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日据时期,台湾岛内日本人的工商业活动构成了殖民地经济的一个重要组成部分,不应被我们忽视。日本占据台湾后,大量日本工商业者,上至御用商人,下至小商人随即来到台湾寻求经济利益。一方面,殖民当局赋予他们特权和便利,使得他们能迅速占有和攫取台湾重要的资源——黄金和樟脑;另一方面,和垄断资本不同,他们的经济活动更多地受到殖民当局政策的影响。  相似文献   
Phil Deans 《East Asia》2007,24(3):269-294
The Yasukuni Shrine is a site of contested nationalist politics in Japan and in neighbouring countries. Within Japan the status of the Shrine exists in a tension between public and private and religious and secular meanings. These tensions are given a specific focus in the context of the visits to the Shrine by Japanese Prime Ministers. The history of such visits is discussed and analysed, with particular attention given to the causes and consequences of the visits by Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro between 2001 and 2006. It is argued that the controversies over the visits in Japan and elsewhere are best understood in the context of ‘revisionist nationalism’ in Japan. The reactions and nationalist problematics of the PRC and Taiwan with regard to the Yasukuni Shrine are then elaborated and analysed.
Phil DeansEmail:

Phil Deans   is Professor of International Affairs, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Director of Research at Temple University’s Japan Campus. He has a BA and PhD from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and is completing the MBA in HE Management at the University of London. Before joining Temple he was Senior Lecturer in Chinese Politics and Director of the Contemporary China Institute at SOAS, University of London. His main research interests are in Sino-Japanese relations, with particular reference to the Japan-Taiwan relationship. He is currently researching the impact of changing nationalist dynamics in East Asia on Sino-Japanese relations. In addition to journal articles and chapters in edited books he is the author of Virtual Diplomacy: Japan-Taiwan relations since 1972 (forthcoming) and is co-editor (with Hugo Dobson) of Postage Stamps as Socio-Political Artefacts (Transaction, forthcoming).  相似文献   
近代东亚三国西学成因及其比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李虎 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(1):120-127
对东西文化关系问题上的不同立场而衍生出来的近代文化融合体,亦称近代东亚三国西学。其主流文化融合体在中国表现为“中体西用”;而在朝鲜与日本分别表现为“东道西器”和“和魂洋才”。近代三国西学形成,虽说在形式上存在着诸多相似之处,但因三国社会历史条件等诸多因素的差异,使得近代东亚三国西学又在内容上呈现出很多不同的特点。这主要体现在三国近代形成的文化融合体中的西学份量及其对传统的反思。  相似文献   
“两条线”战略和“一条线、一大片”战略,集中体现了毛泽东组织国际统一战线,反对帝国主义和霸权主义的思想。  相似文献   
日据时期台湾作家的祖国之旅不仅增强了他们的民族认同感,而且具有扩大视野,从祖国接受现代文明成分的意义。赖和兄弟从其厦门经验中认知医治国人精神病症的重要性;谢春木对于“现代化”兼具“接受”和“反思”两端,发现中国大陆作为半殖民地,与台湾一样存在着殖民性与现代性的纠葛与悖论。大陆经验使台湾作家更多从五四新文学中吸取营养,促进了台湾新文学的兴起和发展,如周定山与中国现代文学三大主题和鲁迅风格有相当的契合;王白渊在“艺术”和“革命”之间最终选择了后者,而这是诸多中国现代文学作家的共同“宿命”。  相似文献   

In 1940 Mexico implemented a new revolutionary strategy in its fight against drug trafficking and addiction with a policy that legalized the sale of morphine to opiate addicts. While this approach to drug addiction was not entirely new or unique, it was strongly opposed by the United States, which responded by declaring an embargo on narcotic shipments to Mexico. As a result, Mexico was forced to abandon the plan just a few months after it was implemented. Often seen as a moment when Mexico might have gone in a different, less prohibitionist drug-policy direction, this episode has been overwhelmingly interpreted as an early and striking example of U.S. drug-control imperialism in Latin America. While such interpretations are not incorrect, they have missed an equally critical element of the story—a series of catastrophic diplomatic failures on the Mexican side which undermined various opportunities Mexico had to salvage the policy in some form. The episode thus stands in contrast to more well-known diplomatic challenges during the period in which Mexico’s diplomats have been lauded for outmaneuvering their U.S. and European counterparts.  相似文献   
This article applies the Nexon/Wright concept of ideal-type empire to the study of China’s post-2012 peripheral relations to demonstrate that the Xi administration is engaged in a concerted imperialist policy towards its developing neighbour states. Using the Nexon/Wright framework, the article demonstrates how the establishment of a China-centric regional network structure undergirds the Xi administration’s key foreign policy concepts and how these concepts, in turn, inform China’s bilateral relations with its peripheral states. To demonstrate how China employs imperialist tactics to its pursuit of a regionally based order, the article examines China’s bilateral relations with the developing states on its periphery: Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam.  相似文献   
板垣退助晚年的对韩认识和态度可以概括为三个方面。第一是对未能早日实现"征韩论"表示遗憾;其次是对近代日本在半岛上实行的帝国主义政策进行维护和辩解;再者则是为统治朝鲜半岛积极出谋划策。他从地缘和历史的角度视朝鲜半岛为日本国家安全保障的外廓,辩称日本在半岛上实行的政策都是为了维护"和平",绝非侵略,甚至认为日本吞并朝鲜是"出于迫不得已"。他既对日本吞并朝鲜欢欣鼓舞,也为"征韩论"未能早日实现表示遗憾。其实质,可以说是为了维护本国的国权而完全忽视他国的国权,这是其思想的最大局限和最为人批评之处。  相似文献   
理解村上春树的另一种方法——音乐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
村上春树童年开始学习钢琴,大学期间与爵壬、摇滚为伍,毕业后经营爵士酒吧,音乐造诣非同一般。村上擅长讲故事,更擅长用音乐渲染气氛。因此,若想深刻理解村上及村上的文学,音乐是必不可少的方法。本文从村上与音乐的关系入手,通过分析《挪威的森林》《国境以南太阳以西》及《奇鸟行状录》等三篇小说的背景音乐,探索用音乐理解村上的可能及音乐在村上文学中的重要作用。  相似文献   
日本文化推崇禅宗的“山水真如”的境界,而禅宗文化又观照着日本的俳句、汉文学、儒学、绘画、庭园建筑、花道等诸多艺术苑囿。日本的古典短诗是由17字音组成,原称俳谐。其俳句较多地采取象征和比喻手法,崇尚简洁、含蓄、雅淡。比和歌更为精练。然松尾芭蕉以其孤独的心境,到大自然中去寻找对应物,以心灵与之交流,表现出自然、真诚的生命性灵。由此,芭蕉的俳句也因其境界的幽雅、闲寂、清苦而在日本文学界享有盛誉。  相似文献   
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