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劳动争议诉讼三题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
受我国传统诉讼文化的影响,我国劳动争议适用法律及法律程序设计等方面,都没有能够充分体现出程序正义和程序效益,法律对弱者所给予的救助和支持存在不同程度的弱化。建立社会主义市场经济体制和加入WTO,呼唤尽快完善我国的劳动法制,劳动争议诉讼制度必须从诉讼时效、诉讼证据和诉讼程序方面进行探讨和改革,以更好地维护劳动者的合法权益。  相似文献   
明末清初[明万历三十六年(1608)至康熙二十年(1681)]的青花瓷艺术没有因御窑停烧和战乱而衰败,相反,出现了空前繁荣的局面,展现了独特的时代特征和风貌.陶瓷学界称这个时期为中国瓷器发展的转变期.由于晚明商品经济的发展,思想观念的解放,御窑与民窑的融合和互动,以及科技的发展,使瓷器在构图风格、造型技法、纹饰绘画、审美观念等方面都有极可贵的创新和发展.  相似文献   
Crime rates have dropped substantially in the United States, but incarceration rates have remained high. The standard explanation for the lasting trend in incarceration is that the policy choices from the 1980s and 1990s were part of a secular increase in punitiveness that has kept rates of incarceration high. Our study highlights a heretofore overlooked perspective: that the crime–punishment wave in the 1980s and 1990s created cohort differences in incarceration over the life course that changed the level of incarceration even decades after the wave. With individual-level longitudinal sentencing data from 1972 to 2016 in North Carolina, we show that cohort effects—the lingering impacts of having reached young adulthood at particular times in the history of crime and punishment—are at least as large (and likely much larger) than annual variation in incarceration rates attributable to period-specific events and proclivities. The birth cohorts that reach prime age of crime during the 1980s and 1990s crime–punishment wave have elevated rates of incarceration throughout their observed life course. The key mechanism for their elevated incarceration rates decades after the crime–punishment wave is the accumulation of extended criminal history under a sentencing structure that systematically escalates punishment for those with priors.  相似文献   
During the Beiyang period of the early Republic of China, the re-trial system覆判 referred to the practice where cases considered by the county magistrate had to be sent to the provincial high court for re-trial to ensure that the case facts were true, the law was correctly applied, and the penalties were appropriate. The scope of the re-trial cases continuously expanded from 1912 to 1922 and, finally, the Amendment to the Statutes on the Re-trial System in 1922 stipulated that all cases under the jurisdiction of the district courts where county magistrates tried, whether through appeal or re-trial, had to be re-tried by the high court or its branches. The adjustment of the scope of the re-trial cases was closely related to the extent to which the county magistrates’ judicial discretion was restricted. During the Beiyang period, due to the failure to establish formal courts of the first instance in counties throughout the country, the county magistrates concurrently handled judicial affairs, which inevitably caused the magistrates’ judicial discretion. The re-trial system was originally designed to compensate for the drawbacks of county magistrates managing judicial affairs and to facilitate the transition within the judicial system. However, the interpretation of the role of the re-trial system should not be limited to reconciliation and adaptation of the old and new judicial systems in the Beiyang period but also to compensate for the deficiencies of county magistrates’ judgments by continuously improving the re-trial procedure and to ensure the fairness of justice through restrictions on the judicial discretion of county magistrates, the enjoyment of equality of procedures, and the establishment of supervision procedures.  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2020,60(5):415-422
The reliable reconstruction of the temperature conditions at a crime scene is still a great challenge in forensic-entomological case work. Despite many published standards and guidelines for reconstructing temperature, and studies analysing the influence of various factors on the accuracy on such reconstructions, there are astonishingly many cases in the literature in which the temperature at the place of discovery is not reconstructed at all, i.e. the most common method is using the data of the nearest meteorological weather station without any correlation with on-site data. This study summarizes the state of the art in temperature reconstruction from an entomological point of view and compares the application of generalized additive models (GAMs) and linear regression on the basis of hypothetical death scenarios with various post mortem intervals (PMI) and measurement periods for the correlation between crime scene and weather station. We show that GAMs i.e. analysing the potential delay effect of temperature within a day, are the tools of choice because they give better, i.e. more accurate estimations than linear regression in 95,6% of all analysed cases regardless of the PMI, body discovery site and correlation period. Nevertheless, each case and crime scene is unique and therefore each entomological expertise should discuss the possible strengths and weaknesses of its temperature reconstruction. Even if temperature is not or cannot be reconstructed for various reasons, a comparison of on-site data with those of a meteorological weather station is the minimum forensic experts should do.  相似文献   
付广华 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):84-87
民族观是一个思想意识层面的问题,包括对民族本身的看法、民族问题产生原因的认识以及解决这些问题的想法及观点。文章通过仔细梳理李宗仁、白崇禧、黄旭初等新桂系领导人的思想,认为新桂系政权在民族问题上的基本观点分为:“中华民族”观、“特种部族”观以及“民族同化”观。之所以呈现这一局面,乃是因为阶级、时势、学术等多方面因素影响的结果。  相似文献   
“十二五”时期的政府角色新定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“十二五”时期,我国经济社会发展将会呈现新的阶段性特征,行政生态环境将会发生重大变化,政府治理将会面临新的时代挑战。所以,政府在公共治理中需要对自己的角色重新定位:由“财富创造者”向“环境提供者”转变,由“经济建设型政府”向“公共治理型政府”转型,由“官本位”向“民本位”回归。实现政府角色新定位,就是要建设服务型政府,要通过“一元化”向“多元化”转变的行政改革明确政府职能定位,通过大部制推进机构整合改革政府机构,通过完善行政管理制度调整政府行为。  相似文献   
当前高校师生在思想上对思想政治工作还存在一些片面认识和错误想法,必须转变观念,提高认识,有针对性地开展高校思想政治工作,为高校的改革与发展提供强大的动力和保证.  相似文献   
对个体经济自由权和经济平等权的保障、对国家经济调节权的控制以及公民对经济秩序参与的推进,是转型时期中国经济法宪政价值的集中体现,是经济法的出发点和归宿。中国经济法的宪政价值契合了当下中国经济社会发展的阶段性特征。这一研究助益经济社会发展和民主宪政的行进方向,不应偏废。  相似文献   
职务犯罪潜伏期是指职务犯罪主体从实施职务犯罪行为即发案到案发的时间跨度。职务犯罪潜伏期增长速度之快、增长幅度之大,亟需关注。深入研究其原因,认清其危害,及时采取有效遏制对策,是惩治和预防职务犯罪中不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   
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