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成立抗日民族统一战线组织第二战区民族革命战争战地总动员委员会,是中共中央为推动全国抗日民族统一战线的早日建立和巩固而实施的一项重大决策,也是配合八路军挺进山西,立足华北敌后,实践党的全面抗战路线的一项重大决策。战动总会在组织形式和抗日斗争中,都充分体现了党关于建立抗日民族统一战线的科学思想,并成为当时全国统一战线的一个典范。  相似文献   
Velasco's brand of military nationalism marked a real break from the orientation of the majority of Peruvian military regimes, which were pro‐United States and espoused limited government. Many attempts have been made to explain this outcome, but the release of documents from British and United States archives clarify certain issues. Above all, Velasco's use of the nationalist card enabled him to win over decisive support from both the military and political society. This support gave him sufficient leverage to consolidate his personal position, which he did before launching a major programme of domestic property expropriation.  相似文献   
一、二、三,等等,都是智慧的结晶;"一点论"、"两点论"与"三点论",皆属颇有智慧的思维方式。"一点论"注重同一,"两点论"注重斗争,"三点论"注重和谐。大治安经略,须善用"一点论"、"两点论"与"三点论"等大智慧。兵不在多而在精,兵不在精而在用。能人点石成金,高手撒豆成兵,战场用兵的要旨在于据兵性而善用。大治安经略,须善用"一点论",形成社会治安防控的一个系统;善用"两点论",组织社会治安防控的猫鼠博弈;善用"三点论",构建社会治安防控的三角和谐。  相似文献   
魏远山 《政法学刊》2021,(1):110-122
通过以技术发展、作用对象和概念术语为视角对跨境数据流动的演进历程进行梳理,并分别从“数据” “跨境”和“流动”三个维度把握其内涵与外延,发现数据跨越国界并非跨境数据流动的必需环节,不发生地理位置变化的跨境访问也可实现数据被境外主体掌控的效果.因此,将跨境数据流动界定为一国非公开机器可读的数据,可被境外主体控制或处理的过...  相似文献   
连横一生以搜集、记录、整理、保存、研究台湾历史和文化为职志,著述颇丰,尤以《台湾通史》名世。纵观《台湾通史》的出版史和相关研究的学术史,实与近代以来中国历史进程相契合,其独特的学术价值和现实意义也逐步彰显。20世纪90年代以来,海峡两岸的《台湾通史》研究均进入新的发展阶段,无论视角还是视野、方法还是理论,特别是在学术性或学理性上,都有显著的推进和拓展。  相似文献   
民法总则关于民商主体界分的整体制度设计因自然人与法人的不同而分别遵循了不同的逻辑标准,但都直接体现或隐含了“营利性目的”的内涵。民法总则民商主体界分制度在概念使用和标准贯彻上存在逻辑缺陷,进而导致实践中可能面临诸多难题。可行的完善思路是对商自然人的主体制度建构采取由基本法确立营业权和由单行法规定具体规则的方式;用“组织”作为主体概念统领“法人”和“非法人组织”;将商组织的具体制度纳入民法典专编或者商事基本法加以规定,并且在民商主体界分时采取法律判定与事实判定相结合的模式。  相似文献   
Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime (GTC) has been one of the most cited and tested theories in criminology. It posits to be in effect transcultural in its application and relevant for any norm-violating behaviors. As most empirical work has been completed in English speaking countries, the current study tested some of the main theoretical postulates in a sample of 214 Argentinean male adolescents, both offenders and non-offenders. More specifically, it tested the relationships between parental practices, self-control, criminal opportunities, and deviance. Findings provide evidence that offenders reported more deviant behaviors and more risk factors than non-offenders. They also provide partial empirical support for the main theoretical propositions. Maternal closeness, support. and monitoring had different effects on self-control and on deviance; both low self-control and opportunities had direct effects of deviant behaviors. Theoretical, research, and practical implications of study findings are discussed.  相似文献   
施正文 《法学研究》2007,29(4):55-68
税收之债的消灭时效是税收债权消灭的重要原因,对于督促税收债权人及时行使债权、保护纳税人权利、建构稳定和谐的税收征纳关系具有重要意义。税收债权的消灭时效包括确定时效和征收时效两类,其内容涉及时效的性质、期间长度、期间起算、中断和中止、期间届满的法律效果等问题。我国税法对税收债权的消灭时效制度规定很不健全,应当借鉴他国立法例和国际经验,通过制定税收通则法等途径尽快予以完善。  相似文献   
台湾“行政程序法”于1999年2月3日公布,2001年1月1日起施行。依据台湾“行政程序法”第l条规定:“为使行政行为遵循公正、公开与民主之程序,确保依法行政之原则,以保障人民权益,提高行政效能,增进人民对行政之信赖,特制定本法”。台湾“行政程序法”之内容分为“总则”、“行政处分”、“行政契约”、“法规命令及行政规则”、“行政计画”、“行政指导”、“陈情”与“附则”等八章,共175条。自1999年2月3日公布至今,除于2000年12月27日及2001年6月20日两度修正公布第174条之1有关职权命令失效日期之规定,2005年12月28日配合政府资讯公开法之公布施行删除第44条、第45条之规定外,其余条文均未变动。台湾“行政程序法”实施之成效,包括强化民权保障、深化民主原则、贯彻依法行政、提高行政效能、增进人民对行政之信赖、行政法总论之法典化等。晚近,大陆倡议制定行政程序法之呼声不断。本文拟略述台湾“行政程序法”之立法沿革、主要内容、实施成效、所遏问题,期能为大陆行政程序法起草工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The theory of juristic acts is the core content of the General Principles of Civil Code, and the perfection of the legal norms is one of the main tasks of the General Principles of Civil Code of PRC. Based on the theory of juristic acts, this paper gave a detailed review of all the legal norms about juristic acts in the new General Principles of Civil Code of PRC. The author believes that the General Principles of Civil law of PRC have made great progress in the definition of juristic act, the basic values behind it, the implementation and effectiveness of the declaration of intention, and the validity system of juristic acts. At the same time, the article also pointed out that this General Principles of Civil Code still needs second consideration or perfection in this field, including the selection of terminology, the effect of persons with limited capacity of juristic acts, the rules about the error in the declaration of intention, the adoption of rules aboutunilateral false declaration of intention, the optimization of the validity system of invalid juristic acts etc. This paper put forward a series of concrete and practical perfection plans, looking forward to be useful for further improvement of the General Principles and the codification of other parts of the civil law.  相似文献   
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