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文化工业与社会经济生活的密切联系,显示出晚期资本主义文化的核心之所在,即生产愈来愈多的物品以作消费之用,资本主义的文化目标就是消费.后现代主义与文化工业的合流,证明了资本主义对传统文化,包括资产阶级自己的传统文化的最后解构.晚期资本主义的文化逻辑,意味着"文化统治和资本主义的新社会经济阶段"这一"新的社会样式"的出现,从而不得不接受后现代主义带来的文化虚无主义和价值重估.  相似文献   
晚清学术与经世思潮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙占元 《理论学刊》2004,2(3):91-94
经世致用是儒学的传统。在晚清学术史上,无论是治今文经学的魏源,还是力主宋学的曾国藩,或是兼宗汉宋的张之洞;不论是强调公羊学的康有为,还是宗师汉学的章太炎,他们都踏上了经世之途,顺应了近代中国社会发展的要求,促成了晚清经世思潮的兴起。  相似文献   
This paper deals with popular perceptions of Soviet ideology during the period of Late Socialism. On the premises of colonial theory, mass communication and pop culture studies, the author argues that even totalitarian ideologies are subject to active consumption, excorporation and interpolation. While the official Soviet media provided a rather stable picture of the Soviet citizen, loyal to the Soviet authorities and the Soviet ideals, this paper reveals, on the basis of multiple interviews, how ideology operates at the level of everyday life and popular consciousness.  相似文献   
晚清“督抚专权”的问题学界素有争议,而“兵权下移”是其重要的论述内容。以浙江的个案来看,光绪朝中后期的巡抚们对军队的掌控虽有突破规制之处,但没有到达“专权”的地步。真正的“兵权下移”主要缘于清廷对新军的失控,缘于新军的地方化与革命化。与受人瞩目的北洋新军、湖北新军不同,浙江新军的“平庸”反而更能反映一般省份新军的时代特征。  相似文献   
The issue of "governors authoritarian" in the late Qing Dynasty has always been controversial, and "decentralization of military power" is its important content. The case of Zhejiang shows that the governors did not have the complete authority in the military, though they had a breakthrough in the control of the army in the late Guangxu era. "Decentralization of military power" was mainly due to the Qing Government out-of-control of theNew Army, and its localization and revolutionization. Different from the Beiyang New Army and the Hubei New Army, the “mediocrity” of the Zhejiang New Army reflected preferably the characteristics of the New Army of the general provinces.  相似文献   
Ottoman urban reform policies not only targeted the rehabilitation and rebuilding of provinces, cities, streets, and squares; they also aspired to refashion the inhabitants of urban spaces. Vocational orphanages (?slâhhanes) of the latter half of the nineteenth century were, in that respect, instrumental in removing minor vagrants, beggars, and street children from urban areas according to redefined borders of urban security and visibility and in reintegrating them into society through training and employment in arts and crafts. As much as this initiative was a significant step on the part of the state to intervene in family life and child-rearing practices, the research also points to the agency of poor parents in demanding and benefiting from state welfare policies.  相似文献   
在中晚唐诗歌史上,姚、贾虽以苦吟并称,但思想境界的不同、时代士风的变迁,已使二人的诗歌精神产生巨大差异.从孟郊、贾岛到姚合,随着苦吟的内蕴变化,诗人的艺术追求也发生了重要变化.姚合上承王维及大历诗人,融汇张籍、贾岛等诸家之长,成为苦吟诗人的集大成者.他所追求和倡导的"清峭"诗风,代表了晚唐苦吟诗人共同的审美趋向.这是他们在艺术旨趣上最终选择姚合,远离贾岛,形成情感平和、风格雅正创作格局的根源.  相似文献   
王学钧 《金陵法律评论》2004,(2):119-124,138
鲁迅对<官场现形记>创作意图及主题判断是有误的,小说并非因庚子事变的刺激为迎合"时人嗜好"满足于"谴责"--"谩骂"而作,而是起因于1903年李伯元及中国社会经历了对晚清"新政"由满怀希望到彻底失望,旨在揭露"新政"腐败的根源和真相.它集中描写晚清"新政上谕"发布后,中国专制政体与国际化市场相结合,导致官员权力与金钱贪欲的无限制结合,以至权力和人格商业化,使官场腐败像瘟疫一样漫延的种种现象,揭露专制政体是"新政"腐败的总根源和"伪改革"的原因,呼应了唤起人们认清"专制政体为大众之公敌"的政治启蒙目的.  相似文献   
庄妍  王元林 《八桂侨刊》2021,(1):56-61,84
十九世纪中叶以降,巴拿马因修筑铁路、开凿运河的需要,在中国东南沿海贩运大批廉价壮丁抵巴。旅巴侨胞为巴拿马经济和社会的发展做出巨大牺牲与贡献。早期巴拿马却歧视、驱赶华民,排华浪潮因政府参与主导而愈演愈烈。清政府面对旅巴保工护侨的态度渐趋积极,通过外交磋商、设领事馆等措施以改善侨胞的生存环境。  相似文献   
Spaniards and African-Americans share significant cultural memories forged by the profound impact that various artistic and historical events had on each other during the twentieth century. To contribute to an exploration and understanding of these shared memories – which have received relatively little scholarly attention – this essay focuses on the presence of Black America in the 1960s, that is, the period of Late Francoist Spain. More specifically, it intends to initiate the study of the impact of the Black Civil Rights and Black Power movements on Spain’s progressive press. Focusing on a selection of articles published in the iconic leftist magazine Triunfo, it examines how the traditional European fascination with blackness manifests itself during the 1960s. In Triunfo’s articles we encounter suffering, violent, and degraded bodies, as well as revolutionary, political, and eroticized bodies. This combination reveals the problematic coexistence of solidarity and inspiration with an ethnographic and voyeuristic gaze that perpetuates the spectacularity of black bodies for global consumption. While foregrounding the challenges posed by writing and representing the Other, this study is also an attempt to reconstruct more fully the 1960s cultural and intellectual history of Spain and to approach the black liberation struggle from a transnational perspective.  相似文献   
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