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明代正德二年,包裕在游览伏波山还珠洞后,题诗一首,预言百年后必有桂林才子金榜题名、状元及第。这一诗中预言,在清朝终于变成现实。四个状元是:陈继昌、龙启瑞、张建勋、刘福姚。  相似文献   
突破了传记写作与女性写作的窠臼,大陆出身的欧美华人女作家以跨文化人的身份在其自传体文本中开拓了一种超越性别角色、民族立场的创作视角。摒弃了尖锐的性别立场与女性私人叙事,作品把个人心灵史的展示与社会历史叙事相互渗透,其西方价值体系为本的现代意识、“女性个体生存观”与文化比较的视野等等使欧美华人女性自传体创作完成了对于现代中国女性文学、自传体文学、华裔少数民族文学在价值评判、文化反思、性别观念、审美范式等诸多方面的创新与超越。  相似文献   
The Blair governments since 1997 have seen the single most significant period of constitutional reform in Britain for over a century. However, they leave the monarchy, the institution at the apex of the unwritten constitution, untouched. It is argued that neither inaction nor abolition is advisable, but that reform should be undertaken, with particular attention to the rules of succession and to the royal prerogative powers, notable examples being the powers to declare war, to dismiss parliament, to assent to legislation and to appoint the Prime Minister. Those powers now exercised by the executive should be formally and linguistically separated from the office of head of state, and put on a statutory basis. The achievement of these reforms depends, however, on political will and cannot be initiated by the monarchy itself.  相似文献   
从契约理论看家族企业代际传递中的权威散失   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家族企业代际传递的核心是权威传递。从契约(合约)理论的角度看,公众公司和家族企业的权威体系构成,前者以正式契约形成的治理权威为主导,后者以非正式契约形成的管理权威为主导,由于权威在性质和来源上的差异,管理权威的传递难度要比治理权威大得多。影响管理权威的传递存在着众多不确定因素。  相似文献   
唐代家庭财产的法律继承和遗嘱继承   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋代以来的“析籍”政策将大家族、大家庭解体为家庭、小家庭 ,随之而来的是大范围的分家析产。唐代初期 ,为了确保国家的赋役 ,防止百姓借“合户”“析户”逃避纳赋服役 ,唐王朝先后制订了与解决这些问题有关的分家析产政策 ,终于催生了一套以《户令》为中心、实际可行的分家及家产继承法令 ,这是中国历史上第一部成熟的相关法令。同时 ,这些政策、法令的施行 ,又为家产的遗嘱继承提供了可能 ,家产预分开始得到人们的重视。家产的遗嘱继承 ,既依照分家及家产继承法令 ,也突出了家长对财产的处分权和子孙的析产愿望。至唐代中晚期 ,以遗嘱继承为主要形式的家产预分 ,成为分家析产的重要方式。  相似文献   
Several authors claimed that a forensic entomological analysis can never be interpreted as the postmortem interval (PMI), but that it can be interpreted as a minimum postmortem interval (PMImin), or dead for not less than X amount of time. Because in most instances, a PMI estimate should be a range, that is, the set of values from maximum postmortem interval (PMImax) to PMImin, objections to PMI estimation are objections to PMImax estimation. The arguments for this position did not address the substantial body of literature describing estimation of both PMImax and PMImin using insect succession analysis. This report reviews the scientific issues and presents a recent homicide investigation in which several forensic entomology experts used the absence of carrion insects on the corpse, a kind of succession analysis, to estimate PMI or PMImax.  相似文献   
Abstract: The influence of clothing and wrapping on carcass decomposition and arthropod succession was investigated to provide data to enable estimated postmortem interval in homicide investigations. Six pig carcasses, Sus scrofa, were divided into three sample groups, each with a clothed carcass wrapped and a carcass wrapped with no clothes. Two more carcasses, one with no clothes or wrapping, the other with clothes and no wrapping were used as controls. The clothed or wrapped carcasses had larger visible maggot masses, which moved more freely and these carcasses took longer to dry out. The blow fly maggot masses were dominated by Chrysomya marginalis and Chrysomya albiceps. Oviposition occurred simultaneously on all carcasses. High temperatures in one case caused significant maggot mortality. The Coleoptera community was dominated by Silphidae, Thanathopilus micans larvae, Dermestidae, Dermestes maculatus adults and larvae, and Cleridae, Necrobia rufipes.  相似文献   
民国时期的民事立法,既传承传统,又除旧立新。其继承法中的法定继承人的范围及其演变,最为明显地影响传统的家族法。探究中西法文化冲突背景下该领域法律的演变发展很有价值。  相似文献   
同一认定理论在侦查中的继承与拓展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在传统的侦查理论和侦查实践中,同一认定理论仅仅作为刑事侦查技术即技术鉴定的理论加以应用,这不仅在内容上限制了同一认定理论的应用,也在客观上限制了对同一认定理论研究的深化。本文通过详细的实证和分析后认为,同一认定理论在认定的主体、认定的客体以及认定的种类等方面都有较多、较广的拓展。同一认定理论不仅贯穿于侦查活动的全过程,而且贯穿于侦查活动中各项侦查措施和侦查手段中,与侦查活动是全方位、多层次的结合。  相似文献   
宣统二年(1910年)五月颁行的《宗室觉罗诉讼章程》明确规定了满清皇族的司法特权.因皇族特权的"入侵",原由《法院编制法》等赋予检察厅的多项具体职权受到了一定限制.由于检察厅是国家整体利益的代表,因此,仅为皇族利益而侵蚀、压制检察厅职权,这种制度设计是缺乏理性的.尽管消除皇族特权等司法不平等现象是一个长期的艰巨的任务,但在主张司法平等、司法透明的力量的作用下,皇族在刑事诉讼上的司法特权必然会被驱逐出历史舞台.  相似文献   
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