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在著名的西征战役中,西征红军高举抗日民族统一战线的大旗,高度重视和大力开展民族统战工作,成功地在宁夏回民聚居区团结了广大回、汉族群众和民族宗教界上层人士,团结了东北军及一切抗日武装,打击了马鸿逵部队,开拓了宁夏生动活泼的革命局面,将陕甘苏区扩充为陕甘宁革命根据地,保卫和巩固了新生的全国革命大本营。红军西征的伟大胜利,对于当时的国内政治形势以及宁夏人民以后的革命和建设事业产生了极为深远的影响,在中国革命史上留下了光辉灿烂的一页。  相似文献   
历史上东北地区水草丰沛,森林茂密,沼泽遍地。生息繁衍于此的东北先民,或渔猎,或游牧,或农耕。明清以来,尤其是清中期实行招垦政策以来,东北地区的荒田、草地、山林、沼泽,均得到了大面积的农业开发,造成农田系统对草地系统、森林系统、沼泽系统不断包抄与逐渐挤压,深刻影响了东北地区的作物布局与耕地制度。受此影响,东北地区种植业系统功能日益强化,而畜牧业系统、林业系统以及渔猎系统功能呈日渐式微趋势,外来移民的大量涌入以及放垦政策的大力推行难辞其咎。  相似文献   
美国科幻小说家奥克塔维娅?巴特勒的《家族》融科学幻想小说、新奴隶叙事与历史书写小说于一炉,以穿越的形式向人们展示了奴隶制的罪恶,引发对美国现实种族关系、两性关系的思考。小说通过新奴隶叙事的形式再现了不可再现之过去,通过科幻小说的形式言说了黑人无法言说之创痛。其历史书写隐喻着美国黑人和白人割不断的历史渊源和共生关系这一美国国族寓言。《家族》表明,黑白血脉相连,其历史经历交织,黑白的许多经历是共同体验的结果。为了避免历史重演,黑人和白人必须在历史记忆和重访过去中了解历史真相,并对美国当下语境下自由的概念和美国黑人乃至美国整个国族的整体命运加以关注与思考。  相似文献   
Debates about US empire have subsided somewhat in the aftermath of the George W Bush presidency but the issues underlying such debates have not gone away. In arguing that the history of the United States is an imperial one, this article proposes that US empire is the expression of an intersectional totality, one shaped by various vectors of power but reducible to none. To make this case, the article presents a sketch of US imperial history in order to show how this intersectional totality has evolved over time. Such an exercise can give useful context to the foreign policy initiatives of the Barack Obama administration, one that differs from that of its immediate predecessor but is not outside the structure of imperial history’s longer duration.  相似文献   
中国梦反映了近代中国的百年命运与中国人的文化选择,是现代中国文化一以贯之的精神守望。伴随着百余年来的文化启蒙和实践探索,在中国革命、建设和改革等不同的历史时期,国家富强、民族复兴、人民幸福、世界和平与发展始终是中国共同的社会理想与文化期待。实现中国梦,需要解读其历史语境、文化内涵和哲学境界,把握马克思主义中国化的时代精神,以历史唯物主义思想方法探究促进中国社会持续发展的路径,进而在对世界文明对话的过程中确立中华民族的思想自我。  相似文献   
在20世纪末,风险已成为占据主要支配力的问题处理方式。对于犯罪学来说,关于风险的争论已经贯穿在研究的全部范畴内。犯罪学中的风险理论经历了从隐性到显性的知识发展。在犯罪控制范式转变中,风险的规制、维控与治理与犯罪的预防、控制与治理分别对应而形成了以回抗、维控、化解风险压力为导向的控制结构。同时,作为犯罪控制结构要素的控制主体、控制措施与控制客体的任一环节的自反性都将使犯罪控制的运行超出设计初衷而出现风险性。犯罪学中的风险理论是犯罪学与风险学科的交叉研究理论,也存在由于风险的不确定性在犯罪治理中的适用所引发的一系列争议性问题。由此,风险议题在解决我国司法实践难题时显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
In this article, I present a review of financial and management accounting literature on the arts and cultural sector. My objective is to understand to what extent this literature is able to offer a critical perspective on the study of performance evaluation practices in arts and cultural organizations, as it is currently missing in the arts management literature. Adopting a critical perspective means shifting the focus of research from the technicalities of evaluation rules and procedures to their embodiment by the different organizational and societal actors of the arts and cultural sector.  相似文献   
The term ‘infanticide’ refers to the homicide of a child younger than one year old. In this article, we describe infanticide trends in 28 industrialized countries between 1960 and 2009. The analysis is based on the cause of death data from the WHO Mortality Database and national materials. The purpose is to compare those trends in all these 28 countries not to compare countries per se. Cause of death statistics are based on ICD classification. During the review period, ICD classification changed three times. In addition to describing infanticide trends, we will analyse the impact of those changes on statistical infanticide levels, to be sure that changes in trends could be seen as real, not statistical artefacts. According to our analysis, the change from ICD-7 to ICD-9 in 1968–1970 seems to have had some impact on registered infanticide mortality levels in three of the studied countries. In other countries, the changes did not have any general impact on registered infanticide levels. During the period, infanticide rates decreased in almost all European countries, and increased or were stable in most non-European industrialized countries. Even in Europe, there were significant differences in the decreasing trend between countries. We also found some structural variation behind the trend figures, which raised the question of whether the aggregated infanticide levels really describe an identical phenomenon in different countries.  相似文献   
大学生有效政治参与是我国公民政治参与的重要组成部分,对实现中国梦具有重要意义。当前我国大学生有效政治参与仍存在不平衡性、实用主义等现实问题,通过发挥国家调控、学校引领、个人自律等方面的力量,解决大学生有效政治参与存在的现实问题,为实现中国梦尽一份力。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义理论作为马克思主义中国化第二次飞跃所产生的一项重要理论成果,是指导我国社会主义现代化建设的行动指南。十一届三中全会到十八大的胜利召开,中国特色社会主义理论体系经历了一个不断发展和创新的过程。具有中国特色的社会主义理论体系本身的特性主要有:鲜明的阶级民族性、紧密的历史连续性、严密的结构整体性、鲜活的现实时代性和灵活的发展创新性。这个体系是坚持中国特色社会主义制度,走中国特色社会主义道路,最终实现中国特色社会主义的行动指南。  相似文献   
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