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Juvenile Justice‐Translational Research on Interventions for Adolescents in the Legal System (JJ‐TRIALS) National Survey was funded in part to describe the current status of screening, assessment, prevention and treatment for substance use, mental health, and HIV for youth on community supervision within the US juvenile justice system. Surveys were administered to community supervision agencies and their primary behavioral healthcare providers, as well as the juvenile or family court judge with the largest caseload of youth on community supervision. This article presents the findings from the judges’ survey. Survey results indicated juvenile and family court judges were open to innovations for improving the court's performance, rated their relationships with collaborators highly, and appreciated the impact of screening, assessment, prevention, and treatment on judicial practices.  相似文献   
刘鹏 《东南亚》2009,(2):17-21
在东南亚地区,随着束埔寨问题的解决,东帝汶问题就成为该地区最主要的安全问题之一。东帝汶问题自1974年印尼入侵东帝汶以来一直是地区热点之一。在东帝汶走向独立的过程中,外部大国特别是澳大利亚发挥了特殊的作用。本文试图通过对东帝汶独立过程中澳大利亚外交政策的演变来探究澳大利亚作为中等强国的外交逻辑。  相似文献   
国际社会对朝鲜发展援助探寻   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国际发展援助对于援助国来说通常被作为实现国家利益的对外政策工具,而对于受援国来说,发展援助可以为本国经济建设和社会发展提供诸多帮助。因此,发展援助对于援助国和受援国双方的经济发展都具有相当积极的意义和作用,是一种具有互利和双赢效益的国家间经济合作方式和国际关系模式。根据朝鲜的要求及现实需要,国际社会对朝援助正由人道主义援助向发展援助转变。国际社会对朝发展援助目标是促进朝鲜经济、政治、社会发展,援助领域将更多地集中在基础设施建设、农业和提高行政管理能力等方面。在此过程中,需要解决如何筹措对朝援助巨额资金、如何提高对朝援助透明度和效率等课题。  相似文献   
党的十八大以来我国养老服务政策密集出台、渐成体系。养老服务政策的进展主要表现在八个方面:理顺政府与市场关系,厘清养老服务供给责任;全面开放养老服务市场,增加养老服务供给;大力发展社区服务,弥补服务体系短板;强化创新驱动,支持新型养老模式发展;推动医养结合,破解养老服务发展困局;加大扶持力度,降低服务供给成本;加强市场监管,提升养老服务质量;开展长期护理保险制度试点,探索护理责任分担新模式。十八大以来养老服务政策变化有四大明显特点:在政策定位上,由单一发展老龄事业转变为老龄事业和产业协同发展;在政策目标上,由保重点人群转变为保基本服务;在政策重点上,由侧重扶持机构转变为促进居家社区机构相协调;在政策内容上,由就养老论养老转变为推动医养康养相结合。下一步养老服务政策取向:一是焦点转移,从顶层设计走向具体落实;二是动能转换,进一步强化创新驱动;三是关口前置,增强老年人自我养老能力;四是重心下沉,继续大力发展社区养老服务;五是重点突破,尽快总结试点经验出台统一的长期护理保险制度。  相似文献   
缅甸独立后外交政策的演变与中缅关系的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
缅甸独立后,其政治发展经历了多次政权更迭,致使其外交政策发生了几次较为重大的变化。受此影响,中缅关系也出现了一些起伏,但总体上看,奉行积极友善的对华政策一直是历届缅甸政府所遵循的原则。  相似文献   
In the last decade, European education has experienced far‐reaching transformation through the international initiatives of the Bologna process in higher education (HE) and the Copenhagen process in vocational education and training (VET) for enhancing European cooperation. This study investigates the mostly underresearched effects of these initiatives on Switzerland to discern whether Swiss HE and VET policies have converged towards European models, and which mechanisms were influential. It combines research on Europeanization and convergence and uses process‐tracing based on expert interviews and document analysis. Results reveal that Swiss HE policy strongly converged towards the Bologna model, while the development of a partial convergence of VET policy towards the model of the Copenhagen process can be observed. The study demonstrates the impact of domestic politics on shaping Europeanization effects and reconstructs the processes through which the initiatives took effect through transnational communication.  相似文献   
In diesem Artikel werden jüngere Entwicklungen föderaler Koordinations‐ und Verflechtungsstrukturen in der Hochschulpolitik Deutschlands und der Schweiz untersucht. Seit rund zwanzig Jahren führen politische und funktionale Herausforderungen, beispielsweise die Anbindung nationaler Bildungspolitik an internationale Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich, zu Anpassungszwängen hochschulpolitischer Governance‐Strukturen. Beide Länder waren aber für strukturelle Reformen relativ schlecht gerüstet: Deutschland litt unter der Schwerfälligkeit seiner föderalen Entscheidungsstrukturen, während die Schweiz gerade in der Hochschulpolitik große Mühe hatte, das Handeln zwischen Bund und Kantonen zu koordinieren. In beiden Länder wurden bis ins Jahr 2006 grundlegende Reformen der Governance‐Strukturen im Föderalismus durchgeführt. Der Artikel untersucht, inwiefern diese Reformen dazu beigetragen haben, die Schwächen in der föderalen Koordination beider Länder zu überwinden. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass sich Deutschland trotz der umfassenden Reformen nur wenig gewandelt hat, während die Schweiz institutionell deutlich verflochtener wird, aber institutionelle Mechanismen etabliert hat, die möglicherweise Entscheidungsblockaden verhindern helfen.  相似文献   
金融危机后的俄罗斯   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
普京治下的经济复苏,改善了俄罗斯的财政状况,提高了人民的生活水平,但没有使俄罗斯经济实现成功转型。全球金融危机暴露了俄罗斯经济状况的本质:普京八年的俄罗斯经济只是"恢复性增长",而非以投资和创新所驱动的可持续性增长,对能源仍然高度依赖。虽然危机之后俄经济有所恢复,但与能源价格上涨密切相关,其现代化进程任重道远。2012年之后的俄罗斯仍然将是一个缺少竞争力且严重依赖能源资源出口的国家。  相似文献   
In spatial voting theory, voters choose the candidate whose policy preferences are most like their own. This requires that (a) voters and candidates have policy preferences that can be meaningfully summarized in terms of low-dimensional “ideal points” on a left-right scale; (b) voters are able to discern, either directly or through relevant cues, the ideal points of the candidates who are running for office; and (c) voters incorporate this information into the choices they make at the ballot box. Perhaps more than in any other elections, it is not clear that any of these requirements are met in non-partisan municipal elections: policy preferences may not be ideologically structured, information may be inadequate, and voters may choose candidates for reasons other than ideology. This makes non-partisan municipal elections an especially hard test for spatial voting theory. Using novel data from both municipal candidates and eligible voters in a major non-partisan municipal election in Canada, we show that municipal policy attitudes are ideologically structured and that these municipal policy ideal points are strongly related to mayoral and council vote choice. Thus, despite the institutional and informational obstacles, spatial voting can play an important role in non-partisan municipal elections.  相似文献   
警察作为一个特殊的职业群体,由于长期处于高强度、高负荷、高危险的工作状态之下,使其健康状况频亮“红灯”,不容乐观。提高公安民警的身体素质,有效地维护公安民警的身心健康,构建公安民警健康权益的支援体系,已经是一个迫在眉睫、亟待研究和解决的重大课题。  相似文献   
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