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电子劳动合同有利于方便当事人订立劳动合同,促进人力资源管理的信息化和智能化,便利 开展电子政务服务,但也存在技术门槛和技术风险以及数据安全和个人信息保护的问题。研究认为,电子劳动 合同的成立应以内容“可视为书面形式的数据电文为载体”以及“使用可靠的电子签名”为要件。电子劳动合 同与书面劳动合同二者具有同等的法律效力,用人单位其他人力资源管理行为以及劳动者的行为采用电子化形 式,只要符合特定形式要求也具有法律效力。由于主要由用人单位控制电子劳动合同的发起和订立过程,合同 订立过程中的风险和举证责任也应主要由用人单位承担。研究建议,我国应尽快出台全国统一的电子劳动合同 规则,处理好便利和安全的关系,同时完善相关的数据安全和个人信息保护制度。  相似文献   
随着社交网络的不断发展,网络社交平台在给用户带来便利的同时,其安全威胁也随之凸显。脸书"泄密门"等事件已显现出大数据时代网络社交平台风险的新向度,加强网络社交平台风险治理已经引起世界各国的普遍重视。在此背景下,本文通过研究世界主要国家网络社交平台治理的相关政策法规、机构设置及其治理实践,发现各国均注重网络社交平台的监管立法,并设立专门的机构负责网络社交平台监管,同时也引导网络社交平台自治、鼓励多主体共同监管。目前,我国网络社交平台的法律监管体系有待完善,多主体治理机制尚不成熟,存在较大的网络社交平台风险问题。可能的应对策略包括:进一步完善网络社交平台监管法律体系,推进技术手段的深入运用,加强政府引导,鼓励多主体参与,注重培养网络社交平台自治和用户自律意识等。  相似文献   
新《证券法》直接体现了数字经济的内容,主要有:将对客户保密制度升级为投资者个人信息保护制度,明确信息披露的载体包括证券交易场所网站,规定证券登记结算机构可以提供信息服务,在证券交易方面大幅度增加电子化交易的内容,尤其是新增了程序化交易和信息技术系统服务机构,等等。当然新《证券法》在信息技术系统服务机构和程序化交易方面需要进一步细化。而诸如互联网、云计算、大数据等数字技术都是数字经济时代的新型技术,它们虽然没有规定在新《证券法》中,但却对于新《证券法》的实施具有重要意义。未来包括投资性众筹、智能投顾和区块链结算在内的数字经济内容将会在新《证券法》的进一步修改中得到更多体现。  相似文献   
隐私影响评估作为政府保护公民隐私的重要工具,已在西方发达国家隐私管理实践中有着二十多年的应用与发展历程。西方隐私影响评估缘起于公众隐私保护诉求和政府隐私管理需要,在特定的政府信息数据管理项目中通过识别隐私风险因素、评估隐私风险影响和制定隐私风险应对方案发挥着一系列积极作用。隐私影响评估的实施分为准备阶段、分析阶段和落实阶段。准备阶段的任务是描述评估锚定项目、选择评估执行时机、确定评估执行主体和明确评估协商对象,分析阶段的任务是描述项目信息流动、识别项目隐私风险和制定风险应对方案,落实阶段的任务是发布隐私评估报告、实施风险应对方案和持续更新评估结果。西方隐私影响评估的丰富实践给我国制定隐私影响评估指南、设置隐私影响评估机构、构建多元主体协商机制和建立隐私风险管理体系提供了重要启示。  相似文献   
政府数据开放与政府信息公开关系的基本定位为"承继但不取代"。兴起于20世纪60年代的政府信息公开确立了公民的知情权,建构了开放政府的理念和制度,为21世纪大数据时代来临兴起的政府数据开放奠定了基础。政府数据开放在承继政府信息公开的基础上,回应开放数据的基本要求,拓展了开放政府的内涵,形成独立于政府信息公开的制度体系。政...  相似文献   

Social login is the use of a social network account to get access to other services. Since the internet in its architecture does not have the possibility to identify the internet user, for many services, social logins are the solution to authenticate users without the need to set up individual identity management systems. Social logins are not useful for all types of services, however, and the potential lock-in and lock-out of users needs to be considered.  相似文献   
《民法总则》虽然规定数据受法律保护,但第一百二十七条并未明确数据的民法属性,而是以转致条款的形式留给其他法律确认。在法律概念上,“数据信息”相对于“数据”“衍生数据”“数据符号”更具优势。数据信息的基本特性主要是价值性、确定性、独立性、非公开性。从民事权利客体的外在特征确认数据信息为物权客体中物的范畴,从所有权结构论证数据信息设立绝对权的可行性。  相似文献   
Voter participation in elections is important for representational reasons but also because it helps to support the legitimacy of the election outcome. In a recent paper, Schelker and Schneiter (2017) show with data from only one Swiss canton that a small policy intervention (return envelopes with prepaid postage) can lead to substantially increased voter turnout rates. We revisit this finding and extend the analysis to all cantons that allow municipalities to offer free return postage. We find that a credible estimate of the effect is somewhat smaller but still positive and significant. We also document that this effect is not constant but stronger for larger municipalities than for smaller municipalities. Our interviews point to a likely mechanism. These results show that return envelopes with prepaid postage are an effective policy to increase participation, but mostly for large municipalities.  相似文献   
While interest in using 3D scanning technology for crime scene investigation (CSI) has grown in recent years, a number of barriers still remain that prevent its wide adoption in the criminal justice system. One such barrier comes from the lack of tools that can validate a 3D scan and verify that it has not been manipulated. While a great deal of research has gone into the detection of manipulations for 2D images, the detection of manipulations for 3D scenes has yet to be fully realized.This paper introduces a series of techniques to detect if a 3D point cloud generated from a LiDAR scan has been subsequently manipulated. These techniques exploit fundamental structures inherent in the collection and storage of these types of data. While the proposed techniques are able to detect a number of different types of manipulations, their limitations are also discussed. The goal of this work is to provide a foundation for the creation of a validation toolkit that can ensure 3D scan data is valid and unaltered.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic homogamy is a prominent process for reproducing the social structure in preindustrial societies including East Asian countries. Although Joseon Korea was a centralized bureaucratic state under a king, the stratification system was unique by its ambiguity such that the previlege of an upper class was not officially confirmed. Since the social status was rather conferred by the reputation of the family, the quality of marriage relation was important for a man to be ranked as a central official. In this paper, we investigate patterns of social homogamy among elite families in the early Joseon Korea through empirical evidence of the relationship between official rank and spousal family background. We created a novel dataset by compiling the marriage network and official rank information of 14,508 individuals from the jokbos (族譜, genealogy) of 15 elite families and conduct an ordinal logit regression analysis to investigate whether spousal family background increases the probability of an individual being promoted in the bureaucracy. We find that the socio-political power of affinal kin has a greater effect on promotions than the descent and meritocratic effects. Particularly, the empirical evidence shows that marrying into a queen consort’s family increased the likelihood of an individual being ranked in a high position, which was beneficial for retaining the political power of him and the family. The study shows that marriage as a means of managing the socio-political inner circle of elite families, shaping the elites’ socio-political inner circle, built on the marriage network around a queen consort’s family to benefit the royal authority and the elite group.  相似文献   
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