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20世纪末,随着苏联的解体,哥萨克问题成为俄罗斯社会焦点之一,哥萨克研究进入一个新的阶段,并形成一门新的学科:哥萨克学。由于诸多因素,目前国内哥萨克学的研究尚不充分,对哥萨克的认识比较粗略和模糊,特别是关于哥萨克的起源和社会属性问题。这种状况制约了对哥萨克历史、文化、文学等方面的研究。哥萨克的起源和社会属性问题是哥萨克学研究首要解决的问题,也是学者争议比较大的问题。系统地研究这两个问题,可以为进一步研究哥萨克学提供基础性学术资料。哥萨克学也可以为俄罗斯研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   
俄罗斯是恐怖主义犯罪的重灾区,其完备的反恐立法、全面的反恐措施、艰辛的反恐实践为世界各国提供了反恐样本。与之相比,我国要加强对恐怖主义犯罪的打击力度,尚需要制定统一的反恐法,建立完善的反恐危机管理机制,实施“堵”、“控”策略,扩大国际合作。  相似文献   
在刚刚结束的俄罗斯大选中,现任第一副总理梅德韦杰夫获胜,普京的支持是梅德韦杰夫获胜的重要原因。新一届政府继续推行普京路线,但是在政治体制上将会出现事实上的调整。在对外关系中将继续以维护国家利益为中心,开展多极化的务实外交;在经济上,新一届政府面临的主要任务是确保经济增长、调整经济结构。  相似文献   
正The two-day Sixth BRICS(Brazil,Russia,India,China,South Africa)Summit,which convenes on July 15 in Fortaleza,Brazil,marks the fi rst session of the second cycle of BRICS Summits.Formulated as a global investment concept a decade or more ago,the BRICS group has held summits respectively in Yekaterinburg,Brasilia,Sanya,New Delhi,and Durban.Inter-BRICS cooperation began with the foreign ministers’meeting during the 2006 UN General Assembly,and progressed to the First BRICS Summit of 2009.The mechanism has since evolved into a framework for building partnerships in international politics,international economy and pragmatic cooperation.Centering on BRICS Summits,the partnership is buttressed  相似文献   
近年来,中亚地缘政治结构出现重大变化,传统地缘关系被打破,新的地缘政治格局尚未完全形成.中国、俄罗斯由于自身实力的变化,以及各自在中亚目标存在异同,双方在中亚形成既融合又竞争的态势,而作为中俄在中亚共同的平台――上海合作组织,同样也面临着复杂的发展前景.随着时间的推移,不可确定因素的增加,中亚可能成为更复杂的"舞台".  相似文献   

As has been demonstrated by scholars, different levels of a polity may encompass different political regimes. In this study we examine variations in regional political regimes which have developed under Russia's system of electoral authoritarianism. Comparing the results of two cycles of regional assembly elections (2008–12 and 2013–17) we analyse and compare elections results and levels of electoral contestation in both the party list (PL) and single member district (SMD) contests. This allows us to identify the range of sub-national regime variations: ‘hegemonic authoritarian’, ‘inter-elite bargain authoritarian’, ‘clearly-competitive authoritarian’, and ‘moderately-competitive authoritarian’ regions. Approximately half of the regions demonstrate stable electoral patterns across both cycles. At the same time, none of the regions go beyond the authoritarian limitations imposed by the Russian regime. The variation is explained by a combination of structural and agency factors with a prevalence of the latter.  相似文献   
政治和军事的需要是封建农奴制时期,西伯利亚城市设立的基本原因.17世纪初,西伯利亚城市工商民的出现表明了城市经济的产生.随着经济的发展,城市逐渐演变为社会-经济中心.  相似文献   
The current global political economy is characterised by the intensifying economic interaction of BRICS and ‘near BRICS’ economies, with emerging powers increasing their influence in neighbouring regions. The growing partnership between Turkey and Russia constitutes a useful case study for examining this transformation, in which Western supremacy and US hegemony are under increasing challenge. Turkish–Russian relations shed light on broader themes in global political economy. First, significant economic interdependence may be generated among states with different political outlooks, in the form of loose regional integration schemes driven by bilateral relations between key states and supporting private actors or interests. Second, growing economic interdependence may coexist with continued political conflict and geopolitical rivalry, as indicated by the Syrian and Ukrainian crises. An important strategy that emerges is the tendency to compartmentalise economic issues and geopolitical rivalries in order to avoid negative spill-over effects. This facilitates the coexistence of extensive competition with deepening cooperation, as reflected in relations in the field of energy.  相似文献   
2005年以来,随着经济形势的好转和国际地位的提高,俄罗斯开始加大对外援助投入,并逐步建立起自己的对外援助体系。在对外援助政策方面,从学习借鉴西方国家的经验,将对外援助看作履行国际义务、获取国家威望的手段,到主动探索建立符合本国实际的对外援助政策体系,强调对独联体地区国家援助、“软实力”和国家利益。在对外援助管理方面,总统在对外援助政策中居于中心位置,政府负责决策执行,议会负责相关立法工作,各联邦机构分别负责各自职责范围内的对外援助行动,并成立了跨部门协调机构统筹对外援助行动。在对外援助运作方面,俄罗斯将对外援助行动列入国家计划,主要通过多边和双边渠道对外提供援助。在对外援助的评估方面,俄罗斯提出了援助预算资金使用效果评估方法,定期发布对外援助数据和报告,正在逐步完善对外援助评估体系。近年来,俄罗斯对外援助体系出现较大调整,对外援助管理权有从财政部门向外交部门、从政府向总统转移的趋势。  相似文献   
税收制度是俄罗斯向现代市场经济制度转轨的重要组成部分,其改革进程受到国内外学者的广泛关注。尤其是1999—2002年所进行的税制改革,它已成为促进俄罗斯国内经济增长、发挥企业家活力、缩减影子经济规模、减少国内私人资本外逃的关键性因素。我们将通过"周转税"、社会税、所得税、利润税等主要税种的分析,对此次税制改革的直接效果和间接效果进行总结与反思。  相似文献   
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