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作为经济学大师,马克思和科斯对企业的起源虽然有着不同的理解,但他们从不同角度对企业产生的前提、企业产生和成本的关系、企业的边界、企业的性质等问题的论述,却共同证明了企业不仅是市场经济条件下社会生产力的一种组织形式,而且是特定经济制度下一种社会生产关系的实现形式。  相似文献   
近年来商品房买卖合同纠纷案件的数量急剧上升,而其中又尤以开发商迟延办理权属证书引发纠纷的比例居多。此类纠纷的爆发具有群体性特征,开发商与购房者间的利益冲突尖锐.审理判决稍有疏失或法律适用未能完全说服当事人便可能引发社会秩序不稳的后果。因此。厘清实践中普遍存在的开发商迟延办理商品房权属证书的违约责任及其诉讼时效的法律依据与法学原理.为审判实践提供统一的适用标准与理论支撑无疑兼具重要的学术价值和现实意义。本文从该类纠纷所涉的基本法律概念与原理入手,通过综合比较学界的不同论点与法律、法规、司法解释的效力层级,力求清晰的体现审判实务中迟延办证违约责任追究及其诉讼时效的法律适用。  相似文献   
I present the first case from the history of early modern Livonia, when a woman participated in the editing and publication of a printed book. Ursula Krüger, wife of Prussian–Livonian humanist Daniel Hermann, illustrates the wider perspective of non-aristocratic women’s activities involving book production in the geographical periphery of humanist culture, Riga, rather than in the heart of European humanism. Her story also illustrates the ability of women to collaborate as an editor, both as a learned woman who could compose Latin dedications and a businesswoman who could financially and organizationally engage in publishing books.  相似文献   
20世纪20年代,起诉便宜主义逐渐在大陆法系国家法律中得到确认,也很快被民国立法者所接受。在民国刑事诉讼法上,微罪不起诉制度是起诉便宜主义的集中体现,这项制度于1928年《刑事诉讼法》中首次得到确立,此后历经多次修改,在检察官作出微罪不起诉处分的考量因素和具体程序等方面得到了完善,但其适用范围则一直比较有限。在实践层面,微罪不起诉在民国时期的适用率始终偏低,因此很难充分实现其应有的价值。  相似文献   
非法使用窃听、窃照专用器材屡禁不止,对公众隐私、国家安全和公共秩序造成了严重侵害。究其原因,现有的法律制裁体系存在漏洞,惩戒力度不足,相关法律之间存在冲突。面对当前愈演愈烈的犯罪形势,有必要重新检视立法的相关规定,完善法律制裁体系。破解这一难题,首先,应当完善刑事制裁,修订《刑法》第283条和284条的相关规定,提升法定刑的幅度,增加罚金刑;其次,应将非法生产、使用和销售间谍专用器材以及非法生产、使用和销售窃听、窃照专用器材的行为纳入《治安管理处罚法》的调整范畴,同时,还应当探索对可能用于窃听、窃照的专用器材设定行政许可的可行性。  相似文献   
在刚刚过去的一轮通货膨胀中,农村的CPI涨幅持续高于城市。这种现象的存在不仅给农民带来更重的负担,也会阻碍国民经济的全面协调可持续发展。究其原因,一是根据一价法则,农村市场价格有向城市市场价格加速收敛的需要;二是农村市场自身不完善;三是政府的财政投入政策和宏观调控政策对农村市场不利。面对这种局面,要从财政投入、完善和规范农村市场制度以及调整宏观调控政策等方面入手解决问题。  相似文献   
论劳动者安全健康权益的保障   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
保证生命安全是人的最基本需求。“安全发展”体现了科学发展观“以人为本”的本质特征。目前我国安全生产形势十分严峻,伤亡事故频发、职业危害严重,劳动者安全健康合法权益受到侵害。只有实现安全发展,劳动者的生命安全得到切实保障,社会才能和谐稳定,经济才能持续发展。因此,构建社会主义和谐社会,必须从保障劳动者安全健康切身利益这一现实问题入手。  相似文献   
What role have the processes and institutions of international development played in creating and propagating ideas around the world? This paper demonstrates that networks of development-focused civil society institutions can form global epistemic bridges even where communication technology, global markets, infrastructure, or state services do not reach. Given the penetration of these ‘civil society knowledge networks’ throughout the world, it is crucial to understand how these networks form, and how they create and spread ideas, mediating between global discourses and local needs. This paper builds on a multi-sited case study of one such civil society knowledge network, which includes an international foundation, its partner non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Kenya, and one village where these NGOs run a forest conservation project. The case study provides a closely textured analysis of the mechanisms of knowledge production and consumption in the network, including personality politics, language, technology, political connections and the power dynamics of knowledge flows. It demonstrates the ways remoteness and disconnection are overcome through the epistemic reach of institutional networks involved in development interventions.  相似文献   

Although India’s cotton sector has been penetrated by various input- and capital-intensive methods, penetration by herbicide has been largely stymied. In Telangana State, the main obstacle has been the practice of ‘double-lining’, in which cotton plants are spaced widely to allow weeding by ox-plow. Path dependency theory primarily explains the persistence of sub-optimal practices, but double-lining is an example of an advantageous path for cash-poor farmers. However, it is being actively undermined by parties intent on expanding herbicide markets and opening a niche for next-generation genetically modified cotton. We use the case to explicate the role of treadmills in technology ‘lock-in’. We also examine how an adaptive locked-in path may be broken by external interests, drawing on recent analyses of ‘didactic’ learning by farmers.  相似文献   
Global production network (GPN) analysts argue that workers actively contribute to the shaping of GPNs through different forms of agency. In this contribution I extend this argument to the tactical agency of small producers. By focusing on the phenomenon of side-selling among Filipino banana contract farmers, I show that these tactics have contributed to the emergence of alternative trade networks that undermined traditional lead firm behaviour and inspired new struggles over chain governance. However, as a diverse and ambiguous group of growers engages in this tactical agency, predominantly as small capital, they also contribute to the continuation of broader dynamics of capital accumulation and labour exploitation.  相似文献   
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