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When parents pursue transnational labour migration, challenges arise around ensuring the social belonging of children, especially ‘gift children’ who are conceived or born abroad as a result of out-of-wedlock relationships or sexual assault. Families we interviewed in Lombok, Indonesia, displayed complex social ingenuity to ensure the gift child’s social belonging. Caregivers described how they address discrimination by manipulating and falsifying family histories in identity documents, including census forms and birth registration. These family strategies drive home the local role of identity documents as a tool to enhance belonging rather than as proof of legal identity. We spotlight the time lag between birth and obtaining an official birth record as a crucial space in creating ‘citizenship from below’ in communities with high out-migration and low birth registration rates.  相似文献   
Normative political theory over recent decades has focused mainly on what ought to be done as far as migration policies are concerned. It faces a basic challenge, which stems from two competing, yet equally fundamental, ideals underpinning liberal democratic societies: a commitment to moral universalism and the exclusionary requirement of democracy. The objective of this special issue, ‘New Challenges in Immigration Theory’, is to provide a conceptual overview of (some) immigration theories and to highlight the challenges new streams of immigration pose for normative (political) theory and liberal democratic practice. The issue will consider how to reconcile state-based exclusion with a commitment to equal moral concern for all persons, by focusing on the non-standard immigration questions that have so far been ‘neglected’ by normative political theory. In line with this objective, the issue will discuss some of the inadequacies of the dominant political theories of immigration and show how such theories can be expanded to take account of new migration challenges such as brain drain, climate migration, detention of irregular migrants and asylum seekers, rights of labour migrants, transnational networks of movement, and so on.  相似文献   
I defend a neo-republican account of the right to have political rights. Neo-republican freedom from domination is a sufficient condition for the extension of political rights not only for permanent residents, but also for temporary residents, unauthorized migrants, and some expatriates. I argue for the advantages of the neo-republican account over the social membership account, the affected-interest account, the stakeholder account, and accounts based on the justification of state coercion.  相似文献   
Theorists have recently argued that in order to protect migrants from vulnerability and domination, host countries should grant voting rights to all residents, including those who are present on the territory on a temporary visa. Although we endorse the inclusive and egalitarian rationale of this approach, we argue that it is based on the presumption that all migrants aim at permanent inclusion and is therefore inadequate in the case of those who are engaged in ‘temporary migration projects’. We suggest that in order to provide these migrants with a form of political voice that fits their life plans, we need to look at different institutional tools than conventional voting rights, and we point to trade unions and migrant organizations as promising alternatives. We also show that, contrary to what may be thought of other forms of temporary mobility, temporary migration projects and the institutional solutions we propose in order to address the needs of the migrants involved are not disruptive of liberal-democratic institutions.  相似文献   
1950年的联合国难民署、1951年的《难民公约》及1967年修订的《难民地位公约议定书》从制度与法律上对难民进行保护,是当今国际难民保护机制的核心角色。它是在两次世界大战前后成立的国际性难民组织的难民保护实践基础上建立和发展起来的。实际上,当今国际难民保护机制与早期难民组织提供难民保护面临的困境大体相似。本文通过考察20世纪上半叶成立的4个国际性的难民组织在难民保护上所起到的作用,并试图分析其局限性,以期为我们考察当今国际难民保护机制的持久性与它延续的可能性提供历史的与国际关系的分析视角。  相似文献   
女性学术期刊是一种非营利性和小众化的刊物,其特点决定了必须对它进行准确的定位,这样才能保证其在期刊界的竞争中生存和发展。从《山东女子学院学报》的实践经验来看,女性学刊的内容定位、读者定位、作者定位、编辑定位是其定位的主要内容。  相似文献   
针对学术期刊投稿和编辑中论文摘要大面积写作不规范的现实,以数例研究学术论文摘要写作的论文摘要编写不规范为典型案例,指出摘要"摘而无要"、"摘而不要"的原因是作者不懂不学摘要写作规则,编辑对摘要编写的理解不深,也对摘要的重要性缺乏认识,而背后反映的问题本质是缺乏学术规范培训,缺乏学术常识,学术精神丧失。  相似文献   
"马克思主义理论研究和建设工程"的实施将马克思主义中国化的研究推入了一个新的境界,其研究质量不断提高,呈现出一些新的研究趋势,即纵向度的全程化、横向度的全面化与研究视角的多维化。  相似文献   
车文博先生在吸收借鉴、扬弃超越他人的研究视域和编篡原则的基础上,持之以恒地大胆探索,出版了数本(套)在国内外心理学界产生重大影响的鸿篇巨制。车文博先生关于心理学三史的创新性研究,实现了从心理学知识史到认识史、从心理学学科史到思想史、从单一文化心理学史到多元文化心理学比较思想史的整体性跨跃,体现了先生作为理论心理学家、心理学史家和心理哲学家的治学理念和学术风范,三史研究具有里程碑式的意义。  相似文献   
法经济学运动就其整体而言,呈现出学派林立,思想杂多的学术景观.它显然不是一个立场相同、步调一致的运动,而是不同学术传统并存的研究过程,其中有些研究具有互补性,有些研究则具有竞争性甚至对立性.通过法经济学50多年学说发展史的研究,追根溯源、条分缕析,解读和阐述基于学术传统和研究视角的不同而并立的七种法经济学流派,具有重要理论意义.  相似文献   
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