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This note examines two cases in which English and Scottish courts have insisted that the English and Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commissions adopt the same definition and approach as them to alleged ‘miscarriages of justice’ in order to reduce the number of potential referrals and increase finality, and to reduce the challenge posed by these Commissions to the courts' authority in the legal sphere. The authors consider whether the courts' approach is either necessary or appropriate.  相似文献   
Trafficked women are used and consumed in different ways and by different users in Australia. They are used by the traffickers and by the consumer of the destination country. They are used as prosecutorial tools by the national criminal justice agents. They are used by the national politicians to pursue border control policy objectives and to be seen as abiding by international protocols. In all these uses, the identity of the trafficked woman is formed and shaped to fit the users’ need. However, these women’s otherness and abjection is constantly maintained and reinforced. They are used as a commodity. Meanwhile, the discussion on the demand side, and the consequent responsibility of the destination country, is virtually omitted. This paper will raise the question of how the socio-legal analysis and discourse would evolve if a literal interpretation of trafficking women as a commodity was taken into account, exploring an international trade approach. The social construction of trafficked women as a commodity has been identified and criticised by academic scholars, NGOs’ and UN’s rapporteurs. By pursuing this line of approach, the destination country is forced to take more responsibility for how the woman is demanded within its territory. As a consequence of this international trade approach, the State should deliver equality and non-discrimination. Rather than being a cynical application of a trade framework to trafficked women, this approach aims to highlight the paradox of such a situation in legal terms. It is highlighted that approaching trafficked women from this legal and jurisprudential way may offer more possibilities to expand their claims against the State. Currently, in Australia, when a trafficked woman is located by the State, she would attract limited and temporal rights, her being the ‘other’ as well as an abject entity remains, notwithstanding the fact the she was imported because there is a demand within the territory.  相似文献   
目前行政法学界对于行政程序的研究,多侧重于理论层面的讨论和构建,走的是一条以立法为导向的研究范式;同时对域外经验的过分关注,使学者们忽视了本土行政法实践中所发生的诸多变革。为此,本文将对行政程序研究的关注点放在我国的司法实践上,通过对个案的研读,来发掘实践中法官对于正当程序的态度以及正当程序在法官判决中的演变;通过对法官判决的制度性效应的观察,思考法官对正当程序在我国的传播和发展中的推动作用。  相似文献   
死刑缓期执行制度是我国独创的一项制度。我国刑法对死缓的适用条件、处理方式规定不足,在具体司法实践中应贯彻"坚持少杀、防止错杀"的死刑政策;执行死刑时对严重故意犯罪之"严重"应有一个明确的界定标准;对有重大立功情形的死缓罪犯应区别对待、适当处理。  相似文献   
不同于一般的刑事案件,毒品犯罪案件有其自身的特点,如没有特定的被害人,方法手段隐蔽,跨地区性流动性强。我国毒品案件侦查仍然套用普通刑事案件的侦查方法,没有形成系统理论体系,因此树立正确的毒品刑事案件侦查理念,可以促进毒品案件侦查系统的发展完善与提高,可以有效地打击毒品犯罪活动。  相似文献   
2008年9月从美国爆发的国际金融危机对世界政治产生了五方面的深远影响,一是国际战略格局多极化进入加速发展的新阶段,二是大国竞争与合作交织发展,大国关系复杂重组,国际机制变革加快,三是区域一体化明显提速,世界地缘战略重心加快东移亚洲,四是发展模式更趋多样化,五是中国有效应对国际金融危机,经济崛起步伐加快。  相似文献   
我国现行刑事拘留制度在司法实践运行中存在着一系列的问题:刑事拘留强制措施适用的工具化、拘留期限过长的普遍化、羁押期限的极限化、拘留适用的随意性,这极大地损害了犯罪嫌疑人权利。这些问题归因于我国立法规定的冲突、拘留标准过低、拘押合一制度、司法审查缺失等。因此,应当对我国刑事拘留制度进行改革。  相似文献   
作为我国的一项法律制度,劳动教养制度在维护社会稳定、改造轻微犯罪人员等方面起到了不可忽视的作用。但随着社会的发展和行政权力在相应社会领域里的淡化,劳动教养制度在程序和实体方面都呈现出一些问题,对其进行深度改革已成为必然。  相似文献   
就国际法的法律性,学界有肯定论与否定论之说。判断国际法是否具有法律性,标准应该是法的一般特征。国际法具备了法的一般特征——国家意志性、普遍性、规范性及强制性,具有法律性。同时,国际法还具有国际性、平等性以及实施上的不对称性等特点,是一特殊法。  相似文献   
北一辉是二战前日本民间法西斯运动的理论指导者,他的代表作<日本改造法案大纲>被称为日本法西斯主义理论的"圣经".北一辉早年曾参加辛亥革命,与宋教仁、谭人凤等中国革命领导人相交莫逆,他所撰写的<支那革命外史>在二战后被誉为描绘日本人参与辛亥革命的最佳代表作之一.本文以北一辉的两部著作--<支那革命外史>和<日本改造法案大纲>为主要研究对象,通过探讨五四运动对北一辉有关亚洲国际战略构想的影响,以期揭示五四运动期间北一辉思想的变化在他的法西斯主义国家改造论形成过程中所起的作用.  相似文献   
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