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行政诚信与城市基层政府应急管理存在紧密的相关性。行政诚信彰显责任、孕育效能和凝聚力量的效用,有利于城市基层政府在应急管理中的人本取向,有利于城市基层政府应急执行力的提升,有利于城市基层政府对社会资源的调度整合。而行政系统内外诚信缺失则影响城市基层政府部门间的协调联动,影响城市基层政府对社会资源的整合力度,从而制约城市基层政府处置突发事件的效能。  相似文献   
中国古代是以农立国的农本国家,十分重视基层组织的建设。从周之乡遂到明清保甲,辗转相承,代有兴革,绵延不绝,积累了极其丰富的乡村基层组织建设的实践经验,为确保基层的和谐稳定和实现国家的稳固发展打下了坚实的基础。这些弥足珍贵的实践经验,对中国古代社会巩固基层、维持治安、寓教于民、保障民生、自治自立有着重要的现实意义,也对今天构建共建共治共享的现代基层社会治理新格局和全面推进乡村振兴战略具有重要的史鉴价值。  相似文献   
当前我国公民的政治信任呈现弱化趋势。由各地党委和政府推动的干部下乡活动可以视为政府自我调整或矫正的标志性动作之一。它既是共产党群众路线的当代延续,也是维稳政治的现实需要,更是国家在基层治理中建构政治信任的路径之一。如果将干部下乡活动作为国家"政治仪式"来考察,我们可以发现,这种旨在建构政治信任的"仪式"背后国家权力的运作策略和机制以及"仪式"展开过程中出现的某些意外后果。而以"关系"的视角从微观上考察这一下乡活动,我们发现,在基层治理中建构政治信任的困境不仅来自于"关系"双方主观方面的理性计算,也来自双方客观上的社会距离,更在深层次上与某种泛家族主义观念相关。  相似文献   
In recent years, urban community studies in China have been taking a closer look at neighbourhood space. Many researchers have examined neighbourhood using a state-society approach. This article argues that the fragmented state structure and the diversified society have led to calls for a different view of state and society. Based on the empirical studies in Shanghai, this article attempts to uncover the limitations of the state-society paradigm in exploring the transformation of urban grassroots, and suggests understanding the increasingly fragmented grassroots from examining different actors who are embedded in a specific neighbourhood space and vary in their interests and goals.  相似文献   
This paper explores the development of the field of public affairs (PA) through the observations, research and experiences of two of its most cited scholars, deputy editors, and longtime contributors to the Journal of Public Affairs. We examine how PA and its practitioners have moved non‐linearly from 2000+ PA, to Public Affairs 2.0, toward a still evolving model of practice. Three areas of practice are explored in depth, including (a) how the function is managed, (b) its communication activity, and (c) how it supports organizations in interacting and engaging with stakeholders and issues. Finally, four alternative futures are laid out as possible paths along which the function may evolve as it moves forward to its next decade's end in 2030.  相似文献   
《Communist and Post》2019,52(4):367-378
Sport mega events are the most prominent manifestations of the multidimensional and global interrelation between sport and politics. The purpose of the paper is to present the contrasting cases of two Polish SMEs: UEFA European Championships in football (Euro, 2012) and the bid for Winter Olympic Games Cracow 2022. This article pays special attention to the role of Polish political elite in promoting both events and to the grassroots movement that effectively ended the bidding for the latter event. It also discusses how the allegedly successful Euro 2012 tournament was presented in the public discourse in order to avoid conflicts and debates about the very idea of hosting the games. This proved unsuccessful in the latter case. This case deserves scrutiny as it is an unusual example of effective bottom up mobilization of civil society against the whole political elite.  相似文献   
本文从推动海峡两岸文化教育交流合作,促进祖国和平发展和平统一出发,阐述了高校民主党派基层组织成员在促进两岸文化教育交流合作中的责任、能力和作用,提出了高校民主党派基层组织应当尽快将资源优势转化成工作优势,把隐性优势转化成现实优势,把优势转化成工作动力的倡议。  相似文献   
农村基层党组织标准化建设是新时代农村党建工作开展的理念引领与目标指向.农村基层党组织标准化建设要围绕政治领导更加坚强、整体功能更加优化、教育管理更加有力、制度规范更加健全、工作载体更加多样、保障措施更加完善等主体任务展开;要在组织体系、班子队伍、思想教育、日常管理、工作载体、基本保障标准化建设等六个方面进行行动方略的建构.  相似文献   
提升基层检察机关执法公信力有助于降低执法难度、提升执法效果,也有助于提高执法效率、降低执法成本。基层检察机关的执法公信力由执法水平、工作作风、执法主体和民众评价等因素决定。基层检察机关执法公信力面临着新媒体时代、检察执法专业性、社会信任危机以及个人腐败问题等方面的现实挑战。对此.我们应从提升执法水平、保障执法效果、加强媒体应用、增强法律宣传和人文关怀等方面提升基层检察机关的执法公信力。  相似文献   
随着国有企业改革的深化和发展,基层党建工作面临着新问题、新挑战,必须不断认识和把握新时期党建工作的科学规律,创新党建工作理念、机制和方法,努力把党的政治优势转化成企业的发展优势,坚持融入中心、进入管理、推动发展、促进和谐,夯实堡垒先锋作用,才能为企业的持续稳定发展提供坚强的组织保证。  相似文献   
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