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我国排污收费制度存在的问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
排污收费制度是我国环境法律制度中的一项基本制度,对污染的治理和环境的改善起到了重要的作用。但是,我国现行的排污收费制度无论在立法上还是在实践中都存在着一些问题,导致排污费征收情况不容乐观。因此,我们必须要不断完善排污收费制度,将经济建设和环境保护协调统一起来,在发展经济的同时更要注重污染治理。  相似文献   
近年来,水污染犯罪问题日益呈现,然而现行刑法对此问题的规范却极不完善。纵观国外的立法,我国刑法可采用修正案形式规定水污染犯罪的主观罪过、行为犯、危险犯和刑罚等,以弥补在这方面的缺憾。  相似文献   
英关法系的严格责任和我国民法的过错推定实质是一致的,它没有违背主客观相统一原则,没有否认罪过作为犯罪构成的必要构成要素,它仍是过错责任的一部分。环境污染具有众多特殊性,为了应对这种特殊性,更好地打击环境犯罪,维护公共利益和保护公民的合法权益,重大环境污染事故罪主观方面的认定中应引进严格责任。作为客观归罪的绝对责任应排除在本罪主观方面之外。  相似文献   
Eight years after the launch of the Stern Review of the economics of climate change, a new major report on economic growth and climate change (Better Growth, Better Climate) has been published by a Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, chaired by Nicholas Stern. While this comprehensive review of recent evidence has some overlap with the original Stern Review, it focuses more on the short‐term costs and benefits of action needed to reduce carbon emissions in specific parts of the economy such as cities, energy and agriculture. Perhaps the most noted conclusion of the report is that policies which governments should be pursuing anyway, because they will reduce pollution, improve health, raise productivity and reduce congestion, will cut carbon emission by between 50 and 90 per cent of what is needed to get to a 2°C pathway. This is an important report that will have considerable influence, although it has had lower public visibility than the original Stern Review. However, it also points to the need for a better understanding of the politics of climate policy, and why the opportunities to adopt policies that have multiple long‐term public benefits do not get taken. While Better Growth, Better Climate does have a chapter on the political economy of change, the analysis is limited, and could be deepened by bringing in the growing literature on the politics of climate policy.  相似文献   
U.S. energy firms are increasingly expanding their production of natural gas oftentimes by relying on a controversial extraction technique known as hydraulic fracturing. While proponents cite a litany of benefits including economic development and reduced carbon emissions, opponents articulate concerns typically centering on environmental quality. Caught between these opposing points of view, states are turning to disclosure requirements. Yet all disclosure statutes are not created equally. In order to better understand this variation, I utilize Abel, Stephan, and Kraft's (ASK) 2007 performance model, which evaluates the effectiveness of information‐based disclosure rules for industry. The model here, however, is applied in an attempt to understand why disclosure regulations emerge and vary across states. Results generally validate the ASK approach but with one caveat. I find that in the context of differing disclosure regulations, the ASK model's pollution severity/risk measure may be refined by including risk perception.  相似文献   
刘力菲  刘腾 《行政与法》2013,(6):103-108
发生在2011年的渤海湾溢油事故,暴露出我国油污损害赔偿制度的严重缺陷。本文在分析国际公约、国内立法及钻井平台法律属性的基础上,对钻井平台油污损害赔偿的立法完善提出建议:在立法形式上,应修改《海洋环境保护法》,在其确立的框架下制定具体规范钻井平台和船舶油污损害赔偿问题的《油污法》;在制度内容上,应加大行政处罚力度,建立强制责任保险制度和损害赔偿基金制度,并通过保障受害者的知情权等为其民事求偿提供支持。  相似文献   
土壤污染侵权是伴随着社会工业化和农业现代化的发展而出现的一种新型的环境污染侵权。土壤污染因其复杂性、隐蔽性、潜伏性、长期性等不同于其他污染的特点,致使其侵权责任的认定成为案件处理的难点。在土壤污染侵权案件中,及时有效地确定侵害主体和受害主体,合理分配原被告双方的举证责任,正确认定污染行为与损害结果之间是否存在因果关系对于案件争端的解决具有关键作用,直接关乎受害人权益的救济。  相似文献   
肖爱  吴正鼎 《时代法学》2011,9(2):79-84
《刑法修正案(八)》第46条规定了"严重污染环境罪",删去了《刑法》第338条的"致使公私财产遭受重大损失或者人身伤亡的严重后果"。但是,如果舍弃传统的经济价值核算方式,而生态价值核算尚不具有司法上的可操作性,则"严重污染环境"难以明确,该修正条文将适得其反。保持现有的财产损失和人身伤亡的后果要件,增加对生态损害后果的考量,或具有权宜性,但更符合法制发展的渐进性精神。  相似文献   
近10年来,我国渤海地区的环境污染问题正不断引起各方面的高度重视,海区及其周边区域的生态环境正面临着越来越大的压力。其形成原因是多方面的。环境问题增大了环渤海地区经济发展的成本,不利于本地区经济的可持续发展,对本地区吸引投资不利。但其环境立法具有社会经济、政策、法制等诸多可行和有利因素。目前可以提倡制定一部单独的《环渤海区域环境保护特别法》,对渤海海域的环境污染和生态破坏作出综合治理的规定。  相似文献   
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