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D. Shin 《亚洲事务》2017,48(3):510-528
In recent years, North Korea’s military provocations have been making the headlines. Beyond its harsh actions and remarks, North Korea persistently mentions ‘peace’ through a demand for a ‘peace treaty’. This may sound paradoxical. However, the origin of the North Korean argument for a peace treaty dates back to the Korean War (1950–53). Since then, North Korea has continued to raise the issue of a peace treaty in a consistent manner and the arguments have displayed similar logic and terminology throughout. It is this consistency and similarity that this article examines: through reviewing North Korea’s original texts, this article attempts to undercover North Korea's perspectives reflected in its argument for a peace treaty.  相似文献   
This article analyses the formation, presentation and reception of two seminal exhibitions: Australian Painting: Colonial, Impressionist, Contemporary (1962–1963) and Canadian Painting 1939–1963 (1964). The presentation of these exhibitions at London’s Tate Gallery reflected the institution’s support for “old dominion” Commonwealth members. The exhibitions also highlight the differing visions of the Canadian and Australian governments concerning the relationship between art, diplomacy and politics during the Cold War. In Canada, Vincent Massey (Governor General 1952–1959) played a key role in ensuring that all forms of Canadian art were promoted internationally. Massey wanted to connect with the European and American avant-garde and to be part of a multiracial Commonwealth. This contrasted with the rather “old-fashioned” views of the Australian prime minister, Robert Menzies, and the Commonwealth Art Advisory Board. They supported a Commonwealth dominated by the “white dominions” and the initial exhibition plan for Australian Painting recalled previous British Empire art shows. The British response to the Canadian and Australian exhibitions is also discussed. British critics preferred the nationally identifiable “exotic” art found in Australian art to the transnational forms of international abstraction in Canadian art. Eventually, Australia “caught up” with Canadian cultural policy following the establishment of the Australia Council.  相似文献   
1927年大革命失败后,中国革命进入了十年土地革命时期。期间党与红军内部出现了右倾悲观思潮,并几度提出红旗到底打得多久的疑问。对此,毛泽东在《井冈山的斗争》与《星星之火,可以燎原》等著作中给予了科学回答,形成了毛泽东信念观:坚定信念创建农村革命根据地;坚信红色政权的发生、存在与发展既是可能的,也是必然的;坚信星火必燎原,中国革命高潮必将到来。毛泽东信念观的形成是大革命失败后时局变化的产物,是实行正确政策的必然结果。  相似文献   
冷战结束后的15年中,美国与印尼的军事合作关系发生了显著变化:由中断到恢复、不断升温。现实主义的权力观根据国际环境发生变化后国家利益的侧重点也会变化这一视角进行解读。建构主义认为,观念会影响身份的建构,美国与印尼观念的变化对它们身份和军事合作产生了重要影响。美印(尼)军事合作关系的恢复和升温,对东南亚地区安全环境将产生深远的影响。  相似文献   
袁鹏 《外交评论》2006,(5):30-35
美俄关系经过近十年的磨合大体形成了相对稳定的关系框架,但这一框架未能根本解决两国之间存在的结构性矛盾。伊拉克战争终于将这些矛盾催生出来,于是引发美俄关系新的紧张,也诞生了所谓“新冷战”说。笔者认为,与其说美俄关系处于“新冷战”,不如说是回归其本应有的面目。未来美俄关系的发展将取决于国际环境、双方各自战略走向及两国领导人的更迭三个层次的因素,具有一定不确定性。  相似文献   
唐凌 《桂海论丛》2007,23(1):90-93
广西荔浦县档案馆藏有一些湘桂铁路股票。这些股票是在抗战爆发后,随着湘桂铁路修筑而开始发行的。广西省政府在发行过程中充当着非常重要的角色。股票的发行在一定程度上促进了湘桂铁路的建设。但是,蒋桂矛盾使其经济功能未能得到有效的发挥。  相似文献   
社会主义代替资本主义是历史发展的必然趋势.战后资本主义的新变化没有改变这一趋势,只是加速了这一趋势;苏联的解体、东欧的剧变不可能否定这一趋势,它只是表明了一种社会主义模式的失败和社会主义必然胜利的曲折性;信息社会的来临也决不意味着资本主义的永世长存,相反,它为社会主义战胜资本主义准备了更为坚实的技术基础,不仅如此,信息社会走向更高级的智能社会的发展趋势,印证着共产主义必然实现的真理性.  相似文献   
国学大师陈寅恪是蜚声中外的著名史学家,抗战期间旅居桂林,讲学年余并留下学术著作和诗作,为桂林这座山水旅游和历史文化名城留下珍贵文化遗产,增添了绚丽光彩.  相似文献   
20世纪20年代以来,北洋政府不仅无力控制地方强势军人,制止内争,而且统治愈现失道性。时代呼唤统一,国民政府的北伐战争承担了这一历史重任。李大钊通过对北方冯玉祥部的工作,使南北革命力量联合,形成南北策应之势,加速了北伐战争的胜利。  相似文献   
鲁世巍 《外交评论》2003,(3):102-107
战后美元的霸权地位为美国带来了巨大经济政治利益。近来美元霸权面临新的挑战。伊拉克战争没有改变 而且将削弱美元的国际地位,但美元霸权的衰落是一个长期和曲折的过程。  相似文献   
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