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传统社会中的孝包含养和敬两方面内容。现代社会,法律主要通过关于赡养费的规定来实现养的部分。近几年法院试图通过判决子女的探望义务,即精神赡养来实现敬的内容。但精神赡养离传统中的敬还有一段距离,因为孝的实现必须有相关制度加以保证。传统社会中,孝具有较强的政治色彩,不仅有礼作为制度化的表现,而且有法为其提供赖以存在的条件。礼和法不仅实现了孝中的养,而且促成了孝中的敬。在不具备这些条件的情况下,精神赡养并不能真正实现孝所要求的敬的内容。  相似文献   
How should party governments make representative democracy? Much of the democracy representation literature assumes that voters prefer parties to fulfill the promises of their election campaigns, with higher preference for promise-keeping placed on the party a voter supports. That voters agree with these assumptions, however, remains largely unclear and this is the main hypothesis of this article. Within the context of Australia, this article investigates voter preferences regarding three ideal party representative styles: promise-keeping, focus on public opinion, and seeking the common good. Furthermore, it tests whether voters prefer their party – over other parties – to keep their promises. Based on novel and innovative survey data, this study finds that, generally, voters care least about parties keeping their promises and their preferences are unaffected by their party support. These results, if confirmed in other contexts, not only challenge the primacy of promise-keeping, but also the assumed ubiquitous party effect.  相似文献   
Interactions between horizontal accountability agencies (e.g., anti‐corruption agencies [ACAs]) and social accountability actors (e.g., journalists, civil society activists, and complainants/whistleblowers) are recognized as important to horizontal agencies’ performance, but the reason(s) is not clear. This study therefore explores why horizontal accountability agencies need social accountability actors in performing their functions. The study analyses data from 30 key stakeholders in Australia, including ACAs staff members, social accountability actors, and other observers to report on the specific support roles social actors play to ACAs’ activities and operations. Through the conceptual lens of social accountability, evidence show that social actors play four key types of support roles to ACAs’ activities and operations: activate ACAs’ investigations; “amplify” ACAs’ operations; guard ACAs’ activities and operations; and defend ACAs’ independence and powers. These findings support the need for interactions and, also, affirm the potential for research into how these support roles can better be provided for effective anti‐corruption outcomes. The research is of value to public accountability agencies in Australia, and internationally.  相似文献   
价格指数在经济政策尤其是价格政策制定中发挥着重要作用。从时空维度上看,价格指数一般可分为时间价格指数和空间价格指数,二者都属于价格统计的范畴,在编制要素、编制流程、组织管理模式、加权处理方式、质量调整方法等方面具有一致性。但是,时间价格指数和空间价格指数也存在显著的差异性,主要体现在理论内涵、指数性质、测度目标、计算公式、规格品价格调查范围、权重数据来源、规格品选择方案和对数据的要求等方面。推动时间价格指数与空间价格指数的协调,有助于建立一致、统一的价格统计体系,形成反映地区价格水平及变动的完整图谱。为此,实践上应积极探索ICP与CPI统计体系的整合,增加二者在居民消费品基本支出分类上的直接匹配度。  相似文献   
应对金融危机:从比较中看俄罗斯经济的转型与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年和2008年的两次金融危机俄罗斯都没能幸免。两次危机中,虽然诱因不同,但俄罗斯均表现出了股市下挫、银行遭遇流动性危机、卢布贬值等特征。就危机前的宏观经济背景而言,两次危机期间都发生了国际原油价格的大幅下挫,但石油价格下降的原因、幅度及其对俄罗斯造成的影响却有所不同;两次危机都使俄罗斯受负债拖累,但1998年以主权债务为主,而2008年以企业债为主。从根本上来讲,两次危机都暴露出了俄罗斯依靠油气收益和外国低息贷款来发展经济的致命弱点,并且显示出近十年的经济转型与发展尚未从根本上改变其经济结构和发展模式。通过两次危机的对比,也再次证明市场经验不足的转型与发展中国家一定要慎重对待金融的开放与自由化。  相似文献   
俄罗斯在改革前是长期的计划价格体制,存在许多弊端,也进行过改革,但成效甚微。俄罗斯价格体制改革采取的是激进的一次性放开价格的方式,改革后出现了高通货膨胀与经济缩减,但并不能就此全面否定俄罗斯的价格体制改革,要分析其产生的历史原因。从总体上看,价格体制改革奠定了俄罗斯长期经济发展的制度基础。俄罗斯价格体制改革对中国具有启示意义,中国的价格体制改革应坚持走渐进式的改革道路,在某些方面要采取果断措施继续推进市场化方向的改革,在改革过程中要采取措施减少物价上涨的负面影响。  相似文献   
The transparency of the securities market reveals the extent of transaction information transmission to traders. According to the relative trading position, it can be divided into pre-trade transparency and post-trade transparency. Using Shanghai Stock market high frequency trading data, this paper builds an econometric model and analyzes the market effect of two important changing pre-trading transparency events. The empirical result hows that the pre-trade transparency changing has no significant effect on market liquidity. The expansion from 3-layer bid-and-ask price to 5-layer obviously lifts the stock price, leading to the U-shape change in volatility and trading volume. However, the 5-layer bid-and-ask price expansion to 10-layer in level 2 shows no significant effect.  相似文献   
被破坏性膜拜团体精神控制受害者的心理成长工作,在西方国家被一些学者称为“脱教”,这个过程是一个人心理成长的重要阶段。成长是人一生的课题,一个人的成长必须靠自身的觉醒和努力,拒绝成长单靠外界的压力,是很难实现成长的。因此,这是一项涉及许多方面、非常艰难的工作。这里仅从完善家庭支持系统与被破坏性膜拜团体精神控制受害者的心理成长的角度提出我们的一些看法。  相似文献   
随着我国人口老年化的加剧,作为人口占多数的农村养老问题也受到更多的关注。由于家庭结构变化,中国家庭4-2-1模式的普遍存在,传统家庭养老面临巨大挑战,新型的农村社区居家养老应运而生。但由于法律建设的不健全,农村社区养老在实践中面临困境。要解决这一问题,就要基于法律的思维,构建完善的农村社区居家养老模式。  相似文献   
《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):39-46
Literature for young people has changed greatly since Severzteeiztlz Suinrner and Fifreerz were published. Society has changed greatly, too, in the last few decades. Many modern books reflect society's involvement with drugs, sex, alcohol, and violence. Teenagers will read a great variety of stories and view different images of themselves and their times.  相似文献   
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