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从成立于20世纪50年代的欧洲煤钢共同体发展到今天,欧盟一体化程度走在世界各区域一体化的前列,其推进的深度和广度令世人瞩目。文化认同建构在欧盟一体化进程中发挥着重要作用。他山之石可以攻玉,欧盟文化一体化进程对正在建设中的东盟有着重要的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   
本文选取医学预科生与医院管理者的人文素质教育各一例,即缅怀无言良师和晨读,从案例背景、实施目的、实施对象及特点、实施过程及效果等方面进行异同分析,得出医学人文教育的局部共性规律,并探寻医学人文教育与医学日常教学活动在方法论上的关联性。  相似文献   
经济全球化带来我国口岸人流的高速大幅增长,为更好地适应经济全球化趋势,为人口国际流动提供安全、快捷、便利的通关环境,促进重要机遇期国家发展战略目标的实现,我们要继续深化改革,建立集中、统一、高效的出入境边防检查体制,加强法制建设,整体规划落实,推进科技强警,切实提高边检科技应用水平。  相似文献   
印尼人姓名的复杂形态反映出印尼文化的多元性,它可以成为观察印尼多元文化的一面镜子,使我们更好地了解印尼民族。透过印尼人的姓名,不但可以看到印尼传统文化、巴厘―印度教文化和阿拉伯―伊斯兰文化之间的明显差异,而且能体会外来文化与本土文化、本土文化与本土文化之间的融合,并看出印尼人具有名随人变、崇尚名誉、讲究实用的姓名特点。  相似文献   
频繁的世界危机凸显出全球化时代下国际问题不可阻挡的跨国溢出与无序的世界治理秩序之间的深刻矛盾。从能源到气候变化问题,从大规模杀伤性武器的扩散到传染性疾病的防治,从国际金融系统的稳定到跨国宏观经济协调,政治、经济、安全问题复杂交织,世界越来越陷入动荡不安之中。当前处于世界新秩序重构的重要转型时期,中国不断增加的国家实力、声望和影响力赋予其在世界新秩序的构建中举足轻重的地位。本文旨在阐述中国在新秩序构建中的力量平衡、制度融合与理念引导作用。  相似文献   
Abstract: Subnational varieties of immigrant integration policy, which are particularly salient in federal states, remain largely neglected by migration studies. Following Lijphart, who long demanded to verify international research at the subnational level, this study aims at capturing subnational policy variations using the example of Swiss cantons. In line with international approaches, cantonal integration policies are conceptualized and measured in terms of immigrants’ ease or difficulty of access to civic, political, socio‐structural, as well as cultural and religious rights and obligations. The transfer of an international concept to the subnational level facilitates a validation of the former, which constitutes a second neglected research field. Finally, a look at the empirical evidence allows testing the construct validity of our measurement: in line with theoretical assumptions, our data reveal a clear linguistic divide, an institutionalised “Röschtigraben”, with German speaking cantons exhibiting overall more restrictive policies than Latin cantons.  相似文献   
2000多年前,中国与东南亚国家就开始了友好往来,由于地缘相近,经贸相通,人员相交,中国文化在古代就传入了东南亚,在东南亚文化不断发展和与外来文化的交融过程中形成自己独特文化的同时,一些中国文化元素得以深深扎根于东南亚,并得到继承和发扬。本文从语言文学、民俗、服饰、建筑、宗教等方面对东南亚国家文化中所具有的中国文化元素进行梳理和探讨。  相似文献   
春秋战国时期,诸侯争霸,社会动荡,矛盾突显,许多学派阐述各自的治国思想,其中影响最大的是儒家和法家,儒家主张“礼治”,法家主张“法治”,两家针锋相对,在长期的论争中,为了能使自己的理论适应现实需求,儒法开始互相借鉴,从而逐步走向融合和统一。  相似文献   
The principal regional organizations in East Asia and Asia-Pacific, ASEAN and APEC, are widely seen to be crisis-stricken, ‘becalmed’ or ‘adrift’. At the same time, East Asia is witnessing the emergence of a new, as yet embryonic body, ASEAN Plus Three (APT), and ambitious projects implying closer integration between Northeast and Southeast Asia are being mooted. Departing from an analysis of the determinants of the success and failure of regional integration, this article discusses the roots of the perceived decline of ASEAN and APEC and the origins of the rapid rise of APT. The Asian financial crisis in particular, it is argued, has been instrumental both in undermining ASEAN and APEC and in fostering the rise of APT. The crisis has brutally exposed the structural weaknesses of ASEAN and APEC, both of which are handicapped by the political and economic diversity of their member states and the absence of a benevolent dominant state or coalition of states. It has simultaneously fuelled the development of APT because it has greatly strengthened perceptions of mutual economic interdependence and vulnerability in East Asia and resentment against the West and the US. As APT is likely to exhibit similar structural weaknesses to ASEAN and APEC, the odds, however, are against it developing into a strong regional organization, notwithstanding the possibility that, in the near future, external forces and trends (stagnation of world trade liberalization, closer European and American integration) will, if anything, encourage plans for closer East Asian integration.  相似文献   
While analyses of time have never strayed too far away from those of social justice, and vice versa, this article's premise is that they have so far failed to converge as directly and coherently as they might. The aim of this article is to facilitate a greater degree of convergence by working within a framework of liberal equality and establishing similarities in the work of the two theorists who have gone furthest in bringing the various debates together. These are Robert Goodin and André Gorz, and the article explores the respective strengths and weaknesses of their ideas. A liberal theory of socio-temporal justice is derived from their work and is then used to critique some recent developments in UK welfare reform.  相似文献   
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