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公司制度趋同理论检视下的中国公司治理评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
公司治理全球趋同理论是国际公司法学界在上世纪90年代发起的阶段性议题。趋同论与多元论的广泛交锋、股东中心主义模式与利益相关人模式的优劣权衡、竞争压力假说与路径依赖假说的鲜明对比、法律移植假说与境外上市推动假说的切磋琢磨等多处论战令人印象深刻,也广泛检视了现代公司治理领域的多项命题。该理论也是我国公司法近十年来立法演进与理念变革最重要的域外理论背景之一,为2005公司法修订、独立董事制度引入、股权分置改革、并购重组创新、境外上市、公司社会责任理念深化等公司治理标志性探索直接或间接贡献了理论资源。趋同论与本土论相互制约和共同影响下的近十年中国公司治理总体呈现出一定的英美化转向,与此同时,它也将长期接受来自诸如家族文化与官僚文化、习惯性漠视少数股东利益以及股权结构过度集中等与英美经验暂时难以化约的中国本土现实的挑战。跳出趋同或者多元的概念层面的争论,尊重公司治理规则的国际共识,拓展和优化对先进经验的学习路径,专注于本土问题的解决,也许是当下应当持有的态度。  相似文献   
In selecting the United Kingdom/England, Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain and Hungary as comparative cases, and in focusing on three institutional tracks (local leadership, internal administration and external operation), this article first discusses, on the one hand, whether local government has been institutionally strengthened, and on the other, whether governance-type actor networks have expanded in the countries under consideration and whether, across-countries, this developments has shown convergence or divergence. Secondly, it addresses the question of whether the two currents (strengthening of traditional local government and expansion of local governance networks) are conflicting or complementary.  相似文献   
邱昭继 《北方法学》2013,7(4):16-26
20世纪50年代以来的英美法理学异常繁荣,各种理论进路纷至沓来。哈特与凯尔森、哈特与富勒、哈特与德沃金、德沃金与菲尼斯、拉兹与菲尼斯、拉兹与科尔曼的争论此起彼伏。他们的法律理论回应了不同的问题并提出了不同类型的概念主张,他们的概念主张具有不同的理论目标。从概念分析的角度看,20世纪英美法理学中的许多论战都是概念分歧,法学家的争论无非是他们的各说各话,许多貌似冲突的主张实际上是相容的。  相似文献   
王岳川 《思想战线》2005,31(4):62-65
在东西方文化冲突日益严重的今天,全球化语境中的中国文化精神和身份立场问题,成为汉语文学的重要问题,其基本症候表征为“六多六少”:线性时间观多而境界空间观少、西方话语踪迹多而中国身份少、解构话语多而建构精神少、大众消费话语多而注重文化精品少、热衷于非文学多而关注汉语文化圈的文学少、肉身意义关注多而知识个体的立场关注少。我们应该在中西文论对话基础上,坚持发现东方与文化输出,坚持人类只有在体用之争方面,走向人类之体、世界之用。  相似文献   
政治学视角下的顶层设计:理论回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期学术界热议顶层设计,围绕其内涵与外延、必要性与可能性、实施战略等问题展开讨论,涌现出大量研究成果。梳理和总结既有研究,就此三大领域的若干问题继续予以探讨,是深化这一课题研究的必由之路。一是主张改革议题从着眼解决实际问题,转为讨论权力格局调整,并强调中国共产党在国家与社会关系的特殊地位和作用;二是偏重顶层设计和渐进改革的承接性,而非割裂性;三是再议顶层设计这一政治过程中的分歧与共识问题,认为实施战略的重点是承认分歧,发掘分歧背后的共识以及从分歧中凝聚和产生共识。  相似文献   
This article proposes an interdisciplinary approach to studying the dynamics that condition the evolution of various path dependencies of media systems, comprised of specific industry institutions, their formations, the markets they create, usage practices, audience constellations and textual formations. The interdisciplinary approach involves the integration of the semiotics of culture approach (Lotman) with the evolutionary economics approach. As the former studies the dynamics of inter-semiotic translations to interpret the evolution of media's new textual forms and the latter focuses on phenomena such as resource constraints or industry exchange relationships, then in aggregation, they may help to interpret the manifold dynamics that might contribute both to the formation of diachronic continuities as well as discontinuities in a culture. The empirical case that the article focuses on is the early evolution of the mobile web, its path dependence on the preceding media, especially desktop web, and its potential divergence from this “parent platform”, its gradual emancipation as an autonomous media domain  相似文献   
陆群 《贵州民族研究》2003,23(3):101-105
我国是一个幅员辽阔、地质结构复杂的发展中国家,不同的区域在自然禀赋上存在极大差异,承认生态环境的差异合理性并根据差异制定出不同的发展方略既是对自然规律的尊重,也是现代文明多种生活方式自主选择的必然要求.对生态环境的差异认可是更高层次的对现代化的理解以及更高层次的对现代人的尊重.  相似文献   
Transatlantic relations during the Bush administration sank to the lowest point in the post-war period following the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This article provides an analysis of both the current state of that relationship and the academic debate which accompanies it. Arguments over the impact of various factors are analysed to determine the extent of transatlantic divergence. Thus, demographic change in America and Europe, divergence of political values between Europe and America, power differences, post-war geopolitical realignments, European integration and American unilateralism and exceptionalism are all analysed and evaluated. While some of these arguments presented are challenged, the article argues that the process of constructing separate European and American identities from within the transatlantic community is the single most significant contemporary challenge to transatlantic relations.  相似文献   
两岸政治定位的分歧处理及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以两岸关系的政治定位为中心,结合实际,通过对国家与政府、两岸、国家继承与政府继承、国家承认与政府承认、分裂与分离等基本概念进行学理上的辨析,以建立两岸政治定位分析的理论基础。通过对两岸政治定位分歧诊断及处理的考察,认为“一个中国”框架下明晰的两岸政治定位有利于推动两岸和平发展,进而提出“一个中国,两个平等政权,中国代表权互补”两岸政治定位底线的建议,而一个双方都能接受的两岸政治定位也将有助于解决两岸“一个中国”意涵之争。  相似文献   
The dominant narrative of global income inequality is one of convergence. Recent high-profile publications by Branko Milanovic and the World Bank claim that the global Gini coefficient has declined since 1988, and that inter-country inequality has declined since 1960. But the convergence narrative relies on a misleading presentation of the data. It obscures the fact that convergence is driven mostly by China; it fails to acknowledge rising absolute inequality; and it ignores divergence between geopolitical regions. This paper suggests alternative measures that bring geopolitics back in by looking at the gap between the core and periphery of the world system. From this perspective, global inequality has tripled since 1960.  相似文献   
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