金融领域的延伸,也是美方提出的“脱钩论”在贸易和投资领域之外的纵向发展。中美贸易冲突不仅没有随着《中美经贸协定》(第一阶段)的签署而得到缓和,反而在新冠疫情之后继续加剧,并且向金融、科技和教育等领域蔓延,中美两国“脱钩论”甚嚣尘上。美国加紧在金融领域通过法律战的方式推进中美“脱钩”,对中资企业在美上市融资构成现实威胁。中国应该通过法律的方式,在技术层面应对中美监管合作,化解和弱化双方的监管合作矛盾。  相似文献   

The stated purpose of development is often characterised by the motivation to ‘help’ – that is, to intervene in the lives of others in supportive ways. This paper argues that this perspective has obscured how development activities are also animated by its twin desire to ‘connect’. While this holds significance for development more broadly, it becomes particularly evident in a mode of assistance that has gained prominence more recently. These are privately funded, small-scale projects led by individual founders, here described as ‘citizen aid’. Based on ethnographic research among citizen aid initiatives in Cambodia, the paper argues that the relevance of ‘connecting’ has been insufficiently recognised so far. It explores different aspects of what participants mean by ‘making a connection’, including face-to-face contact, direct experience of aid activities, and their tangible efficacy. It also finds that establishing interpersonal relationships across national, ethnic and cultural differences, while potentially challenging, is a key motivation for those involved. Finally, the paper argues that acknowledging the desire to connect questions notions of the ‘distant stranger’ as the archetypical humanitarian object, highlighting the wish for familiarity and closeness as potentially just as important for motivating and directing assistance to others.  相似文献   

This paper develops expectations about the likelihood of diversionary conflict initiation by parliamentary democracies with single-party majoritarian (SPM) governments. While most of the literature on diversion and governmental arrangement claims that SPMs have little incentive and/or limited capacity to execute diversionary gambits, we contend that the structural and environmental impetuses for diversion in such states are in fact largely indeterminate. We posit that the psychological attributes of prime ministers under SPM – in particular, their level of distrust – is the most important predictor of how they view structural and environmental constraints, and thus of whether they will militarily divert from poor economic conditions. Distrustful prime ministers are predisposed to the use of force, will dwell on the costs of economic problems, and fear that co-partisan MPs (especially in the cabinet) have designs on their office. Thus, despite having a legislative majority, these leaders will choose diversionary conflict over economic policy fixes. We conduct a partial test of this hypothesis in the British case from 1945 to 2007, and our analyses provide robust support.  相似文献   
老挝外资立法与中国外资立法的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吸引外来投资是发展中国家发展国民经济的重要手段。老挝与中国都属于发展中国家,两国为了吸引外资,促进国民经济发展,都努力形成了一定规模的外资法体系。由于两国国情不同,在外资立法结构体系上采取了不同的模式。  相似文献   
二战后,澳大利亚积极参加地区性建设,参与实施《科伦坡计划》,加大对东南亚国家的经济、文化、军事援助等。《科伦坡计划》是亚洲第一个国际性的政府间相互援助计划,在澳大利亚对外援助中占主导作用。《科伦坡计划》性质具有多重性,不仅仅出于国家利益考虑,而且还涉及人道主义等,在援助方式上形式多样,从而对东南亚国家产生了客观性的多种影响。  相似文献   
以苏联解体和蒙古向市场经济转型为契机,1991年日本正式开始了对蒙古的官方发展援助(ODA),并以相对较小的成本,长期成为国际社会对蒙援助的最大援助国。根据蒙古经济发展的不同阶段和国家战略需求,日本对蒙援助经历了紧急救济型援助、有计划的恢复型援助和有计划的发展型援助三个阶段。ODA成为20世纪90年代以来维系和加深日蒙关系的关键,对促进蒙古经济社会的恢复与发展,推动蒙古市场经济转型等发挥了重要作用。通过对蒙援助,日本提高并巩固了自身在东北亚地区的战略地位,提升了自己的国际影响力和国际形象,为其获得广阔的市场和丰富的资源提供了便利条件。  相似文献   
国外电子政务服务研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
服务一直是电子政务的主旨,国外自本世纪初就关注这一主题,我国在2006年的《国家电子政务总体框架》中明确提出"服务是宗旨"的电子政务建设目标。在大量文献调查的基础上对国外电子政务服务研究的基本情况及特征进行定量的统计分析,发现国外电子政务服务文献占整个电子政务研究文献的三分之一以上,文献内容主要集中在一般性介绍、服务传递、服务管理、技术实现、服务作用、影响因素、实证研究、综述与评论等方面;研究的特点是注重服务的作用和影响因素,注重服务管理,关注服务传递,强调实证研究等。认为我国电子政务服务的研究要结合我国国情在服务管理、服务传递和对社会发展推动等方面以实证的方法进行深化研究。  相似文献   
云南警官学院在外警培训工作中积累了较为丰富的经验并取得了一定的成绩。随着学院的深入发展,为了更好地完成外警培训工作,必然得在教学和研究方面下工夫,特别需要加强国外交流资料的翻译、研究和管理工作。  相似文献   
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