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田义勇 《金陵法律评论》2007,(2):117-121,127
历史与逻辑统一,出自哲学领域,有其错误与弊端.该命题出于预定式思维方式,实违背辩证法精神.历史与逻辑统一,与历史、文学史研究的特性不合,是文学史研究的一个伪命题.应放弃此类理论幻想,追求文学研究的多样与灵活.  相似文献   
孟维瞻 《当代亚太》2012,(4):50-77,158
本研究试图借鉴国际关系研究中对规范结构的关注,从社会学角度和体系层次来理解国家的战略行为。行为体间的规范结构在不同时期各有不同,因此,对战略文化的研究不能代替对"统一性规范"的研究。统一性规范兼具管制性与建构性效用,并使分裂格局中各分立政权进行"正统"身份的建构,使之保持争取国家统一的进攻性行为。基于以上视角,本文选取宋、明两朝的历史来验证统一性规范两种效用的存在。本研究对于解释当代中国的战略逻辑有一定意义,有助于澄清西方学界和政界对当代中国战略行为的误解,有利于我们论证当代中国与周边政权建立和平关系的可能性与必然性。  相似文献   
中华民族凝聚力发展的过程,同时也是以汉族为主体的中华民族多元一体格局形成的过程。董仲舒顺应历史发展潮流,提出以政治统一为目的、思想统一为手段的“大一统”思想,并通过加强封建王权,利用国家力量达到“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”的目的,统一了思想,从而将中国统一国家的发展同中华民族的发展置于同一轨道。强大的统一国家政权为中华民族凝聚力的发展提供了强有力的经济和政治保障,同时日益增强的民族凝聚力,也为中国的发展提供了内在的保证。  相似文献   
The summit meeting between the two Korean heads of state, which took place in Pyongyang in June 2000, constitutes a major turning point in the peninsula's history. As the effects of the meeting are gradually unfolding, a period of détente no longer seems impossible. But major difficulties remain unsolved and Korea will continue to be one of the world's most volatile areas. The task of this essay is to identify and analyse some of the entrenched political patterns that will challenge policy-makers in the years ahead. To do so it is necessary to portray the conflict in Korea not only in conventional ideological and geopolitical terms, but also, and primarily, as a question of identity. From such a vantage-point two components are essential in the search for a more peaceful peninsula. Substantial progress has recently been made in the first realm, the need to approach security problems, no matter how volatile they seem, in a cooperative and dialogical, rather than merely a coercive manner. The second less accepted but perhaps more important factor, revolves around the necessity to recognize that dialogue has its limits, that the party on the other side of the DMZ cannot always be accommodated or subsumed into compromise. Needed is an ethics of difference: a willingness to accept that the other's sense of identity and politics may be inherently incompatible with one's own.  相似文献   
跨境破产法的统一历来是法律统一化的难点。以往的研究成果多从统一化的内容方面进行研究和论述,而忽视了法律统一化的方式。实际上,对于跨境破产这种利益冲突集中的领域,“形式”与“内容”均会对法律统一化的效果产生重要的影响。回顾跨境破产法统一化的历程,条约、示范法、超国家的法逐一登上历史舞台,在不同的历史阶段、不同的情境下发挥各自的作用,表现出明显的法律统一化方式多元化的特征。这种多元化的统一方式正在形成一种“合力”,共同推动着跨境破产法律统一化的进程。  相似文献   
公司资本制度有法定资本制、授权资本制和折衷资本制三种。我国《公司法》采法定资本制,而外资法采授权资本制。公司资本制度的“双轨制”现状不仅已不符合我国国情,不符合国际惯例,也与WTO“国民待遇原则”相冲突,因而制定统一的公司法统一公司的资本制度是必然的趋势。根据我国的国情和国外公司法的发展趋势来看,应弃《公司法》之法定资本制和外资法之授权资本制,统一内、外资公司资本制度于折衷资本制。  相似文献   
The landslide victory of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan's 2016 presidential and legislative elections is often interpreted as a persistent swing in attitudes toward cross-strait relations and Taiwan independence. Popular as this interpretation may be, it still runs the risk of mistaking a short-term reaction to a lame duck president's policy performance for a long-term change in attitudes.This study analyzes the evolution of independence–unification (IU) views in the Taiwan population from 1996 to 2016. After reviewing the literature on political generations in Taiwan, I hypothesize that a long-term cohort succession replacing older prounification generations accounted for the evolution toward proindependence views. By pooling six independent face-to-face surveys into repeated cross-sectional data, this study applies a comprehensive multilevel cross-classified random-effect model of age–period–cohort analysis. Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation results confirm that, besides age and period effects, younger cohorts and the 1999 Taiwan-centered high school curriculum have had significant effects on the change in trends in IU views.  相似文献   
林毅 《政治学研究》2020,(2):27-37,M0003
大一统作为一种重要的中国传统政治思想和实践遗产,时至今日仍深刻影响着中国的现实政治发展。围绕着大一统内涵、过程、性质与影响的认识与评价,思想史研究中也长期存在着诸多争论。但无论对于大一统本身所持态度如何,争论各方往往都倾向于将大一统视为一种独立于语境之外的固定结构。作为一种限制性认识前提,这无疑妨碍了对于大一统政治思想与实践发展史的全面理解,更影响到从学理逻辑上阐释大一统与现代中国国家建设与治理事业的内在关联。有鉴于此,在大一统政治思想研究中,有必要超越“正典解读”的束缚,以变的思维考察统的历程,同时也以统的逻辑来整合变的史实,将对大一统的思想史解读放在问题逻辑的语境中,关照智识语境与政治语境对其评价的影响,并慎重地探讨其内涵的普遍性与特殊性规律。唯其如此,对大一统的关照和本土化阐释才真正具有了历史性。  相似文献   
毛泽东的领导艺术充满了哲理。大与小、得与失、敌与友、理论与实践、继承与创新体现了其领导方法的辩证统一。  相似文献   
历史上延续下来的乡规民约对乡民一直存在着广泛而深刻的影响,特别是少数民族聚居的地区。目前,乡规民约与国家法律既存在着相互融合的一面,又存在着相互冲突的一面。两者相比较,相互冲突的一面明显大于相互融合的一面。为此,需要双方的共同努力减少对立、冲突,加强两者之间的统一、互补,使国家法律与乡规民约实现有机结合。  相似文献   
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