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海峡两岸青年政治价值观异同比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青年的政治价值观反映青年对所处社会的政治现实与理想的基本评价.源于海峡两岸社会政治背景的差异,两岸青年在政治效能感、政治理想追求、政治现实的评价和两岸关系发展等问题上相异也十分明显,但两岸青年对社会政治昌明的追求和共同传承的爱国主义精神纽带,又构成了两岸青年的政治价值观的相通之处.为了促进台湾青年对祖国大陆的了解与信任,必须加大对台政策宣传,积极推进两岸青年的沟通与交流.  相似文献   
政治稳定视野中的利益关系分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
体制转轨时期 ,利益关系的重新调整与组合 ,特别是各种利益之间的分化 ,对当代中国的政治稳定和政治发展具有双重效应。在改革发展进程中应积极构建系统的利益协调机制 ,以机制的有效运作协调各种利益关系 ,实现和保持利益分化与政治稳定之间的和谐共进 ,促进国家的长治久安和社会的有序发展。  相似文献   
加强和改进公安思想政治工作是新时期的必然要求,是建设强大的公安队伍和强有力的公安工作的客观需要。因此,要正确认识和处理好思想政治工作的长期性和紧迫性的关系;要反对形式主义,转变工作作风,在狠抓落实上下功夫;要增强时代感和针对性,使思想政治工作在加强的过程中改进,在继承的基础上创新;要坚持以人为本,以情感召,力戒以训代教,增强思想政治工作的感召力和凝聚力;要重视领导机关和领导干部的形象和导向作用,不要把群众当成“第一对象”;要重视行政强调和规章制约,不应轻视理论灌输,增强思想政治工作的理论思维;要把思想政治工作与解决实际问题结合起来,既要讲道理又要办实事;要围绕中心选准切入点,把思想政治工作结合、渗透到具体工作之中。  相似文献   
在转型社会中,政治决策是拥有主要政治权力的行政主体,与反映主要群体利益的社会主体之间的博弈均衡。现实的各种政治后果可以从考虑期权价值的延迟均衡和抢先均衡来说明,也可以表现为考虑心理动机的“公平均衡”。在如同海峡两岸博弈这样复杂的均衡组合中,作者推论存在可以称为“虚妄公平”的均衡概念。转型社会的各个主体因此必须寻求“真实公平”策略选择,才能实现真正公平的政治决策目标。  相似文献   
社会主义荣辱观与民族高校大学生德育教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡锦涛总书记关于树立社会主义荣辱观的重要思想,为解决当前民族高校大学生德育教育的问题指明了具体方向,找到了着力点,找准了突破口。民族高校应紧抓这个机遇,开创民族高校大学生德育教育新局面。  相似文献   
家庭环境中的思想政治教育探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家庭是进行思想政治教育的重要环境,它对家庭成员的思想影响具有基础性、持续性、深入性及情感优势性等特征。家庭环境中的物质环境和精神环境因素对思想政治教育工作具有深刻的影响。  相似文献   
论新形势下钓鱼岛争端的解决策略——以法律手段为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国对钓鱼岛之主权,有着充分的理据。“搁置争议、共同开发”方针是中国对钓鱼岛争端的重大善意释放,然而时下种种迹象表明,中国缔造的中日互信机制已面临困境。采用法律手段解决钓鱼岛争端势在必行,中国应作好充分的准备将钓鱼岛争端提交国际仲裁或司法解决。  相似文献   

The Dayton Peace Agreement ended the violence in Bosnia–Herzegovina, however, it also solidified antagonistic political identities leading to the creation of two social contracts: an ‘elite social contract’ involving primarily political elites of the main ethnic groups and an ‘everyday social contract’ involving ordinary citizens trying to manage a complex social and economic environment. The first social contract is hegemonic, however, alternative, non-nationalist views are slowly emerging. Grassroots groups, the surviving remnants of inter-ethnic coexistence, the integrating pull of market forces and the presence of a large diaspora all constitute resources for the creation of a resilient national social contract.  相似文献   

The efforts undertaken to establish the contemporary European Union started many years earlier. The history of establishing a pan-European organization is interesting not only for historians and economists but also translators and linguists as it is the history of interlingual communication (negotiations and agreements). One such negotiation was allegedly ineffective due to the difference in understanding the French term engagement and its English equivalent employed by translators and interpreters, that is to say the English term commitment. The authors aim at presenting the political background of negotiations and the social semiotic analysis of the terms in question in order to provoke the reader to find the answer to the question whether the negotiation was broken due to interlingual miscommunication resulting from erroneously chosen equivalent or it was destined to failure from the very beginning due to socio-political and economic interests of negotiating parties. In order to achieve that goal, the authors have analysed notes exchanged between the governments of France and Great Britain in course of negotiation. The history of negotiation and the linguistic analysis are combined to illustrate the complexity of meaning construction and the semiotic implications of the contextual dependence of meanings of terms and their dynamic evolution in time and space.  相似文献   
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