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李兴 《东北亚论坛》2011,20(3):29-35
梅德韦杰夫执政以来,其外交特点是:重视独联体,调整政策但区别对待;重视东方,中印平衡;对西方继续强硬但不破裂,进而改善,对美欧有所区别;利用俄优势,重视能源外交、体育外交、军事外交和大国外交;对国际事务提出很多新观点、新建议,使政府在实施俄罗斯外交政策的分量加重。其原因既有俄罗斯国力上升,也有国内的梅普组合因素,还有国际上的美国因素和中国因素。今后梅德韦杰夫外交将更加重视经济安全、能源外交和军事发展。对华将继续友好,战略借重加大,但发展空间有限,必须寻求新的增长点。在对西方关系上,在继承普京时期强硬外交的基础上进一步调整、改善、缓和与西方的关系。  相似文献   
TICAD was held for the fourth time in 2008, raising unprecedented public interest about Africa in Japan attracting attention not only from aid, diplomatic, trade and research communities but also among the general public. Due to geographic distance and limited historical connection, it has always been a matter of debate as to why Japan should increase its commitment to Africa. The different interest groups that have participated throughout the TICAD process have always had varying answers to this question. Through analysis of newspapers, journal articles and various documents this article seeks to untangle the process of TICAD's policy making and its outcomes.  相似文献   
The division in the Korean peninsula has lasted more than a half century, and the people on both sides have become quite different in their values, beliefs, behaviors, and lifestyles. As the two sides have increased their exchanges and communications for the last several years, the biggest challenge Korea and its people face is: “How should human relationships be rebuilt after suffering from chronic conflicts between adversary states?” This article considers track two diplomacy/people‐to‐people dialogue as a response to this question and reviews the issues and obstacles related to initiating such a dialogue.  相似文献   
Tavis D. Jules 《圆桌》2019,108(4):435-446

This article discusses the implication of soft diplomacy in education, in the form of educational cooperation, for the governance of regimes. In drawing upon regime theory, it suggests that the Commonwealth should be viewed as a regime, and its survival is partly dependent upon how it uses educational cooperation to coordinate its functional areas, such as education. Moreover, educational cooperation at the transnational level is different from traditional South-South cooperation in that it is based on the coordination of hierarchic mechanisms. In drawing lessons from the experiences of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) project and extending them to the Commonwealth project, it argues that soft diplomacy, around perceived global norms, propels national educational agenda-setting attitudes. From this it follows that educational cooperation is the new order of things in an era defined by educational multistakeholderism where new regimes and institutions arise and coexist alongside other regimes. In other words, the Commonwealth must now retool itself in an era driven by regime complex(es) where it must coexist and compete with issue-specific regimes as well as complex entities which are comprised of more than one regime.  相似文献   
目前俄罗斯的综合国力和国际影响力大幅下降已是不争的事实。普京就任总统后决定彻底抛弃超级大国的残骸,默认俄为"一般大国"的事实,大力开展"务实"外交,正带领俄罗斯以一个务实的世界大国和军事大国身份积极参与国际事务,力图在参与中重振大国雄风,恢复大国地位。普京治国方略中浓厚的"务实主义"将给中俄关系向广度和深度发展带来一定的不利影响。  相似文献   
中国对外经济合作的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李军 《外交评论》2003,(2):80-84
对外经济合作是中国外交和外经贸工作的重要组成部分。中国开展对外经济合作的基本立场是“守约、保质、薄利、重义”。中国开展对外经济合作比较成熟的业务方式有对外援助、对外承包工程、对外劳务合作、境外投资等。中国政府在 5 0多年的对外经济合作工作中 ,已形成了一套较为完整的管理制度。对外经济合作有助于促进经济的发展 ,增进了人民间的相互了解 ,推动双边友好关系的发展。本文旨在使读者了解对外经济合作的基本情况 ,以便加深对经济外交作用的认识。  相似文献   
全球化进程中的亚洲区域合作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王毅 《外交评论》2004,(2):19-21
当前亚洲区域合作呈现三个主要特点,一、起步虽晚,但发展迅速,前景广阔;二、东亚合作正在成为亚洲区域一体化进程中的先导;三、中国在亚洲区域合作中发挥了日益重要的作用。本文还就东亚合作的模式、领域,以及东盟在东亚合作中的作用,我国与日本、美国的关系等问题进行了论述。  相似文献   
世纪之初,维护和平、谋求合作、促进发展成为历史的潮流。世界多极化和经济全球化趋势在曲折中发展。和平发展的中国面对不断变动的国际局势,以中国的自信和智慧,冷静回应中国外交面临的世纪课题。中国已建立战略伙伴式的国家间关系模式;积极发展同作为地缘战略依托的周边国家关系;不断调整同发达国家的关系;以负责任的大国身份全面参与多边外交等。这建构了新世纪之初的中国外交思维和行为模式。中国在推进民族复兴的同时也在缔造世界和平,促进全球发展。  相似文献   
试析国际关系中的逆向公众舆论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙红 《外交评论》2006,(1):63-69
公众舆论是一种社会意识,客观、适度地反映社会存在的公众舆论即正向公众舆论对社会发展起推动作用;反之,对社会存在的反映带有偏见或错误认识的公众舆论即逆向公众舆论对社会发展起阻碍作用。公众参与国际问题讨论意识的增强,信息技术的发展带来的公众参与国际事务讨论的便捷,使得公众舆论对国际关系起着越来越重要的影响。本文所关注的就是涉及国际关系的逆向公众舆论。  相似文献   
应当重视对中国外交的哲学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“冷战”后国际形势发生了重大变化,中国外交既面临机遇也面临挑战,有许多问题需要从哲学上认真研究。这些问题包括中国外交的时代观、全球发展观、价值观、主体观、方法论、思维观、人权观和前进观等。作为泱泱大国,中国应当特别重视对外交哲学的研究。  相似文献   
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