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论中国先秦解释经典的三种模式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国先秦时期,已有数种对古代经典注释的书,这里先取三种不同的注释方式作为典型例子.第一种可称为历史事件的解释,如<左传>对<春秋经>的解释、<公羊传>与<穀梁传>对<春秋>的解释;第二种是<系辞>对<易经>的解释,可叫作整体性的哲学解释;第三种是<韩非子>的<解老>、<喻老>,可把它叫作实际(社会政治)运作型的解释.尽管每种对经典解释的著作中也会包含其他类型的解释方法,但上列三种方法无论如何具有很鲜明的特点,可能对后世影响最大,这将是我们应注意的.  相似文献   
邓小平与二十世纪的中国先进文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓小平是20世纪中国思想文化史上的杰出人物。他深受传统文化的熏陶,与中华文化有着深厚的情缘。一方面,他善于从民族文化中吸取有益的营养,实现马克思主义与中国传统文化的完美结合;另一方面,他对民族文化传统的封建遗毒进行了无情的批判;此外,他以时代精神观照中华文化,博采各国文化之长,使中华文化与世界文明接榫。  相似文献   
论现代汉语辞书语体的构成成分   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
辞书语体是运用全民语言诠释词语或提供信息,并按一定方式编排,以适应人们查检、释疑需要而形成的一种言语特点体系.其特点是通过词语、句式、修辞手法、篇章结构、标点符号、图表公式等因素的具体运用体现出来的.它们的有机综合体便是辞书语体.  相似文献   
凌敬昆  施少培 《法医学杂志》2000,16(2):108-109,111
制作了13枚"同版"渗透型印章和激光雕刻印章,分析了这些"同版"印章的印面特征和盖印印文特征.研究发现,相同条件下制作的"同版"印章的个体差异十分微小,如果考虑到各种盖印条件下,这些印章盖印印文特征的变化范围,"同版"印章印文的检验是十分困难的,甚至是不可能的.  相似文献   

This article overviews and seeks to explain the processes of party system formation in the post-Soviet Central Asian states (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) by focusing on a crucial party-system property, fragmentation. The analysis reveals that to a much greater extent than in democracies, where party systems are largely shaped by societal factors, the level of party system fragmentation in autocracies is determined by the scope of presidential powers, as entrenched in the formal institutional order and reflected in the national constitution. The level of authoritarianism is largely inconsequential for party system fragmentation, while the role of electoral rules is secondary. Institutionally weak and institutionally strong autocratic presidents have a preference for fragmented party systems, while presidents with an intermediate range of powers seek and obtain low levels of party system fragmentation.  相似文献   

Democracy is backsliding throughout Southeast Europe but there are no signs of full democratic breakdown. Instead, political parties and their leaders incrementally undermine challenges to governmental authority while keeping electoral contest largely intact. This article introduces a special issue that aims to examine and explain democratic decline by looking at the prevalence of illiberal politics across countries and issues. In order to overcome the limitations of fixed regime classification we adopt a procedural lens and look into governing practices that gradually tilt the electoral playing field. Utilizing the concept of Illiberal politics allows us to examine sets of policies enacted by political parties in government with the aim to remain in power indefinitely. By tracing democratic decline in Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, and Croatia we observe different patterns of weakness, but also common causes arising from weak institutions and inherited governance practices that preserve executive dominance, patronage, and informality.  相似文献   
构建社会主义和谐社会要坚持以人为本的原则。这是把历史唯物主义原理运用到社会主义社会建设实践的重要结论。社会建设要满足人的发展需要,社会建设要实现社会和谐,社会建设体现党的执政先进性。这些都源自于以人为本。  相似文献   
进入新千年,凤凰卫视制作播出了大型电视纪录片<唐人街>,首次以纪录片形式透视了海外华人的生存境况,在艺术与市场上都取得了巨大成功.本文对<唐人街>独具特色的制作理念、信息内容、表现方式、传播途径作了全面分析.  相似文献   
吴努时期,缅甸华侨中存在国籍(选择)问题的主要是第一代移民、一代和少数二代以上的侨生.这一时期这部分华侨入籍并不积极,入籍比例较低.这主要是缅甸民族主义政策对华侨的影响,吴努政府对"社会主义"的理解和实践,中缅关系的亲善,中国对缅甸华侨的影响等多种因素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   
"三个代表"重要思想是面向新世纪、面向实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的思想基础,我们必须同心同德把"三个代表"重要思想全面落实到各项工作中去,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路。  相似文献   
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