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The climate change problem, or global warming, has gained a prominent place on the international political agenda, since the mid-1980s, when it first attracted political attention. The problem was initially perceived mainly as an environmental problem that could be resolved by technological solutions, its current perception, this essay argues, is best characterized as that of an enviro-economic problem. A perception that is exemplified by the ongoing negotiations for the development of economic mechanisms to tackle the problem. The climate change arena is a complex one, involving dichotomies between developed and developing countries, between fossil fuel producing and importing countries and between small island developing states and other states. This essay outlines the interests that play a role in the climate change negotiations and discusses the international climate change regime as contained in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. It concludes that the climate change negotiations are complicated by the fact that the negotiators, in addition to developing new substantive rules for a complex problem, are involved in developing new systemic rules for the international legal system. These new systemic rules have more in common with rules of national systems of public or administrative law than with traditional rules of international law, which have many similarities with national systems of contract law.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the lessons learned over the past 100 years in international management and conservation of the Earth's natural heritage and biological resources (fauna and flora), in the face of growing threats of degradation and extinction. The focus is on the effectiveness of intergovernmental and non-governmental institutions – in terms of agenda-setting, regime formation, implementation and compliance, and reactions to non-compliance. Among specific case histories analysed are the ivory trade ban, the whaling moratorium, and attempts at establishing an international forest regime. Innovative governance features highlighted in the field of global living resource management include active NGO participation, the use of selective economic incentives and disincentives (e.g. multilateral or bilateral trade sanctions), and a number of judicial enforcement remedies for both species-based and area-based conservation agreements. The paper concludes by assessing the prospects of transition from the paradigm of 'permanent sovereignty over natural resources' towards new concepts of public trusteeship and stewardship.  相似文献   
国际恐怖主义严重危害了世界的和平与人类的安全。当前的国际恐怖活动具有新的形式和特征,给国际社会预防、打击国际恐怖犯罪造成极大困难。国际社会签署的一系列国际公约对防止和打击国际恐怖主义具有特别重要的意义。然而,反恐怖主义国际立法还不完善,应在联合国领导下加强国际立法机关建设,制定国际反恐怖主义法典,协调国际立法与国内立法的关系,加强反恐怖主义国际合作,给国际恐怖主义以最严厉的打击。  相似文献   
导源于罗马法的意思自治原则已成为国际私法中解决法律冲突的一项重要原则和方法。在新近的冲突法立法中,该原则已经跃出合同领域并延伸到侵权、婚姻家庭、继承等传统冲突法严禁意思自治的领域。我国民法典草案第九编第五十条也采用了意思自治原则,但相对于国外的立法显得甚为简陋。全球化经济给我国的国际私法改革带来了新的契机。如何从立法方面保障国际交往的顺利进行已成为重要的研究课题。基于此,文章从比较法的角度对完善我国意思自治原则加以思考。  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(八)》中规定了对外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员行贿罪。其中对此罪罪状的描述是以《联合国反腐败公约》对贿赂犯罪的规定为蓝本的,进行两个法律文本的比较,有助于完善本罪在我国的执行。  相似文献   
中国仲裁制度与国际商事仲裁制度的发展与趋同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际商事仲裁是解决国际商事争议的一种常用方法 ,随着国际经济贸易的发展 ,统一国际商事仲裁制度越来越成为必须与必然。我国的仲裁法在与国际接轨方面做出了很大的努力 ,出现了与国际商事仲裁多方面的趋同。  相似文献   
本文指出 :了解并熟悉WTO、国际惯例和国际经济法之间的关系 ,对于国人应对入世面临的各种挑战尤为重要。文章对GATT到WTO的演进轨迹以及它与国际惯例和国际经济法之间的关系进行了系统的阐述。  相似文献   
经济全球化浪潮席卷着世界的每一个角落 ,它不仅给我们带来经济和社会发展的契机 ,也使中国的犯罪日益呈现出国际化特点 ,跨境、跨国犯罪逐渐增多并且类型复杂 ,严重危害改革开放大业。面对严峻的跨境跨国犯罪形势 ,本文探索了中国跨境跨国犯罪的类型及共性特征 ,并根据中国国情和国际经验 ,从加强国际法制建设和刑事司法合作方面 ,提出了相应的法律和司法防治对策。  相似文献   
国际传播与国际关系之间的密切联系可以追溯到国际传播的早期阶段或者说近代国际关系的早期,随着当今全球化潮流的不断推进与信息化时代的不断进步,两者之间的交织与互动更是前所未有。其中,现代国际传播对国际关系的影响已经愈来愈深刻,且影响的范围越来越广,影响的程度也越来越深。本文从多方面具体探讨了这种作用与影响。  相似文献   
外国法专家因过错出具错误外国法意见并造成当事人损害的,应依照过错责任原则承担侵权责任。外国法查明错误造成的损害,既可以是财产性损害,也可能是非财产性损害如精神损害。只有当外国法专家对损失的发生有过错时才承担责任。专家应当赔偿的损害包括财产损害和非财产损害。出具外国法意见的专家,不得通过约定预先排除其过错责任。  相似文献   
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